Azam, Jean-Paul (2023) Was Lucifer a Gambler? A Rational-Choice Hermeneutic of Peter Olivi’s Treatise on Demons. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1483, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul (2022) Hasty ethics can kill: how vilified pipelines helped to tame jihad in Sudan and Chad. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1347, Toulouse.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Ferret, Jérôme (2022) Radicalization of Islam or Peddling Radicalism? Lessons from the French Experience. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1296, Toulouse
Ferret, Jérôme and Azam, Jean-Paul (2022) Radicalization of islam or peddling radicalism? Lessons from the French experience. In: Workshop Université de Konstanz, dossier “Radicalization and Mobilization”, 19-20 mai 2022, Konstanz.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2021) Near Identification of Policy Trade-Offs Using Preference Proxies to Elicit Hidden Information in the Linear Case. Economics, Law and Policy, vol.4 (n°1). pp. 48-61.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2020) Oil Shocks and Total Factor Productivity in Resource-Poor Economies : The Cases of France and Germany. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1126, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Djemaï, Elodie (2019) Matching, cooperation and HIV in the couple. TSE Working Paper, n. 19-991, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Ferrero, Mario (2019) Jihad against Palestinians ? The Herostratos Syndrome and the Paradox of Targeting European Jews: The Herostratos syndrome and the paradox of targeting European Jews. Defence and Peace Economics, vol. 30 (n° 6). pp. 687-705.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2019) Let’s Call their Bluff: The Politics of Econometric Methodology. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 25 (n° 4).
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2018) US Response to the Risk of Terrorist Attacks. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 24 (n° 4).
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2018) Fighting Terrorism at Source. Using Foreign Aid to Delegate Global Security. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Cheltenham ISBN 978 1 78643 216 2
Azam, Jean-Paul and Ferrero, Mario (2017) Jihad against Palestinians?: The Herostratos syndrome and the paradox of targeting European Jews. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-874, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Bhatia, Kartika (2017) Provoking Insurgency in a Federal State: Theory and Application to India. Public Choice, vol. 170 (n° 3). pp. 183-210.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Ferrero, Mario (2016) Killing for the Sake of Infamy: The Herostratos Syndrome and What to Do about it. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 22 (n° 4). pp. 357-364.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2015) Can Economic Incentives Tame Jihad? Lessons from Sudan and Chad. TSE Working Paper, n. 15-564, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2014) Did the Aid Boom Pacify Sub-Saharan Africa? Ex-post evaluation using a near-identification approach: Ex-Post Evaluation Using a Near-Identification Approach. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-544, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul (2014) The Birth of a Democracy: Homegrown Bicameralism in Somaliland. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 20 (n° 2). pp. 245-266.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2014) The geo-politics of foreign aid and transnational terrorism. Revue d'Économie du Développement, Vol. 22. pp. 263-288.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2013) The Geo-Politics of Foreign Aid and Transnational Terrorism. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-426, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2013) La géopolitique de l'aide internationale et du terrorisme transnational. Revue d'Économie du Développement, vol. 21 (n° 3/4). pp. 165-192.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2012) Why Suicide-Terrorists Get Educated, and What to Do About It. Public Choice, vol. 153 (n° 3-4). pp. 357-373.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2012) Where to Spend Foreign Aid to Counter Terrorism. TSE Working Paper, n. 12-316, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul (2012) Reflections on Africa's Wars. In: Handbook of the Economics of Peace and Conflict Garfinkel, Michelle R and Skaperdas, Stergios (eds.) Oxford University Press. Oxford ISBN 978 0 1953 9277 7
Azam, Jean-Paul (2012) Conflict and Development. In: Oxford Companion to the Economics of Africa Oxford University Press. Oxford ISBN 978 0 1995 7597 8
Azam, Jean-Paul (2011) Transport infrastructure and the road to statehood in somaliland. In: Yes, Africa can: success stories from a dynamic continent World Bank. Chapter 9. Washington D.C pp. 155-163. ISBN 978-0-8213-8745-0
Azam, Jean-Paul (2010) A State is Born: Transport Infrastructure and Democracy in Somaliland. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-229, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Berlinschi, Ruxanda (2010) The Aid-Migration Trade-Off. In: Annual World Bank Conference on Development Economics 2009: People, Politics, and Globalization Pleskovic, Boris and Lin, Yifu Justin (eds.) World Bank. Washington, D.C. pp. 147-168. ISBN 978-0-8213-7722-2
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2010) Foreign Aid vs. Military Intervention in the War on Terror. Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol. 54 (n° 2). pp. 237-261.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Berlinschi, Ruxanda (2009) L’aide contre l’immigration. Revue d'Économie du Développement, 23 (4). pp. 81-108.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2009) Reflections on Africa's Wars. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-096, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Berlinschi, Ruxanda (2009) The Aid Migration Trade-Off. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-077, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2009) Foreign Aid vs. Military Intervention in the War on Terror. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-061, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul, Bates, Robert H. and Biais, Bruno (2009) Political Predation and Economic Development. Economics & Politics, vol. 21 (n° 2). pp. 255-277.
Azam, Jean-Paul, Bates, Robert H. and Biais, Bruno (2009) Political Predation and Economic Development. Economics & Politics, vol. 21 (n° 2). pp. 255-277.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2009) Betting on Displacement: Oil, Violence, and the Switch to Civilian Rule in Nigeria. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-034, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul (2009) Une théorie institutionnaliste de la prévention des conflits appliquée au cas nigérian. Revue Française d'Économie, XXIII. pp. 181-211.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2008) Macroeconomic Agenda for Fiscal Policy and Aid Effectiveness in Post-Conflict Countries. IDEI Working Paper, n. 539
Azam, Jean-Paul and Thelen, Véronique (2008) The Roles of Foreign Aid and Education in the War on Terror. Public Choice, vol. 135 (n° 3-4). pp. 375-397.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2008) Cotton, War and Growth in Chad, 1960-2000. In: Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa, 1960-2000 Azam, Jean-Paul, Bates, Robert H., Fosu, Augustin, Gunning, Jan Willem, Ndulu, Benno J., Nijinkeu, Dominique and O'Connell, Stephen A. (eds.) Cambridge University Press. pp. 86-115.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Rospabé, Sandrine (2007) Trade Unions v. Statistical Discrimination: Theory and Application to Post-Apartheid South Africa. Journal of Development Economics, vol. 84 (n° 1). pp. 417-444.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2007) Turning Devaluation into Pro-Poor Growth: Senegal 1994-2002. In: Determinants of Pro-Poor Growth: Analytical Issues and Findings from Country Cases Grimm, Michael, Klasen, Stephan and McKay, Andy (eds.) Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2007) The Political Geography of Redistribution. In: Political Economy of Economic Growth in Africa 1960-2000 Bates, Robert H., Collier, Paul, Ndulu, Benno J., O'Connell, Stephen A. and Soludo, Charles C. (eds.) Cambridge University Press. pp. 225-248.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2007) Trade, Exchange Rate, and Growth in Sub-Saharan. Cambridge University Press Cambridge
Azam, Jean-Paul and Gubert, Flore (2006) Migrants' Remittances and the Household in Africa: A Review of Evidence. Journal of African Economies, 15 (2). pp. 426-462.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2006) Should You Arm Your Future Victims? Economics & Politics, 18 (3). pp. 313-338.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2006) How to Curb "High Quality" Terrorism? IDEI Working Paper, n. 418
Azam, Jean-Paul and Delacroix, Alexandra (2006) Aid and the Delegated Fight against Terrorism. Review of Development Economics, 10 (2). pp. 330-344.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2006) The Paradox of Power Reconsidered: A Theory of Political Regimes in Africa. Journal of African Economies, 15 (1). pp. 26-58.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2006) On Thugs and Heroes: Why Warlords Victimize Their Own Civilians? Economics and Governance, 7 (1). pp. 53-73.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Gubert, Flore (2005) Those in Kayes: The Impact of Remittances on their Recipients in Africa. Revue Économique, 56 (6, Num). pp. 1331-1358.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2005) Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation. In: Macroeconomic Policy in the Franc Zone Macroeconomic Policy in the Franc Zone. pp. 121-142.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2005) Can the Peace Be Imported? IDEI Working Paper, n. 356
Azam, Jean-Paul (2005) Défaillances des Etats et des marchés : régulation et réformes dans les pays en développement. Revue d'Économie Politique (n°3). pp. 337-348.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Gubert, Flore (2005) Migrant Remittances and Economic Development in Africa: A Review of Evidence. IDEI Working Paper, n. 354
Azam, Jean-Paul (2005) Suicide-Bombing as Inter-Generational Investment. Public Choice, 122 (1-2). pp. 177-198.
Alby, Philippe, Azam, Jean-Paul and Rospabé, Sandrine (2005) Labor Institutions, Labor-Management Relations, and Social Dialogue in Africa: Job Creation, Core Labor Standards and Poverty Reduction in Africa Project. World Bank Economic Review.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2004) Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation. Journal of African Economies, 13 (4). pp. 536-562.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Gubert, Flore (2004) Those in Kayes: The Impact of Remittances on their Recipients in Africa. IDEI Working Paper, n. 308
Azam, Jean-Paul and Saadi-Sedik, Tahsin (2004) Aid versus Sanctions for Taming Oppressors: Theory and Case Study of the Iraqi Kurds. Defence and Peace Economics, 15 (4). pp. 343-364.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2004) On Thugs and Heroes: Why Warlords Victimize Their Own Civilians? IDEI Working Paper, n. 297
Azam, Jean-Paul and Salmon, Claire (2004) Strikes and Political Activism of Trade Unions: Theory and Application to Bangladesh. Public Choice, 119 (3-4). pp. 311-334.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Delacroix, Alexandra (2004) Aid and the Delegated Fight against Terrorism. IDEI Working Paper, n. 324
Azam, Jean-Paul and Rinaudo, Jean-Daniel (2004) Encroached Entitlements: Corruption and Appropriation of Irrigation Water in Southern Punjab (Pakistan). IDEI Working Paper, n. 252
Azam, Jean-Paul, Biais, Bruno and Dia, Magueye (2004) Privatization versus Regulation in Developing Economies: the Case of West African Banks. Journal of African Economies, 13 (3). pp. 361-394.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Dia, Magueye (2004) Pro-Poor Growth in Senegal. IDEI Working Paper, n. 325
Azam, Jean-Paul and Mesnard, Alice (2003) Civil War and the Social Contract. Public Choice, 115 (3). pp. 455-475.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2003) A Theory of Poverty Aversion and Civil Society Development. Economics & Politics, 15 (1). pp. 61-84.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Laffont, Jean-Jacques (2003) Contracting for Aid. Journal of Development Economics, 70 (1). pp. 25-58.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2003) Beyond the Good and the Evil: Anarchy, Commitment, and Peace. IDEI Working Paper, n. 195
Azam, Jean-Paul (2003) Looting and Conflict bertween Ethno-Regional Groups: Lessons for State Formation in Africa. In: Economics of Conflict, International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Edward Elgar. ISBN 1840647825
Azam, Jean-Paul (2003) Poverty and Growth in the WAEMU after the 1994 Devaluation. IDEI Working Paper, n. 197
Azam, Jean-Paul and Koidou, Constant (2003) Rising Threats: Containing Political Violence in Côte d'Ivoire. IDEI Working Paper, n. 235
Azam, Jean-Paul and Salmon, Claire (2003) Strikes and Political Activism of Trade Unions: Theory and Application to Bangladesh. IDEI Working Paper, n. 166
Azam, Jean-Paul (2003) Suicide-Bombing as Inter-Generational Investment. IDEI Working Paper, n. 234
Azam, Jean-Paul, Fosu, Augustin and N'Dungu, Njuguna (2002) Explaining Slow Growth in Africa. African Development Review, 14 (4). pp. 177-220.
Azam, Jean-Paul and Hoeffler, Anke (2002) Violence Against Civilians in Civil Wars : Looting or Terror? Journal of Peace Research, 39 (4). pp. 461-485.
Azam, Jean-Paul (2002) Looting and Conflict between Ethno-Regional Groups: Lessons for State Formation in Africa. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 46 (1). pp. 131-153.
Azam, Jean-Paul, Dia, Magueye and N'Guessan, Tchétché (2002) Telecom Sector Reforms in Senegal. World Bank Working Paper, n. 2894, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul and Mesnard, Alice (2001) Civil War and the Social Contract. IDEI Working Paper, n. 124
Azam, Jean-Paul, Calmette, Marie-Françoise, Loustalan, Catherine and Maurel, Christine (2001) Domestic Competition and Export Performance of Manufacturing Firms in Côte d'Ivoire. Center for the Study of African Economies, Toulouse
Azam, Jean-Paul, Biais, Bruno, Dia, Magueye and Maurel, Christine (2001) Informal and Formal Credit Markets and Credit Rationing in Côte d'Ivoire. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 17 (4). pp. 520-534.