Ivaldi, Marc and Nunez, Walter
Covid-19 impact on bike-sharing systems: Lessons from Toulouse and Lyon.
Case Studies on Transport Policy.
Elliott, Jonathan, Houngbonon, Georges Vivien, Ivaldi, Marc
and Scott, Paul T.
Market Structure, Investment and Technical Efficiencies in Mobile Telecommunications.
Journal of Political Economy, vol. 132 (n° 12).
pp. 1-16.
Ivaldi, Marc, Nicolle, Ambre
, Verboven, Frank
and Zhang, Jiekai
Displacement and complementarity in the recorded music industry: evidence from France.
Journal of Cultural Economics, vol. 48.
pp. 43-94.
Ivaldi, Marc, Petit, Nicolas and Unekbas, Selçukhan
Killer Acquisitions: Evidence from European Merger Cases.
Antitrust Law Journal, vol.86 (n°2).
(In Press)
Katsoulacos, Yannis S. and Ivaldi, Marc
Price parallelism in the greek steel market: evidence of a false cartel accusation.
Cambridge University Press.
(In Press)
Ivaldi, Marc and Lee, Connie
Is it the advent of fairness?
Concurrences, Vol. 3 (n° 113069).
Ivaldi, Marc and Palikot, Emil
Sharing when stranger equals danger: Ridesharing during Covid-19 pandemic.
Transport Policy, vol. 141.
pp. 221-231.
Ennis, Sean, Ivaldi, Marc
and Lagos, Vicente
Price parity clauses for hotel room booking: empirical evidence from regulatory change.
European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 66 (n° 2).
Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai
Platform mergers: lessons from a case in the digital TV market.
The Journal Of Industrial Economics, vol. 70 (n° 3).
pp. 591-630.
Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai
Simulating media platform mergers.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 79 (n° 102729).
Ivaldi, Marc, Petrova, Milena
and Urdanoz, Miguel
Airline Cooperation Effects on Airfare Distribution: An Auction-model-based Approach.
Transport Policy, 115.
pp. 239-250.
Ivaldi, Marc and Palikot, Emil
Sharing when stranger equals danger: ridesharing during Covid-19 pandemic.
Covid Economics (n° 46).
pp. 68-93.
Ivaldi, Marc, Mncube, Liberty and Sánchez del Villar, Marina
Measuring unilateral effects under data scarcity : A merger case in South Africa.
Concurrences Review, vol. 3 (n° 95906).
Dupuis, Nicolas, Ivaldi, Marc and Pouyet, Jérôme
A Welfare Assessment of Revenue Management Systems.
Review of Network Economics, vol. 19 (n° 1).
pp. 1-41.
Cerasi, Vittoria, Chizzolini, Barbara and Ivaldi, Marc
A test of the impact of mergers on bank competition.
Economic Notes, vol. 48 (n° 2).
pp. 1-27.
Coublucq, Daniel, Ivaldi, Marc
and Mccullough, Gerard J.
The static-dynamic efficiency trade-off in the US rail rreight industry : assessment of an open access policy.
Review of Network Economics, vol. 17 (n° 4).
Ivaldi, Marc and Toru-Delibasi, Tuba
Competitive impact of the air ticket levy on the European airline market.
Transport Policy, vol. 70.
pp. 46-52.
Ivaldi, Marc and Muller-Vibes, Catherine
The Differentiated Effect of Advertising on Readership: Evidence from a Two-Sided Market Approach.
Marketing Letters, 29 (3).
pp. 363-376.
Ivaldi, Marc and Pouyet, Jérôme
Eliciting the regulation of an economic system: the case of the French rail industry.
Transport Policy, vol. 62.
pp. 21-30.
Ivaldi, Marc and Lagos, Vicente
Assessment of Post-merger Coordinated Effects: Characterization by Simulations.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 53.
pp. 267-305.
Cherbonnier, Frédéric, Ivaldi, Marc
, Muller-Vibes, Catherine and Van Der Straeten, Karine
Competition for versus in the market of long-distance passenger rail services.
Review of Network Economics, vol. 16 (n° 2).
pp. 203-238.
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Economic efficiency and political capture in public service contracts.
Journal of Industrial Economics, 65 (1).
pp. 1-38.
Batarce, Marco and Ivaldi, Marc
Urban travel demand model with endogenous congestion.
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 59.
pp. 331-345.
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Martimort, David
The Cost of Contract Renegotiation: Evidence from the Local Public Sector.
American Economic Review, 103 (6).
pp. 2352-2383.
Ivaldi, Marc and Lörincz, Szabolcs
Implementation Relevant Market Tests in Antitrust Policy: Application to Computer Servers.
Review of Law & Economics, 7 (1).
pp. 31-73.
Ivaldi, Marc and Pouyet, Jérôme
Note sur l'impact d'une taxe sur le transport ferroviaire.
Friebel, Guido, Ivaldi, Marc
and Vibes, Catherine
Railway (De)Regulation: A European Efficiency Comparison.
Economica, 77 (305).
pp. 77-91.
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Martimort, David
Renégociation de contrats dans l'industrie du transport urbain.
Revue Économique, 60 (4).
Dubois, Pierre, Ivaldi, Marc
and Magnac, Thierry
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Econometrics of Auctions.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23 (n°7).
pp. 867-869.
Ivaldi, Marc and Vibes, Catherine
Price Competition in the Intercity Passenger Transport Market: A Simulation Model.
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 42 (2).
Ivaldi, Marc and Mccullough, Gerard J.
Subadditivity Tests for Network Separation with an Application to U.S. Railraods.
Review of Network Economics, 7 (1).
pp. 159-171.
Foncel, Jérôme and Ivaldi, Marc
Econometric Modeling of Holding and Usage of Differentiated Products: An Application to Telephones.
Annales d'Économie et de Statistique (89).
Friebel, Guido, Ivaldi, Marc
and Vibes, Catherine
Railway (De)Regulation - A European Efficiency Comparison.
Dubois, Pierre, Hernandez-Perez, Adriana and Ivaldi, Marc
The Market of Academic Journals: Empirical Evidence from Data on French Libraries.
Journal of the European Economic Association, 5 (n°2).
pp. 390-399.
Ivaldi, Marc and Vibes, Catherine
Analyse Coût-Bénéfice dans un contexte de concurrence intermodale et intramodale.
Économie et Prévision (178-17).
pp. 41-49.
Ivaldi, Marc and Mccullough, Gerard J.
Railroad Pricing and Revenue-To-Cost Margins in the Post-Staggers Era.
Research in Transportation Economics, 20.
pp. 153-178.
Ivaldi, Marc and Verboven, Frank
Quantifying the Effects from Horizontal Mergers in European Competition Policy.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 23 (n°9/10).
pp. 669-691.
Ivaldi, Marc and Verboven, Frank
Quantifying the Effects from Horizontal Mergers: Comments on the Underlying Assumptions.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 23 (n°9).
pp. 699-702.
Foncel, Jérôme and Ivaldi, Marc
Operating System Prices in the Home PC Market.
The Journal Of Industrial Economics, 53 (n°2).
pp. 265-297.
Aldebert, Marc, Ivaldi, Marc and Roucolle, Chantal
Telecommunications Demand and Pricing Structure: An Econometric Analysis.
Telecommunication Systems, 25 (1, 2).
pp. 89-115.
Cerasi, Vittoria, Chizzolini, Barbara and Ivaldi, Marc
Branching and Competition in the European Banking Industry.
Applied Economics, 34 (17).
pp. 2213-2225.
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Asymetries d'information et richesse immatérielle de l'entreprise : Mesure microéconométrique.
Revue Française d'Économie, 16 (3).
pp. 129-153.
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Incentive Regulatory Policies: The Case of Public Transit Systems in France.
RAND Journal of Economics, 33 (4).
pp. 605-629.
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Stochastic Frontiers and Asymmetric Information Models.
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 18 (2).
pp. 145-159.
Ivaldi, Marc and Mccullough, Gerard J.
Density and Integration Effects on Class I U.S. Freight Railroads.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 19 (2).
pp. 161-182.
Bousquet, Alain and Ivaldi, Marc
An Individual Choice Model of Energy Mix.
Resource and Energy Economics (20).
pp. 263-286.
Bousquet, Alain, Cremer, Helmuth
, Ivaldi, Marc
and Wolkowicz, Michel
Risk Sharing in Licensing.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16.
pp. 535-554.
Bousquet, Alain and Ivaldi, Marc
Optimal Pricing of Telephone Usage: An Econometric Implementation.
Information Economics and Policy, 9.
pp. 219-239.
Florens, Jean-Pierre, Ivaldi, Marc
and Larribeau, Sophie
Sobolev Estimation of Approximate Regressions.
Econometric Theory, 12 (5).
pp. 753-772.
Ivaldi, Marc, Ladoux, Norbert
, Ossard, Hervé
and Simioni, Michel
Comparing Fourier and Translog Specifications of Multiproduct Technology: Evidence from an Incomplete Panel of French Farmers.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 11.
pp. 649-667.
Foncel, Jérôme and Ivaldi, Marc
Econométrie de la Concurrence Imparfaite sur les Marchés à Produits Différenciés.
Revue Économique, 47.
pp. 447-486.
Aubin, Christophe, Fougère, Denis, Husson, Emmanuel and Ivaldi, Marc
Real-Time Pricing of Electricity of Residential Customers: Econometric Analysis of an Experiment.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10.
pp. 171-191.
Florens, Jean-Pierre, Ivaldi, Marc
and Larribeau, Sophie
The Diffusion of Telephone in Spain.
Revista Española de Economía, 12.
pp. 3-34.
Bousquet, Alain, Cremer, Helmuth
, Ivaldi, Marc
and Wolkowicz, Michel
Licence de Brevet et de Partage du Risque : Résultats de Simulation.
Annales des Télécommunications, 50.
pp. 297-305.
Ivaldi, Marc, Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette
and Simioni, Michel
Stochastic Production Frontiers and Panel Data: A Latent Variable Framework.
European Journal of Operational Research, 80.
pp. 534-547.
Gasmi, Farid, Ivaldi, Marc
and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Rent Extraction and Incentives for Efficiency in Recent Regulatory Proposals.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 6 (2).
pp. 151-176.
Ivaldi, Marc and Martimort, David
Competition under Nonlinear Pricing.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (34).
pp. 71-114.
Ivaldi, Marc, Perrigne, Isabelle M. and Simioni, Michel
Productive Efficiency of French Grain Producers: A Latent Variable Model.
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 5.
pp. 287-299.
Ivaldi, Marc
Estimation of Errors-in-latent-variable Models on Business Survey Data.
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 13.
pp. 307-318.
Ivaldi, Marc
Survey Evidence on the Rationality of Expectations.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 7.
pp. 225-241.
Ivaldi, Marc and Simioni, Michel
Système de régressions empilées et panel incomplet : un tour d'horizon.
Économie et Prévision, 4.
Ivaldi, Marc
Efficiency and Productivity in the French Telecommunications Industry.
Communications & Strategies, 3.
pp. 35-55.
Devezeaux de Lavergne, Jean-Guy, Ivaldi, Marc
and Ladoux, Norbert
La forme flexible de Fourier : Une évaluation sur données macro-économiques.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (17).
pp. 121-144.
Bousquet, Alain, Ivaldi, Marc
and Ladoux, Norbert
La demande d'énergie des industries laitières : une analyse microéconomique.
Économie et Prévision (91).
pp. 75-90.
Book Section
Ivaldi, Marc and Lee, Connie
Is it the Advent of Fairness ?
In: Why Competition ?: Voices from the Antitrust Community and Beyond
Tritell, Randolph W
, Crane, Daniel A.
and Gérard, Damien
Institute of Competition Law.
Chapter 5.
pp. 567-570.
ISBN 978 1 954750 66 1
Bloch, Francis, Gagnepain, Philippe
and Ivaldi, Marc
La commande publique : que dit la théorie des contrats et des incitations.
In : Le Grand Paris Express, les enjeux économiques et urbains
Prager, J.C (ed.)
ISBN 9782717870626
Ivaldi, Marc, Bloch, Francis
and Gagnepain, Philippe
La gouvernance des méga projets d’infrastructure : Que dit l’analyse économique ?
In : Le Grand Paris Express, les enjeux économiques et urbains
Prager, J.C (ed.)
ISBN 9782717870626
Ivaldi, Marc
Outils numériques et économie de la mobilité.
In : Le nouveau monde de la mobilité
Landau, Bernard and Diab, Youssef (eds.)
Presse des Ponts.
ISBN 9782859785178
Ivaldi, Marc, Jenny, Frédéric and Khimich, Aleksandra
Cartel Damages to the Economy: An Assessment for Developing Countries.
In: Competition Law Enforcement in the BRICS and in Developing Countries
Jenny, Frédéric and Katsoulacos, Yannis (eds.)
Series “International Law and Economics”
Switzerland pp. 103-133.
ISBN 978-3-319-30948-4
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Roucolle, Chantal
Merger Analysis and Public Transport Service Contracts.
In: Competition and the State
Cheng, Thomas K., Lianos, Ioannis and Sokol, Daniel (eds.)
Stanford Law Books.
Series “Global competition law and economics”
ISBN 978-0-8047-8939-4
Ivaldi, Marc, Sokullu, Senay and Toru-Delibasi, Tuba
Are Airports Two-sided Platforms? A Methodological Approach.
In: Pricing Behavior and Non-Price Characteristics in the Airline Industry
Pricing Behavior and Non-Price Characteristics in the Airline Industry.
ISBN 978-1-7805-2468-9
Ivaldi, Marc, Mitraille, Sébastien
and Vibes, Catherine
Testing for the Presence of a Maverick in the French Audit Industry.
In: Recent Advances In The Analysis Of Competition Policy And Regulation
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-78100-568-2
Gollier, Christian and Ivaldi, Marc
A Merger in the Insurance Industry: Much Easier to Measure Unilateral Effects than Expected (part 3).
In: Cases in European Competition Policy: The Economic Analysis
Lyons, Bruce (ed.)
Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 12.
pp. 293-311.
Ivaldi, Marc, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Tacit Collusion: Implications for Merger Control.
In: The Political Economy of Antitrust
Ghosal, Vivek and Stennek, Johan (eds.)
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Series “Contributions to Economic Analysis”
pp. 217-240.
ISBN 9780444530936
Argentesi, Elena and Ivaldi, Marc
Market Definition in Printed Media Industries: Theory, Practice and Lessons for Broadcasting.
In: Economic Regulation of Broadcasting Markets: Evolving Technology and Challenges for Policy
Seabright, Paul and Von Hagen, Jurgen (eds.)
Cambridge University Press.
pp. 225-252.
Argentesi, Elena and Ivaldi, Marc
Market definition in printed media Industries : theory, practice and lessons for broadcasting.
In: The economic regulation of broadcasting markets: evolving technology and the challenges for policy
Seabright, Paul
and Von Hagen, Jurgen
Cambridge University Press.
Cambridge pp. 225-254.
ISBN 9780521874052
Ivaldi, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Tacit Collusion in Merger Analysis.
In: The Political Economy of Antitrust
Ghosal, Vivek and Stennek, Johan (eds.)
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Series “Contributions to Economic Analysis”
pp. 217-239.
ISBN 978-0-44453-093-6
Foncel, Jérôme, Ivaldi, Marc
and Rabassa, Valérie
The Significant Impediment of Effective Competition Test in the New European Merger Regulation: In Theory and Practice.
In: Political Economy of Antitrust
Elsevier Science.
Chapter 13.
ISBN 978-0-444-53093-6
Bertrand, Olivier and Ivaldi, Marc
Competition Policy: Europe in International Markets.
In: Fragmented Power: Europe and the Global Economy
Sapir, André (ed.)
Bruegel Books.
Ivaldi, Marc and Vibes, Catherine
Analyse Coût-Bénéfice dans un contexte de concurrence intermodale et intramodale.
In : Calcul économique dans le processus de choix collectif des investissements de transport
Crozet, Yves and Maurice, Joël (eds.)
Chapter 2.
Ivaldi, Marc
Mergers and the New Guidelines: Lessons from Hachette-Editis.
In: Modelling European Mergers: Theory, Competition Policy and Case Studies
Kloosterhuis, Erik and Van Bergeijk, Peter A.G. (eds.)
Edward Elgar Publishing.
pp. 92-103.
Ivaldi, Marc
Fonction de production.
In : Dictionnaire des sciences économiques
Debreu, Gérard, Jessua, Claude, Labrousse, Christian, Vitry, Claude and Vitry, Daniel (eds.)
Ivaldi, Marc
L'apertura di sportelli e la concorrenza nel settore bancarioitaliano.
In: Industria bancaria e concorrenza
Polo, Michele (ed.)
Industria bancaria e concorrenza.
Ivaldi, Marc
An Empirical Study of Inventory and Order Appraisals from Business Survey by Covariance Structure Models.
In: Microeconometrics: Surveys and Applications
Basil Blackwell.
pp. 347-367.
ISBN 978-0631169659
Ivaldi, Marc
Statistical Methods and Business Surveys: An Overview.
In: Microeconometrics: Surveys and Applications
Basil Blackwell.
pp. 84-112.
ISBN 978-0631169659
Bonilla, Xavier and Ivaldi, Marc
Banning short-haul domestic flights: A preliminary assessment for France.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1482, Toulouse
Houngbonon, Georges Vivien, Ivaldi, Marc
, Palikot, Emil
and Strusani, Davide
The impact of shared telecom infrastructure on digital connectivity and inclusion.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1427, Toulouse
Aimene, Louise, Guiffard, Jean-Baptiste, Ivaldi, Marc and Liang, Julienne
Welfare Cost of Mobile Spectrum (Mis)allocation.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1407, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc, Quinet, Emile
and Ruiz Mejia, Celia
Agglomeration Transport and Productivity: Evidence from Toulouse Metropolitan Area.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1385, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc, Petrova, Milena
and Urdanoz, Miguel
Airline cooperation effects on airfare distribution: an auction-model-based approach.
TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1259, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc and Palikot, Emil
Sharing when stranger equals danger: Ridesharing during Covid-19 pandemic.
TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1135, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc, Mncube, Liberty and Sánchez del Villar, Marina
Measuring unilateral effects under data scarcity: A merger case in South Africa.
TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1122, Toulouse
Cojoc, Anca, Ivaldi, Marc, Maier-Rigaud, Frank P. and März, Oliver
Horizontal cooperation on investment: Evidence from mobile network sharing.
TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1100, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc and Lagos, Vicente
How Accurate is the Coordinate Price Pressure Index to Predict Mergers’ Coordinated Effects?
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-915, Toulouse
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
An Evaluation of the Degree of Competition in the French Life Insurance Industry.
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-697, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai
Advertising competition in the French free-to-air television broadcasting industry.
TSE Working Paper, n. 15-578, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc, Sokullu, Senay and Toru-Delibasi, Tuba
Airport Prices in a Two-Sided Market Setting: Major US Airports.
TSE Working Paper, n. 15-587, Toulouse
Dupuis, Nicolas, Ivaldi, Marc
and Pouyet, Jérôme
A Welfare Assessment of Revenue Management Systems.
TSE Working Paper, n. 15-547
Ivaldi, Marc, Petrova, Milena
and Urdanoz, Miguel
AirTicket Sales as Bids from Airline Alliances.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-546, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc, Quinet, Emile
, Urdanoz, Miguel and de Villemeur, Étienne
The Social Cost of Air Traffic Delays.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-545, Toulouse
Friebel, Guido, Ivaldi, Marc
and Pouyet, Jérôme
Separation versus Integration in International Rail Markets: A Theoretical Investigation.
TSE Working Paper, n. 11-248
Billard, Olivier, Ivaldi, Marc and Mitraille, Sébastien
Evaluation of the Risks of Collective Dominance in the Audit Industry in France.
TSE Working Paper, n. 11-234, Toulouse
Gagnepain, Philippe, Ivaldi, Marc
and Martimort, David
The Cost of Contract Renegotiation: Evidence from the Local Public Sector.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-190
Ivaldi, Marc and Mccullough, Gerard J.
Welfare Tradeoffs in U.S. Rail Mergers.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-196
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Regulatory Schemes and Political Capture in a Local Public Sector.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-158
Batarce, Marco and Ivaldi, Marc
Travel Demand Model with Heterogeneous Users and Endogenous Congestion: An application to optimal pricing of bus services.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-226, Toulouse
Cerasi, Vittoria, Chizzolini, Barbara and Ivaldi, Marc
The Impact of Mergers on the Degree of Competition in the Banking Industry.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-113, Toulouse
Gasmi, Farid, Ivaldi, Marc
and Recuero Virto, Laura
An Empirical Analysis of Cellular Demand in South Africa.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-091
Gasmi, Farid, Ivaldi, Marc
and Recuero Virto, Laura
An Empirical Analysis of Cellular Demand in South Africa.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 531
Ivaldi, Marc and Motis, Jrissy
Mergers as Auctions.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 461
Ivaldi, Marc and Vibes, Catherine
Price Competition in the Intercity Passenger Transport Market : A
Simulation Model.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 457
Ivaldi, Marc, Urdanoz, Miguel and De Villemeur, Étienne
Social Costs of Air Traffic Delays.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 460
Bertrand, Olivier and Ivaldi, Marc
European Competition Policy in International Markets.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 419
Argentesi, Elena and Ivaldi, Marc
Market Definition in Printed Media Industry: Theory and Practice.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 376
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Measuring Inefficiencies in Transport Systems: Between Technology and Incentives.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 377
Ivaldi, Marc and Lörincz, Szabolcs
A Full Equilibrium Relevant Market Test: Application to Computer Servers.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 341
Ivaldi, Marc and Vibes, Catherine
Intermodal and Intramodal Competition in Passenger Rail Transport.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 345
Gollier, Christian and Ivaldi, Marc
Study on Competition Policy in the Portuguese Insurance Sector: Econometric Measurement of Unilateral Effects in the CAIXA / BCP Merger Case.
Autoridade da Concorrência Working Papers, n. 7
Ivaldi, Marc and Seabright, Paul
The Economics of Passenger Rail Transport: A Survey.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 163
Ivaldi, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Tacit Collusion.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 186
Ivaldi, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Unilateral Effects.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 222
Ivaldi, Marc, Pouyet, Jérôme
and De Villemeur, Étienne
Entry in the Passenger Rail Industry : A Theoretical Investigation.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 192
Friebel, Guido, Ivaldi, Marc
and Vibes, Catherine
Railway (De) Regulation : A European Efficiency Comparison.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 221
Ivaldi, Marc and Mccullough, Gerard J.
Density and Integration Effects on Class I U.S. Freight Railroads.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 93, Toulouse
Foncel, Jérôme and Ivaldi, Marc
Econometric Modeling of Differentiated Durable Goods Markets: An Application to Telephone.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 94
Gagnepain, Philippe and Ivaldi, Marc
Incentive Regulatory Policies: The Case of Public Transit Systems in France.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 84
Cremer, Helmuth, Ivaldi, Marc
and Turpin, Etienne
Competition in Access Technologies.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 60
Aubin, Christophe, Fougère, Denis, Husson, Emmanuel and Ivaldi, Marc
Real-Time Pricing of Electricity of Residential Customers: Econometric Analysis of an Experiment.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 46
Ivaldi, Marc and Martimort, David
Competition under Nonlinear Pricing.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 29
Bousquet, Alain and Ivaldi, Marc
An Individual Choice Model of Energy Mix.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 4
Cantillon, Estelle, Chizzolini, Barbara
, Ivaldi, Marc
, Leininger, W.
, Marimon, Ramon
, Matyas, Laszlo
and Steen, Frode
Economics without Borders – Economic Research for European Policy Challenges.
Cambridge University Press
ISBN 9781316636398
Florens, Jean-Pierre, Ivaldi, Marc
, Laffont, Jean-Jacques
and Laisney, François
Microeconometrics: Surveys and Applications.
Collection « Applied economic theory and econometrics ».
Basil Blackwell
ISBN 978-0631169659
Ivaldi, Marc
A Structural Analysis of Expectation Formation Based on Business Surveys of French Manufactring Industry.