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Number of items at this level: 107.


Alcouffe, Alain (2010) La première réception de Leon Walras par les économistes allemands. In: colloque du centenaire organisé sous la responsabilité du Laboratoire de recherche TRIANGLE (U. M. R. n°5206 du C.N.R.S. (E.N.S.-L.S.H. -Université Lumière-Lyon 2 – I. E. P. de Lyon), 2010, Lyon.

Alik-Lagrange, Arthur (2016) Trois essais sur le workfare dans les pays en développement. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Arnabal Rocca, Luis Rodrigo (2020) Essays on Public Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Azam, Jean-Paul, Bates, Robert H. and Biais, Bruno (2009) Political Predation and Economic Development. Economics & Politics, vol. 21 (n° 2). pp. 255-277.


Babii, Aleksandra (2020) Three Essays in International Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Babii, Andrii (2017) Essays on econometrics models with endogeneity. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Baha, Alae (2022) Essays in microeconomic theory., Essais en théorie economique. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Batté, Loïc (2015) Essays on the Political Economy of Intergenerational Public Transfers. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Bernal Uribe, Juan Felipe (2012) Innovation, intellectual property rights and international knowledge diffusion. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Bernard, Olga (2020) Essais en économie de la science : qualité de publication et incitations à faire de la recherche. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Bird, Julia (2015) Essays on the Economics of Infrastructure and Public Investment. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Bridet, Luc (2016) Essays on the Economics of Information. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Bruneel-Zupanc, Christophe Alain (2021) Essays in Structural Econometrics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Bétaille, Julien and Gollier, Christian (2023) Grands chantiers : « Est-on encore capable d’un débat public argumenté et rationnel ? ». Le monde. [Mainstream media article]


Cailluet, Ludovic and Brachet-Champsaur, Florence (2010) The Great Depression? Challenging the Periodization of French Business History in the Interwar Period. Business and Economic History On-Line, 8.

Cano, Liliana (2015) Income inequality, top income shares and economic mobility : Ecuador 2004-2011. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Carbonnel, Alexandre (2011) Essays in Economics of the Pharmaceutical Industry. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Casula, Marina (2019) « La vie simple » ? : paradoxes et projets de développement au Vanuatu. In: Îles 2019."Les îles à venir". Regards croisés des sciences, des cultures et de la société, 17-19 ocotobre 2019, Brest.

Centorrino, Samuele (2013) Causality, endogeneity and nonparametric estimation. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Colletis, Gabriel and Demoustier, Danièle (2012) L’Économie sociale et solidaire face à la crise : simple résistance ou participation au changement ? Revue internationale de l'économie sociale : Recma (325).

Crespo Cepas, Juan (2013) Understanding cluster dynamics in evolutionary economic geography : essays on the structure of networks and clusters life style. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).


D'Arcangelo, Filippo Maria (2020) Essays in Environmental Economics‎: Carbon Markets, Competitiveness and Common Pool Resources. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

De Menna, Bruno (2020) Essays on the Risk-Taking Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission in the Euro Area. École doctorale Droit et Science Politique (Toulouse).

De Soyres, Constance (2017) Three Essays on Sovereign Debts and Macroeconomics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Diendéré, Achille (2012) Changement institutionnel, utilisation des produits phytosanitaires et gestion de la qualité de l'eau : le cas de trois zones d'agriculture intensive au Burkina Faso. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Dong, Yaohui (2018) Essays in Health Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Dupuis, Nicolas (2015) Essays in Industrial Organization. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Emmerling, Johannes (2011) Essays in environmental economics and the role of risk, inequality, and time. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Ferranna, Maddalena (2015) Three Essays on the Decision Making under Risk and Equity Concerns. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Ferrari, Sylvie (1992) Étude économique des ressources énergétiques dans le cadre d'une approche globale intégrant l'environnement. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Ferraro, Jimena (2016) Essays in Applied Microeconomics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Ferret, Jérôme and Azam, Jean-Paul (2022) Radicalization of islam or peddling radicalism? Lessons from the French experience. In: Workshop Université de Konstanz, dossier “Radicalization and Mobilization”, 19-20 mai 2022, Konstanz.

Fliegner, Jasmin Claire (2019) Essays on the Econometrics of Program Evaluation: On the Reliability of Observational Methods Based on Unconfoundedness. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Frenoux, Clément (2016) Institutions et transactions : déterminants et performances des services non conventionnels d'approvisionnement en eau dans les villes en développement : le cas des entrepreneurs privés locaux dans les petits centres urbains du Cambodge. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).


Gaillac, Christophe (2021) Some Problems Related to Random Coefficients Models and Data Combination in Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Galez-Davis, Claire (2019) Essais en économie du développement. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Garrec, Tristan (2019) Sur les jeux dynamiques : jeux stochastiques, recherche-dissimulation et transmission d'information. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Gonnot, Jérôme (2020) Essays in political economy. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Grillo, Alberto (2020) Essays in Political Economics: On the Determinants and Patterns of Voter Turnout. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Heresi, José Ignacio (2020) A Multi-Product Model of Credit Cards with Naive Consumers. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Herrera Araujo, Daniel Andres (2015) Essays on Environmental economics, Health economics and Industrial organization. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Hopfensitz, Astrid (2017) Seeing and knowing others: the impact of social ties on economic interactions. [Accreditation to supervise research (HDR)]


Joe, Dong-Hee (2016) Three Essays on the Effect of Voter Turnout on the Subsequent Performance of Elected Official. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Karkanis, Dimitrios (2016) Mutations économiques et démographiques en Chine : croissance ou développement ? École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Kass-Hanna, Tannous (2020) Essays on Fiscal Policy and International Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Kephaliacos, Charilaos, Ridier, Aude and Lelli, Laurent (2011) Innovation technique et institutionnelle en agriculture : l’apport d’une démarche de médiation territoriale pour éclairer une politique publique : le cas de l’eucalyptus en Midi-Pyrénées. Géographie, économie et société, 13. pp. 413-432.

Kervinio, Yann (2016) Assessing the fairness of public policies : proposal for an approach with an illustration for the location of locally undesirable land uses. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Khairnar, Kunal (2021) Essays on Monetary Policy and Financial Regulation. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Klimaviciute, Justina (2015) Essays in the Economics of Long-Term Care. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Kukreja, Dimple (2019) Essays on Gender, Households and Social Norms. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean (2001) Creating Competition through Interconnection: Theory and Practice. In: Welfare Economics Baumol, William J. and Wilson, Charles A. (eds.) Edward Elgar. Series “International Library of Critical Writings in Economics”, Vol. I. pp. 531-560. ISBN 978 1 85278 200 9

Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean (2000) Privatization and Incentives. In: Privatization and Corporate Performance Parker, David (ed.) Edward Elgar. Series “International Library of Critical Writings in Economics” Chapter Part I, 5. pp. 94-115. ISBN 978 1 84064 467 8

Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean (2001) The Regulation of Multiproduct Firm: Part I: Theory. In: Welfare Economics Baumol, William J. and Wilson, Charles A. (eds.) Edward Elgar. Series “International Library of Critical Writings in Economics”, Vol. III. Chapter Vool III, Part III, 24. pp. 521-556. ISBN 978 1 85278 200 9

Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Tirole, Jean (2001) The Regulation of Multiproduct Firm: Part II: Applications to Competitive Environments and Policy Analysis. In: Welfare Economics Baumol, William J. and Wilson, Charles A. (eds.) Edward Elgar. Series “International Library of Critical Writings in Economics”, Vol. III. Chapter Vol lII, part III, 24. pp. 557-586. ISBN 978 1 85278 200 9

Lalanne, Marie (2013) Essais sur l'économie des réseaux sociaux et du genre. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Lam, Wing Man Wynne (2014) Essays in Industrial Organization and Information Technology. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Lan, Lan (2018) Essays on Household Savings, Intergenerational Transfers, and Production Network. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Lapenta, Elia (2020) Three Essays in Hypothesis Testing. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Lassébie, Julie (2018) Three Essays in Applied Microeconomics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Lattes, Jean-Michel (2024) Le régime social des dirigeants de la Société par Actions Simplifiées (SAS). Lexbase hebdo, édition affaires (n° 780).

Leighton, Margaret (2015) Essays on the Economics of Education. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Leroux, Isabelle (2002) La négociation dans la construction du territoire : une approche institutionnaliste : Negotiation processes in territory construction: An institutionalist approach. .

Leung, Tsz Kin (2018) Essays in Information Disclosure and Processing Behavior. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Li, Zi (2013) Essay on public policy for innovation and quality. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Liu, Xingyi (2014) Essays in Industrial Organization. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Lucena, Délio (2020) Beyond the Dyadic Approach in Social Network Analysis: Applications to Innovation Studies and Financial Economics. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Lévêque, Christophe (2017) Four essays in urban economics and political economy. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Meade, Richard (2014) Ownership Effects in Electricity and Other Utility Sectors, and Banking. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Meunier, Guy (2015) Incertitude et politique environnementale. [Accreditation to supervise research (HDR)]

Mitraille, Sébastien (2017) Essais en organisation industrielle. [Accreditation to supervise research (HDR)]

Moura, Alban (2017) Essays in Empirical Macroeconomics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Moussa, Inès (2012) Proximité géographique, diffusion des connaissances et innovation : une étude sur les départements français métropolitains. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).


Nadel, Simon (2014) Changements organisationnels, structures industrielles et innovations environnementales : le cas des firmes industrielles françaises. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Nguyen, Thi Huong An (2019) Contribution to the statistical analysis of compositional data with an application to political economy. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Oviedo Arango, Juan Daniel (2005) Essays on Regulation of Regional Gas Markets. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Parakhoniak, Anastasiia (2018) Essays on economics of information: search, networks and price discrimination. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Pietrunti, Mario (2016) Essays in Applied Macroeconomics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Pifarré i Arolas, Héctor (2015) Essays in Health and Demographic Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Pollinger, Stefan (2021) An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis of Nonlinear Public Policies. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Prosperi, Lorenzo (2019) Essays on Sovereign Debt and the Macroeconomy. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Raiber, Eva (2019) Essays in Applied Microeconomics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Requier-Desjardins, Denis and Guibert, Martine (2011) Introduction au dossier thématique "agriculture d’entreprise et agrobusiness". Economies et sociétés, 33 (10). pp. 1801-1805.

Roggero, Pascal, Dhers, Georges and Philippe, Julie (2020) Des changements sont à l’œuvre mais nous avons besoin de catalyseurs. La dépêche du Midi (24/01/2020). [Mainstream media article]


Sandmann, Christopher (2021) Essais en théorie économique. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Sangare, Mariam (2013) La microfinance : quels liens entre les modèles de financement des institutions et la qualité des services offerts aux clients ? École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Saussey, Magalie (2014) Réforme des services d’eau potable au Burkina Faso. La participation des femmes en question. Revue Tiers Monde (217).

Schauer, Johanna (2016) Essays in Inequality, Education and Financial Development. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Sen, Ananya (2016) Essais en économie des médias. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Su, Tong (2016) Three Chapters in Information Economics. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Sylvander, Bertil, Isla, Anne and Wallet, Frédéric (2011) Under what conditions geographical indications protection schemes can be considered as public goods for sustainable development ? In: Territorial governance: local development, rural areas and agrofood systems Torre, André and Traversac, Jean-Baptiste (eds.) Springer. Chapter 10. pp. 185-202. ISBN 978-3-7908-2422-3


Tago Pacheco, Damian (2015) Essays in Animal Health Economics and Risk Communication. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Talbot, Damien, Gilly, Jean-Pierre and Zuliani, Jean Marc (2011) Hub Firms and the Dynamics of Territorial Innovation: Case Studies of Thales and Liebherr in Toulouse. European Planning Studies, 19 (12).

Torchiana, Adrian (2017) Essays in Applied Econometrics with Missing Data. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Ugolini, Stefano, Bignon, Vincent and Flandreau, Marc (2012) Bagehot for Beginners: The Making of Lending of Last Resort Operations in the Mid-Nineteenth Century. The Economic History Review, 65 (2). pp. 580-608.


Valette, Héloïse (2019) Articuler protection des ressources et accès à l'eau potable‎ : quel cadre théorique, quels enjeux empiriques ?‎ Le cas de l'Indonésie. École doctorale Temps, Espaces, Sociétés, Cultures (Toulouse).

Vicente, Jérôme, Balland, Pierre-Alexandre and Suire, Raphaël (2013) Structural and geographical patterns of knowledge networks in emerging technological standards: evidence from the European GNSS industry. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 22 (1). pp. 47-72.

Vicente, Jérôme, Crespo Cepas, Juan and Requier-Desjardins, Denis (2014) Why can collective action fail in Local Agri-food Systems? A social network analysis of cheese producers in Aculco, Mexico. Food Policy (46).

Voia, Anca (2021) Efficacité et ciblage optimal des paiements pour services ecosystémiques. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Wang, Chunan (2017) Essays on Delay Reduction Contract, Airline Networks and Agricultural Land Marketization. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Wikman, Peter (2020) Essays on conventions in games and anticipation-dependent preferences. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Wu, Yaping (2014) Essays on health care financing and health services. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Yang, Yang (2021) Three Essays on Industrial Organization. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Yang, Yuting (2020) Economic Studies on Energy Transition and Environmental Regulations. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Yin, Nina (2013) Essays on the economics of innovation and intellectual property rights. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).


Zeitounlian Sarkisian, Roberto (2020) Essais dans les situations de contract avec préférences prosociales. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Zheng, Jiakun (2020) Essais sur l'économie comportementale et la prise de décision en situation d'incertitude. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

Zhou, Ling (2021) Essays in Development Economics: Migration and Identity in China. Toulouse School of Economics (Toulouse).

This list was generated on Sat Oct 26 21:47:22 2024 CEST.