Martimort, David
Multi-Principaux avec Anti-Sélection.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (28).
pp. 1-38.
Martimort, David
Multi-Principaux avec Anti-Sélection.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 14
Ivaldi, Marc and Martimort, David
Competition under Nonlinear Pricing.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 29
Ivaldi, Marc and Martimort, David
Competition under Nonlinear Pricing.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (34).
pp. 71-114.
Martimort, David
Exclusive Dealing, Common Agency and Multiprincipals Incentive Theory.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 43
Martimort, David and Moreaux, Michel
La Nouvelle Micro-Economie et l'Analyse du Secteur Agro-Alimentaire : Quelques Développements Récents.
Cahiers d'Économie et Sociologie Rurales (32).
pp. 41-71.
Martimort, David and Moreaux, Michel
La Nouvelle Micro-Economie et l'Analyse du Secteur Agro-Alimentaire : Quelques Développements Récents.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 35
Martimort, David
Exclusive Dealing, Common Agency and Multiprincipals Incentive Theory.
RAND Journal of Economics, 27 (1).
pp. 1-31.
Martimort, David
The Multiprincipal Nature of the Government.
European Economic Review, 40.
pp. 673-685.
Brainard, Lael S. and Martimort, David
Strategic Trade Policy Design with Asymmetric Information and Public Contracts.
Review of Economic Studies, 63 (1).
pp. 81-105.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
Collusion Under Asymmetric Information.
Econometrica, 65 (4).
pp. 875-911.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
The Firm as a Multicontract Organization.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 6 (2).
pp. 201-234.
Brainard, Lael S. and Martimort, David
Strategic Trade Policy for Uninformed Policy Makers.
Journal of International Economics, 42.
pp. 33-65.
Martimort, David
A Theory of Bureaucratization Based on Reciprocity and Collusive Behavior.
Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 99 (4).
pp. 555-579.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
Collusion and Delegation.
RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (2).
pp. 280-305.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
Transaction Costs, Institution Design and the Separation of Powers.
European Economic Review, 42.
pp. 673-684.
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine, Laffont, Jean-Jacques
and Martimort, David
The Endogenous Transaction Costs of Delegated Auditing.
European Economic Review, 43 (4-6).
pp. 1039-1048.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
The Collusion-Proof Samuelson Conditions for Public Goods.
Journal Of Public Economic Theory, 1 (4).
pp. 399-438.
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
Contractual Externalities and Common Agency Equilibria.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 110
Martimort, David
The Life Cycle of Regulatory Agencies : Dynamic Capture and Transaction Costs.
Review of Economic Studies, 66.
pp. 929-948.
Martimort, David
Renegotiation Design with Multiple Regulators.
Journal of Economic Theory, 88 (2).
pp. 261-294.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
Separation of Regulators against Collusive Behavior.
RAND Journal of Economics, 30 (2).
pp. 232-262.
Biais, Bruno, Martimort, David
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Competing Mechanisms in a Commun Value Environment.
Econometrica, 68 (4).
pp. 799-837.
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine, Laffont, Jean-Jacques
and Martimort, David
A Theory of Supervision with Endogenous Transaction Costs.
Annals of Economics and Finance, 1.
pp. 231-263.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
Mechanism Design with Collusion and Correlation.
Econometrica, 68 (2).
pp. 309-342.
Martimort, David
Optimal Taxation and Strategic Budget Deficit Under Political Regime Switching.
Review of Economic Studies, 68 (3).
pp. 573-593.
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine and Martimort, David
On Some Agency Costs of Intermediated Contracting.
Economics Letters, 71 (1).
pp. 75-82.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
The Theory of Incentives: The Principal-Agent Model.
Princeton University Press
ISBN 9780691091846
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
The Revelation and Delegation Principles in Common Agency.
Econometrica, 70 (4).
pp. 1659-1673.
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine, Laffont, Jean-Jacques
and Martimort, David
Risk Averse Supervisors and the Efficiency of Collusion.
Contributions to Theoretical Economics, 2 (1).
Martimort, David and Verdier, Thierry
From Inside the Growth Process.
Journal of the European Economic Association, 1 (n°2-3).
pp. 621-629.
Martimort, David and Verdier, Thierry
The Agency Cost of Internal Collusion and Schumpeterian Growth.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 170
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine, Laffont, Jean-Jacques
and Martimort, David
Collusion, Delegation and Supervision with Soft Information.
Review of Economic Studies, 70 (2).
pp. 253-280.
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
Contractual Externalities in Common Agency Games.
Advances in Theoretical Economics, 3 (1).
Martimort, David, De Donder, Philippe
and De Villemeur, Étienne
An Incomplete Contract Perspective on Public Good Provision.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 212
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine and Martimort, David
Regulatory Inertia.
RAND Journal of Economics, 34 (3).
pp. 413-438.
Martimort, David and Verdier, Thierry
The Agency Cost of Internal Collusion and Schumpeterian Growth.
Review of Economic Studies, 71 (4).
pp. 1119-1141.
Dequiedt, Vianney and Martimort, David
Delegated Monitoring versus Arm's-Length Contracting.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 22 (n°7).
pp. 951-981.
Hiriart, Yolande, Martimort, David
and Pouyet, Jérôme
On the Optimal Use of Ex Ante Regulation and Ex Post Liability.
Economics Letters, 84 (2).
pp. 231-235.
Gromb, Denis Emmanuel and Martimort, David
The Organization of Delegated Expertise.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 284
Gabillon, Emmanuelle and Martimort, David
The Benefits of Central Bank's Political Independence.
European Economic Review, 48 (2).
pp. 353-378.
Hiriart, Yolande and Martimort, David
The Benefits of Extended Liability.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 334
Martimort, David
In Memoriam Jean-Jacques Laffont.
Revue d'économie politique (n°3).
pp. 265-268.
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine and Martimort, David
Jean-Jacques Laffont et la théorie des incitations de groupes.
Revue d'Economie Politique (n°3).
pp. 349-371.
De Donder, Philippe, Martimort, David
and De Villemeur, Étienne
An Incomplete Contract Perspective on Public Good Provision.
Journal of Economic Surveys, 19 (2).
pp. 149-180.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David
The Design of Transnational Public Good Mechanisms for Developing Countries.
Journal of Public Economics, 89 (2-3).
pp. 159-196.
Martimort, David and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Signaling and the Design of Delegated Management Contracts for Public Utilities.
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 37 (n° 4).
pp. 763-782.
Hiriart, Yolande and Martimort, David
The Benefits of Extended Liability.
RAND Journal of Economics, 37 (2).
pp. 562-582.
Martimort, David
An Agency Perspective on the Costs and Benefits of Privatization.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 30 (1).
pp. 5-44.
Hiriart, Yolande and Martimort, David
Environmental Risk Regulation and Liability under Adverse Selection.
In: Frontiers in the Economics of Environmental Regulation and Liability
Ashgate Pub Co.
Series “Ashgate Studies in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics”
pp. 209-233.
ISBN 978-0754642084
Boyer, Marcel, Hiriart, Yolande
and Martimort, David
Recent Developments on Regulation and Liability.
In: Frontiers in the Economics of Environmental Regulation and Liability
Ashgate Pub Co.
Series “Ashgate Studies in Environmental and Natural Resource Economics”
pp. 1-16.
ISBN 978-0754642084
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey
Continuity in Mechanism Design without Transfers.
Economics Letters, 93 (2).
pp. 182-189.
Martimort, David
Contract Theory.
In: New Palgrave
Arrow, Kenneth J., Blume, Lawrence E. and Durlauf, Steven N. (eds.)
New Palgrave.
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey
The Pluralistic View of Politics: Asymmetric Lobbyists, Ideological Uncertainty and Political Entry.
Economics Letters, vol.97 (n°2).
pp. 155-161.
Khalil, Fahad, Martimort, David and Parigi, Bruno M.
Monitoring a Common Agent: Implications for Financial Contracting.
Journal of Economic Theory, 135 (n°1).
pp. 35-67.
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey
Political Biases in Lobbying under Asymmetric Information.
Journal of the European Economic Association, vol.5 (n°2).
pp. 614-623.
Martimort, David and Piccolo, Salvatore
Resale Price Maintenance under Asymmetric Information.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.25 (n°2).
pp. 315-339.
Faure-Grimaud, Antoine and Martimort, David
Political Stabilization by an Independent Regulator.
In: Political Economy of Antitrust
Elsevier Science.
pp. 383-416.
ISBN 978-0-444-53093-6
Gromb, Denis Emmanuel and Martimort, David
Collusion and the Organization of Delegated Expertise.
Journal of Economic Theory, vol.137 (n°1).
pp. 271-299.
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey
The Informational Effects of Competition and Collusion in Legislative Politics.
Journal of Public Economics, 92 (n°7).
pp. 1541-1563.
Iossa, Elisabetta, Martimort, David
and Pouyet, Jérôme
Partenariats public-privé: quelques réflexions.
Revue économique, 59 (3).
pp. 437-450.
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey
Ideological Uncertainty and Lobbying Competition.
Journal of Public Economics, 92.
pp. 456-481.
Martimort, David and Pouyet, Jérôme
To Build or not to Build: Normative and Positive Theories of Public–Private Partnerships.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.26 (n°2).
pp. 393-411.
Hiriart, Yolande, Martimort, David
and Pouyet, Jérôme
The Regulator and the Judge : The Optimal Mix in the Control of Environmental Risk.
Revue d'Economie Politique, 118 (n°8).
p. 184.
Martimort, David and Straub, Stéphane
Infrastructure Privatization and Changes in Corruption Patterns: The Roots of Public Discontent.
Journal of Development Economics, 90 (n°1).
pp. 69-84.
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Martimort, David
Renégociation de contrats dans l'industrie du transport urbain.
Revue Économique, 60 (4).
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
Selecting Equilibria in Common Agency Games.
Journal of Economic Theory, vol.144 (n°2).
pp. 604-634.
Bontemps, Christian, Martimort, David
, Roucolle, Chantal
and Thomas, Alban
Estimating Optimal Contracts under Delegated Management in the French Water Sector.
LERNA Working Paper
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
Market Participation under Delegated and Intrinsic Common Agency Games.
RAND Journal of Economics.
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Martimort, David
The Cost of Contract Renegotiation: Evidence from the Local Public Sector.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-190
Martimort, David and Moreira, Humberto
Common Agency and Public Good Provision under Asymmetric Information.
Theoretical Economics, 5 (2).
pp. 159-213.
Martimort, David, Poudou, Jean-Christophe
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Contracting for an Innovation under Bilateral Asymmetric Information.
The Journal Of Industrial Economics, 58 (n°2).
pp. 324-348.
Martimort, David and Piccolo, Salvatore
The Strategic Value of Quantity Forcing Contracts.
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2 (1).
pp. 204-229.
Hiriart, Yolande, Martimort, David
and Pouyet, Jérôme
The Public Management of Risk: Separating Ex Ante and Ex Post Monitors.
Journal of Public Economics, 94.
pp. 1008-1019.
Martimort, David, Poudou, Jean-Christophe
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Contracting and Ideas Disclosure in the Innovation Process.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics, 101.
pp. 287-306.
Iossa, Elisabetta and Martimort, David
The Theory of Incentives Applied to PPPs in the Transport Sector.
In: Handbook of Transportation Economics
Handbook of Transportation Economics.
Chapter 29.
pp. 684-707.
ISBN 9781847202031
Bonnet, Céline, Dubois, Pierre
, Martimort, David
and Straub, Stéphane
Empirical Evidence on Satisfaction with Privatization in Latin America.
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 26 (n° 1).
pp. 1-33.
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Martimort, David
The Cost of Contract Renegotiation: Evidence from the Local Public Sector.
American Economic Review, 103 (6).
pp. 2352-2383.
Martimort, David and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Solving the GlobalWarming Problem: Beyond Markets, Simple Mechanisms May Help!
Canadian Journal Of Economics, 46 (2).
pp. 361-378.
Biais, Bruno, Martimort, David
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Corrigendum to "Competing mechanisms in a common value environment".
Econometrica, 81 (1).
pp. 393-406.
Martimort, David and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Accords environnementaux : le marché peut-il réussir l’arbitrage entre incitations et participation ?
Revue Économique, 65 (4).
pp. 481-197.
Martimort, David and Straub, Stéphane
How to Design Infrastructure Contracts in a Warming World? A Critical Appraisal of Public-Private Partnerships.
International Economic Review, vol. 57 (n° 1).
pp. 61-88.
Martimort, David and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
A Mechanism Design Approach to Climate Agreements.
Journal of the European Economic Association, 14 (3).
pp. 669-718.
Fay, Marianne, Martimort, David
and Straub, Stéphane
Funding and financing infrastructure: the joint-use of public and private finance.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-927, Toulouse
Bardey, David, Gromb, Denis Emmanuel
, Martimort, David
and Pouyet, Jérôme
Controlling sellers who provide advice: regulation and competition.
Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 68 (n° 3).
pp. 409-444.
Martimort, David and Pouyet, Jérôme
Downstream Mergers in Vertically Related Markets with Capacity Constraints.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.72.
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
Nonlinear Pricing with Average-Price Bias.
American Economic Review: Insights, vol.2 (n°3).
pp. 375-396.
Martimort, David, Pouyet, Jérôme
and Staropoli, Carine
Use and Abuse of Regulated Prices in Electricity Markets : How to Regulate Regulated Prices ?
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 29 (n° 3).
pp. 605-634.
Martimort, David and Perrin-Lefebvre, Karine
“When Olson Meets Dahl”: From Inefficient Groups Formation to Inefficient Policy Making.
Journal of Politics, vol.82 (n°3).
pp. 1026-1043.
Fay, Marianne, Martimort, David
and Straub, Stéphane
Funding and financing infrastructure: the joint-use of public and private finance.
Journal of Development Economics, vol. 150 (n° 102629).
Martimort, David, Pommey, Guillaume
and Pouyet, Jérôme
Optimal regulation design of airports: Investment incentives and impact of commercial services.
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Vol. 164.
pp. 25-44.
Lefebvre, Perrin and Martimort, David
Delegation, Capture and Endogenous Information Structures.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1418, Toulouse
Lefebvre, Perrin and Martimort, David
Reform for Sale : a Common Agency Model with Moral Hazard Frictions.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1419, Toulouse
Lefebvre, Perrin and Martimort, David
Reform for Sale : A Common Agency Model with Moral Hazard Frictions.
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 9781009285582
Martimort, David, Fleckinger, Pierre
and Roux, Nicolas
Should they compete or should they cooperate? the view of agency theory.
Journal of Economic Literature, vol.62 (n°4).
pp. 1589-1646.
Arve, Malin and Martimort, David
Auctioning long-term projects under financial constraints.
Review of Economic Studies (n°rdae106).
Martimort, David and Stole, Lars
Menu Auctions Under Asymmetric Information.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1592, Toulouse
Bianchi, Milo, Martimort, David
and Straub, Stéphane
Interoperability and Quality Provision in Digital Payments.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1587, Toulouse
Martimort, David and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Media mergers in nested markets.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy.
Martimort, David and Pouyet, Jérôme
Promotional Allowances : Loss Leading as an Incentive Device.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1564, Toulouse
Guillouet, Louise and Martimort, David
Acting in the darkness: towards some foundations for the precautionary principle.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1411, Toulouse
Martimort, David and Pouyet, Jérôme
Why is exclusivity in broadcasting rights prevalent and why does simple regulation fail?
RAND Journal of Economics.
(In Press)