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Number of items: 30.


Nasr, Mohamed Ikram, Akremi, Assâad El and Vandenberghe, Christian (2009) Justice organisationnelle, confiance et comportements de citoyenneté. Test d'un modèle multi-sources multi-cibles de l'échange social au travail. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (n° 74). pp. 3-23.

Akremi, Assâad El, Sassi, Narjes and Bouzidi, Sihem (2009) Rôle de la reconnaissance dans la construction de l’identité au travail. Relations industrielles, vol. 64 (n° 4). pp. 662-684.


Charbonnier-Voirin, Audrey, Akremi, Assâad El and Vandenberghe, Christian (2010) A multilevel model of transformational leadership and adaptive performance and the moderating role of climate for innovation. Group and Organization Management, 35 (6).


Hussain, Dildar, Perrigot, Rozenn, Mignonac, Karim, Akremi, Assâad El and Herrbach, Olivier (2013) Determinants of Multi-unit Franchising: An Organizational Economics Framework. Managerial and Decision Economics, 34 (3-5). pp. 161-169.

Akremi, Assâad El, Colaianni, Gabriele, Portoghese, Igor, Galletta, Maura and Battistelli, Adalgisa (2013) How organizational support impacts affective commitment and turnover among Italian nurses: a multilevel mediation model. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25 (9). pp. 1185-1207.

Mignonac, Karim, Vandenberghe, Christian, Perrigot, Rozenn, Akremi, Assâad El and Herrbach, Olivier (2013) A Multi-Study Investigation of Outcomes of Franchisees' Affective Commitment to Their Franchise Organization. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (online). n/a-n/a.


Akremi, Assâad El, Colaianni, Gabriele, Portoghese, Igor, Galletta, Maura and Battistelli, Adalgisa (2014) How Organizational Support impacts Affective Commitment and Turnover among Italian Nurses: A Multilevel Mediation Model. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 25 (n° 9). pp. 1185-1207.

Manville, Caroline, Akremi, Assâad El and Niezborala, Michel (2014) L'effet modérateur des perceptions de justice sur la relation entre pénibilité perçue au travail et trouble du sommeil. Revue de gestion des ressources humaines, 91 (1). p. 3.


Borau, Sylvie, Akremi, Assâad El, Elgaaied, Leila, Hamdi-Kidar, Linda and Ranchoux-Soulat, Charlotte (2015) L’analyse des effets de médiation modérée : applications en marketing. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, vol. 30 (n° 4). pp. 88-128.

Akremi, Assâad El, Gondim, Joao Luis, Swaen, Valérie, De Roeck, Kenneth and Igalens, Jacques (2015) How Do Employees Perceive Corporate Responsibility? Development and Validation of a Multidimensional Corporate Stakeholder Responsibility Scale. Journal of Management.

Akremi, Assâad El, Perrigot, Rozenn and Piot-Lepetit, Isabelle (2015) Examining the Drivers for Fransised Chains Performance Through the Lens of the Dynamic Capabilities Approach. Journal of Small Business Management, vol. 53 (n° 1). pp. 145-165.

Akremi, Assâad El, Nasr, Mohamed Ikram and Richebé, Nathalie (2015) Les antécédents relationnels, organisationnels et individuels de la socialisation des nouvelles recrues. M@n@gement, vol. 17 (n° 5). pp. 317-345.

Mignonac, Karim, Vandenberghe, Christian, Perrigot, Rozenn, Akremi, Assâad El and Herrbach, Olivier (2015) A multi-study investigation of outcomes of franchisees’ affective commitment to their franchise organization. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39 (3). pp. 461-488.


Manville, Caroline, Akremi, Assâad El, Niezborala, Michel and Mignonac, Karim (2016) Injustice hurts, literally: The role of sleep and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between organizational justice and musculoskeletal disorders. Human Relations, vol. 69 (n°6). pp. 1315-1339.

De Roeck, Kenneth, Akremi, Assâad El and Swaen, Valérie (2016) Consistency matters! How and when does Corporate Social Responsibility affect employees’ organizational identification? Journal of Management Studies, vol. 53 (n° 7). pp. 1141-1168.

Manville, Caroline, Akremi, Assâad El, Niezborala, Michel and Mignonac, Karim (2016) Injustice hurts, literally: The role of sleep and emotional exhaustion in the relationship between organizational justice and musculoskeletal disorders. Human Relations, vol.69 (n°6). pp. 1315-1339.

Charbonnier-Voirin, Audrey and Akremi, Assâad El (2016) L'influence de la personnalité proactive sur la performance adaptative : le rôle du sentiment d'auto-efficacité et de la justice organisationnelle perçue. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, vol. 3 (n° 101). pp. 45-63.


Point, Sébastien, Akremi, Assâad El and Igalens, Jacques (2017) L’entrée dans la carrière d’enseignant-chercheur en GRH : quelles sont les spécificités d’accès à un poste en Business school ou Université ? Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 43 (n° 263). pp. 97-119.

Meiseberg, Brinja, Mignonac, Karim, Perrigot, Rozenn and Akremi, Assâad El (2017) Performance implications of centrality in franchisee advice networks, managerial and decision eonomics. Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 38 (n° 8). pp. 1227-1236.

Gond, Jean-Pascal, Akremi, Assâad El, Swaen, Valérie and Babu, Nishat (2017) The psychological micro-foundations of corporate social responsibility: A person-centric systematic review. Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 38 (n° 2). pp. 225-246.


Akremi, Assâad El, Gond, Jean-Pascal, Swaen, Valérie, De Roeck, Kenneth and Igalens, Jacques (2018) How do employees perceive corporate responsibility? Development and validation of a multidimensional corporate stakeholder responsibility scale. Journal of Management, vol. 53 (n° 7). pp. 1141-1168.

Akremi, Assâad El and Gond, Jean-Pascal (2018) Les fondements micro-psychologiques de la Responsabilité Sociale de l’Entreprise. In : Une vision des ressources humaines sans frontières : mélanges en l’honneur de Jacques Igalens. Peretti, Jean-Marie, Plane, Jean-Michel, Scouarnec, Aline and Thévenet, Maurice (eds.) EMS, Éditions Management et Société. Series “Questions de société” Chapter 7. Caen pp. 66-89. ISBN 978-2-37687-181-1


Nasr, Mohamed Ikram, Akremi, Assâad El and Coyle-Shapiro, Jacqueline (2019) Synergy or substitution? The interactive effects of insiders’ fairness and support and organizational socialization tactics on newcomer role clarity and social integration. Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 40 (n° 6). pp. 758-778.


Akremi, Assâad El (2020) De la flexibilité à l'agilité organisationnelle : une analyse d'un antécédent de la performance adaptative. In : Mélanges en l'honneur de Bruno Sire Devaux, Olivier (ed.) Presses de l’Université Toulouse Capitole. Series “Mélanges” Toulouse ISBN 978 2 36170 204 5

Molines, Mathieu, Akremi, Assâad El, Storme, Martin and Celik, Pinar (2020) Beyond the tipping point: the curvilinear relationships of transformational leadership, leader–member exchange, and emotional exhaustion in the French police. Public Management Review, 24 (1). pp. 80-105.


Molines, Mathieu, Mifsud, Mathieu, Akremi, Assâad El and Perrier, Anthony (2021) Motivated to Serve: A Regulatory Perspective on Public Service Motivation and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Public Administration Review, vol. 82 (n°3). pp. 102-116.


El Mawla, Batoul, Akremi, Assâad El and Igalens, Jacques (2022) Irresponsabilité et résipiscence. Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 48 (n° 303). pp. 35-68.

Croonen, Evelien, Van der Bij, Hans, Perigot, Rosenn, Herrbach, Olivier and Akremi, Assâad El (2022) Who wants to be a franchisee? Explaining individual intentions to become franchisees. International Small Business Journal, vol. 40 (n° 1). pp. 90-112.


Du, Shuili, Akremi, Assâad El and Jia, Ming (2023) Quantitative Research on Corporate Social Responsibility: A Quest for Relevance and Rigor in a Quickly Evolving, Turbulent World. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 187 (n° 1). pp. 1-15.

Akremi, Assâad El (2023) Imagination et créativité méthodologiques. In : Devenir chercheur en management : de la thèse au premier poste. Laroche, Hervé and Schmidt, Géraldine (eds.) Vuibert. Chapter 2. Paris ISBN 978-2-311-41139-3

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