- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (45)
- C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods (45)
- C9 - Design of Experiments (45)
- C91 - Laboratory, Individual Behavior (45)
- C9 - Design of Experiments (45)
- C - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods (45)
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Ambec, Stefan, Garapin, Alexis, Muller, Laurent, Reynaud, Arnaud and Sebi, Carine (2014) Regulatory instruments to protect the commons: An experimental investigation. Environmental and Resource Economics, 58 (2). pp. 219-244.
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Assenza, Tiziana, Heemeijer, P., Hommes, C.H. and Massaro, D. (2021) Managing Self-organization of Expectations through Monetary Policy: a Macro Experiment. Journal of Monetary Economics, vol. 117. pp. 170-186.
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Dessi, Roberta, Moisan, Frédéric and Robertson, Donald (2024) Public Goods and Future Audiences. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol.224. pp. 580-597.
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Lorini, Emiliano and Moisan, Frédéric (2016) Social connectedness improves co-ordination on individually costly, efficient outcomes. European Economic Review, 90. pp. 86-109.
Bardey, David, De Donder, Philippe and Mantilla, Cesar (2019) How is the Trade-off between Adverse Selection and Discrimination Risk Affected by Genetic Testing? Theory and Experiment. Journal of Health Economics, 68. p. 102223.
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Bonnefon, Jean-François, De Neys, Wim and Hopfensitz, Astrid (2017) Split-second trustworthiness detection from faces in an economic game. Experimental Psychology, 64 (4). pp. 231-239.
Cochard, François, Couprie, Hélène and Hopfensitz, Astrid (2016) Do spouses cooperate? An experimental investigation. Review of Economics of the Household, vol.14 (n°1). pp. 1-26.
Eber, Michael, Sunstein, Cass R., Hammitt, James K. and Yeh, Jennifer (2021) The Modest Effects of Fact Boxes on Cancer Screening. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 62. pp. 29-54.
Espinosa, Romain and Treich, Nicolas (2023) Eliciting Non-hypothetical Willingness-to-pay for Novel Products: An Application to Cultured Meat. Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 85 (n° 3-4). pp. 673-706.
Espinosa, Romain and Treich, Nicolas (2021) Moderate vs. Radical NGOs. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 103 (n° 4). pp. 1478-1501.
Friebel, Guido, Lalanne, Marie, Richter, Bernard, Seabright, Paul and Schwardmann, Peter (2021) Gender differences in social interactions. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 186. pp. 33-45.
Alaoui, Larbi, Janezic, Katharina A. and Penta, Antonio (2022) Coordination and Sophistication. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1394, Toulouse
Alger, Ingela, Juarez, Laura, Juarez-Torres, Miriam and Miquel-Florensa, Josepa (2016) Do informal transfers induce lower efforts? Evidence from lab-in-the-field experiments in rural Mexico. IAST Working Paper, n. 16-34, Toulouse
Alger, Ingela, Juarez, Laura, Juarez-Torres, Miriam and Miquel-Florensa, Josepa (2020) Do women contribute more effort than men to a real public good? TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1071, Toulouse
Alger, Ingela and Rivero-Wildemauwe, José Ignacio (2024) Doing the right thing (or not) in a lemons-like situation: on the role of social preferences and Kantian moral concerns. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1531, Toulouse
Ambec, Stefan, Garapin, Alexis, Muller, Laurent, Reynaud, Arnaud and Sebi, Carine (2009) Comparing Regulations to Protect the Commons: An Experimental Investigation. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-100, Toulouse
Andersson, Henrik, Scholtz, Henrik and Zheng, Jiakun (2023) Measuring regret theory in the health and financial domain. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1449
Assenza, Tiziana, Cardaci, Alberto and Delli Gatti, Dominico (2021) The Leverage Self-Delusion: Perceived Wealth and Cognitive Sophistication. TSE Working Paper, n. 19-1055, Toulouse
Assenza, Tiziana, Heemeijer, P., Hommes, C.H. and Massaro, D. (2018) Managing self-organization of expectations through monetary policy: a macro experiment. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-963, Toulouse
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Garcia-Gallego, Aurora, Georgantzis, Nikolaos and Montesano, Aldo (2011) An Experiment on Prisoner’s Dilemma with Confirmed Proposals. TSE Working Paper, n. 11-274
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Garcia-Gallego, Aurora, Georgantzis, Nikolaos and Montesano, Aldo (2011) An Experiment on Prisoner’s Dilemma with Confirmed Proposals. LERNA Working Paper, n. 11.23.357
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Hopfensitz, Astrid, Lorini, Emiliano and Moisan, Frédéric (2015) Social connectedness improves co-ordination on individually costly, efficient outcomes. TSE Working Paper, n. 15-584
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco and Montesano, Aldo (2010) The Price for Information about Probabilities and its Relation with Capacities. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-193
Bardey, David, De Donder, Philippe and Mantilla, Cesar (2017) How Is the Trade-off between Adverse Selection and Discrimination Risk Affected by Genetic Testing?: Theory and Experiment. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-777, Toulouse
Bardey, David, Kembou Nzalé, Samuel and Ventelou, Bruno (2018) Physicians’ incentives to adopt personalized medicine: experimental evidence. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-968, Toulouse
Beblo, Miriam, Beninger, Denis, Cochard, François, Couprie, Hélène and Hopfensitz, Astrid (2012) Equality-Efficiency Trade-off within French and German Couples – A Comparative Experimental Study. TSE Working Paper, n. 12-374
Belzil, Christian, Pernaudet, Julie and Poinas, François (2021) Estimating Coherency between Survey Data and Incentivized Experimental Data. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1234, Toulouse, France
Bonnefon, Jean-François, De Neys, Wim and Hopfensitz, Astrid (2013) Low second-to-fourth digit ratio predicts indiscriminate social suspicion, not improved trustworthiness detection. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-385
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2016) Is Ambiguity Aversion a Preference? TSE Working Paper, n. 16-703, Toulouse
Couture, Stéphane and Reynaud, Arnaud (2010) Stability of Risk Preference Measures: Results from a Field Experiment on French Farmers. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-151
Daskalova, Vessela (2015) Discrimination, Social Identity, and Coordination: An Experiment. Cambridge-INET Working Paper Series, n. 2015/12, Toulouse
Espinosa, Romain and Treich, Nicolas (2020) Moderate vs. Radical NGOs. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1159, Toulouse
Hopfensitz, Astrid (2009) Previous Outcomes and Reference Dependence: A Meta Study of Repeated Investment Tasks with Restricted Feedback. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-087
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Krawczyk, Michal and Van Winden, Frans (2009) Investment, Resolution of Risk, and the Role of Affect. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-123
Juan-Bartroli, Pau (2024) On Injunctive Norms: Theory and Experiment. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1515, Toulouse
Le Yaouanq, Yves (2015) Anticipating Preference Reversal. TSE Working Paper, n. 15-585, Toulouse
Mantilla, Cesar (2014) Are we more wearful than greedy? Outbounding the incentives to defect in cooperation dilemmas. IAST working paper, n. 14-08, Toulouse
Offerman, Theo, Schram, Arthur and Van Leeuwen, Boris (2014) Competition for status creates superstars: An experiment on public good provision and network formation. IAST working paper, n. 14-16, Toulouse
Ramalingam, Abhijit, Rojo Arjona, David, Schram, Arthur and Van Leeuwen, Boris (2015) Authority and Centrality: Power and Cooperation in Social Dilemma Networks. IAST working paper, n. 15-23, Toulouse
Van Leeuwen, Boris and Alger, Ingela (2019) Estimating Social Preferences and Kantian Morality in Strategic Interactions. IAST Working Paper, n. 19-100, Toulouse