Andersson, Henrik and Jullien, Bruno
Environmental Sustainability and the Digital Revolution: A Systematic Review of the ICT and its Environmental Impact.
Technical Report
Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick
Personalized pricing and distribution strategies.
Management Science, vol. 69 (n° 3).
pp. 1687-1702.
Jullien, Bruno and Bouvard, Matthieu
Fair cost sharing: big tech vs telcos.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1376, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick
Personalized Pricing and Distribution Strategies.
TSE Working Paper, n. 19-995, Toulouse
Jeon, Doh-Shin, Jullien, Bruno
and Klimenko, Mikhail
Language, internet and platform competition.
Journal of International Economics, vol. 131 (n° 103439).
(In Press)
Jullien, Bruno, Pavan, Alessandro
and Rysman, Marc
Two-sided Markets, Pricing, and Network Effects.
TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1238, Toulouse, France
Jullien, Bruno and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
The Economics of Platforms: A Theory Guide for Competition Policy.
Information Economics and Policy, vol.54 (100880).
Jullien, Bruno and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Vers une régulation concurrentielle des plateformes.
Technical Report, Toulouse, France
Hagiu, Andrei, Jullien, Bruno
and Wright, Julian
Creating platforms by hosting rivals.
Management Science, vol. 66 (n° 7).
pp. 2801-3294.
Halaburda, Hanna, Jullien, Bruno
and Yehezkel, Yaron
Dynamic competition with network externalities: how history matters.
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 51.
pp. 3-31.
Jullien, Bruno and Park, In-Uck
Communication, Feedbacks and Repeated Moral Hazard with Short-lived Buyers.
TSE Working Paper, n. 19-1027, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno and Pavan, Alessandro
Information management and pricing in platform markets.
Review of Economic Studies, vol. 86 (n° 4).
pp. 1666-1703.
Correia da silva, Joao, Jullien, Bruno, Lefouili, Yassine
and Pinho, Joana
Horizontal Mergers Between Multi-Sided Platforms: Insights from Cournot Competition.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 28 (n° 1).
pp. 109-124.
Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine
Horizontal mergers and innovation.
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 14 (n° 3).
pp. 364-392.
Correia da silva, Joao, Jullien, Bruno, Lefouili, Yassine
and Pinho, Joana
Horizontal mergers between multi-sided platforms: insights from Cournot competition.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-946, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine
Mergers and investments in new products.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-949, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno, Lefouili, Yassine
and Riordan, Michael
Privacy protection and consumer retention.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-947, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick
Vertical foreclosure and multi-segment competition.
Economics Letters, vol. 169.
pp. 31-34.
Bourreau, Marc and Jullien, Bruno
Mergers, investments and demand expansion.
Economics Letters, vol. 167.
pp. 136-141.
Jullien, Bruno, Pouyet, Jérôme
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Quel rôle pour les acteurs publics dans l'incitation privée aux investissements ?
Revue économique, vol. 69.
pp. 985-1007.
Jullien, Bruno and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Internet regulation, two-sided pricing, and sponsored data.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 58.
pp. 31-62.
Bourreau, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
and Lefouili, Yassine
Mergers and demand-enhancing innovation.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-907, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick
Vertical Foreclosure and Multi-Segment Competition.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-876, Toulouse
Bourreau, Marc and Jullien, Bruno
Mergers, investments and demand expansion.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-880, Toulouse
Choi, Jay Pil, Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine
Tying in two-sided markets with multi-homing: Corrigendum and Comment.
Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 65 (n° 4).
pp. 872-886.
Jullien, Bruno, Pouyet, Jérôme
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
An Offer You Can't Refuse: Early Contracting with Endogenous Threat.
RAND Journal of Economics, 48 (3).
pp. 733-748.
Dubois, Pierre and Jullien, Bruno
Product Design and Decision Rights in Vertical Structures.
Research in Economics, 70.
pp. 558-568.
Bardey, David, Jullien, Bruno
and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie
Health insurance and diversity of treatment.
Journal of Health Economics, 47.
pp. 50-63.
Jolivet, Grégory, Jullien, Bruno and Postel-Vinay, Fabien
Reputation and prices on the e-market:evidence from a major french platform.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 45.
pp. 59-75.
Anderson, Simon P. and Jullien, Bruno
The advertising-financed business model in two-sided media markets.
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-632, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno and Anderson, Simon P.
The advertising-financed business model in two-sided media markets.
In: Handbook of Media Economics
Anderson, Simon P., Strömberg, David and Waldfogel, Joel (eds.)
Chapter 2.
pp. 41-90.
ISBN 9780444636959
Jullien, Bruno and Park, In-Uck
New, Like New, or Very Good? Reputation and Credibility.
Review of Economic Studies, vol. 81 (n° 4).
pp. 1543-1574.
Hagiu, Andrei and Jullien, Bruno
Search Diversion and Platform Competition.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol.33.
pp. 48-60.
Jullien, Bruno, Rey, Patrick
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Termination fees revisited.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31 (n°6).
pp. 738-750.
Iossa, Elisabetta and Jullien, Bruno
The Market for Lawyers: On the Value of Information on the Quality of Legal Services.
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 43 (n° 4).
pp. 677-705.
Amelio, Andrea and Jullien, Bruno
Tying and Freebies in Two-Sided Markets.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30 (n°5).
pp. 436-446.
Jullien, Bruno
Competition in Multi-Sided Markets: Divide-and-Conquer.
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 3 (4).
pp. 1-35.
Bourjade, Sylvain and Jullien, Bruno
The Roles of Reputation and Transparency on the Behavior of Biased Experts.
RAND Journal of Economics, 42 (3).
pp. 575-594.
Hagiu, Andrei and Jullien, Bruno
Why Do Intermediaries Divert Search?
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 42 (n° 2).
pp. 337-362.
Jullien, Bruno
Two-Sided B2B Platforms.
TSE Working Paper, n. 11-223, Toulouse
Bardey, David, Bommier, Antoine
and Jullien, Bruno
Retail Price Regulation and Innovation: Reference Pricing in the Pharmaceutical Industry.
Journal of Health Economics, 29 (n°2).
pp. 303-316.
Jullien, Bruno, Pouyet, Jérôme
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Public and Private Investment in Regulated Network Industries.
Review of Network Economics, 9 (4).
Crampes, Claude, Dubois, Pierre
, Jullien, Bruno
and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie
Régulation des prix et politiques de remboursement des médicaments.
Revue Générale de Droit Médical, 33.
pp. 273-290.
Jullien, Bruno, Rey, Patrick
and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Mobile Call Termination Revisited.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-198, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude, Haritchabalet, Carole
and Jullien, Bruno
Advertising, Competition and Entry in Media Industries.
Journal of Industrial Economics, 57 (1).
pp. 7-31.
Gaudeul, Alexandre and Jullien, Bruno
E-Commerce, Two-Sided Markets and Info-Mediation.
In: Internet and Digital Economics: principles, Methods and Applications
Brousseau, Éric and Curien, Nicolas (eds.)
Cambridge University Press.
Chapter 9.
Cambridge pp. 268-290.
ISBN 9780521671842
Dubois, Pierre, Jullien, Bruno
and Magnac, Thierry
Formal and Informal Risk Sharing in LDCs: Theory and Empirical Evidence.
Econometrica, vol.76 (n°4).
pp. 679-725.
Jullien, Bruno
Price Skewness and Competition in Multi-Sided Markets.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 504
Iossa, Elisabetta and Jullien, Bruno
The Market for Lawyers: The Value of Information on the Quality of Legal Services.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 485, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Tacit Collusion in Merger Analysis.
In: The Political Economy of Antitrust
Ghosal, Vivek and Stennek, Johan (eds.)
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Series “Contributions to Economic Analysis”
pp. 217-239.
ISBN 978-0-44453-093-6
Jullien, Bruno and Rey, Patrick
Resale Price Maintenance and Collusion.
RAND Journal of Economics, 38 (4).
pp. 983-1001.
Jullien, Bruno, Salanié, Bernard
and Salanié, François
Screening Risk-Averse Agents Under Moral Hazard: single-crossing and the CARA case.
Economic Theory, 30 (1).
pp. 151-169.
Chiappori, Pierre-André, Jullien, Bruno
, Salanié, Bernard
and Salanié, François
Asymmetric Information in Insurance: Some Testable Implications.
The RAND Journal of Economics, 37 (4).
pp. 783-798.
Jullien, Bruno and Mariotti, Thomas
Auction and the Informed Seller Problem.
Games and Economic Behavior, 56 (2).
pp. 225-258.
Jullien, Bruno
Two-Sided Markets and Electronic Intermediaries.
In: Industrial Organization and the Digital Economy
Illing, Gerhard and Peitz, Martin (eds.)
MIT Press.
Chapter 10.
pp. 273-302.
Chiappori, Pierre-André, Jullien, Bruno
, Salanié, Bernard
and Salanié, François
Asymmetric Information in Insurance: General Testable Implications.
RAND Journal of Economics, 37 (4).
pp. 783-798.
Jullien, Bruno
Pricing and Other Business Strategies for e-Procurements Platforms.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 290
Jullien, Bruno and Salanié, Bernard
Empirical Evidence on the Preferences of Racetrack Bettors.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 178
Jullien, Bruno and Rochet, Jean-Charles
La régulation en pratique.
Revue d'Économie Politique, 115 (3, Hom).
pp. 273-284.
Gaudeul, Alexandre and Jullien, Bruno
E-Commerce, Two-Sided Markets and Info-Mediation.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 380
Jullien, Bruno
Two-Sided Markets and Electronic Intermediation.
CESifo Economic Studies, 51.
pp. 235-262.
Jullien, Bruno
Two-Sided Markets and Electronic Intermediation.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 295
Caillaud, Bernard and Jullien, Bruno
Chicken and Egg: Competition among Intermediation Service Providers.
RAND Journal of Economics, 34 (2).
pp. 521-552.
Ivaldi, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Tacit Collusion.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 186
Ivaldi, Marc, Jullien, Bruno
, Rey, Patrick
, Seabright, Paul
and Tirole, Jean
The Economics of Unilateral Effects.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 222
Caillaud, Bernard and Jullien, Bruno
Empirical Evidence on the Preferences of Racetrack Bettors.
In: Handbook of Sport and Lottery Markets
Hausch, Donald B. and Ziemba, William T. (eds.)
Series “Handbooks in Finance”
ISBN 978-0-444-50744-0
Jullien, Bruno and Mariotti, Thomas
Auction and the Informed Seller Problem.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 145
Caillaud, Bernard and Jullien, Bruno
Competing Cybermediaries.
European Economic Review, 45 (4-6).
pp. 797-808.
Gaudeul, Alexandre and Jullien, Bruno
Economie de l'information et Internet.
Revue Économique, 52 (3).
pp. 633-642.
Jullien, Bruno, Salanié, Bernard
and Salanié, François
Screening Risk-Averse Agents Under Moral Hazard.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 131
Caillaud, Bernard and Jullien, Bruno
Modelling Time Inconsistent Preferences.
European Economic Review, 44 (4-6).
pp. 1116-1124.
Jullien, Bruno
Competing in Network Industries: Divide and Conquer.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 112
Caillaud, Bernard, Dionne, G. and Jullien, Bruno
Corporate Demand for Insurance with Optimal Financial Contracting.
Economic Theory, 16 (1).
pp. 77-105.
Jullien, Bruno and Salanié, Bernard
Estimating Preferences under Risk: The Case of Racetrack Bettors.
Journal of Political Economy, 108.
pp. 503-530.
Jullien, Bruno
Participation Constraints in Adverse Selection Models.
Journal of Economic Theory, vol.93 (n°1).
pp. 1-47.
Jullien, Bruno and Rey, Patrick
Resale Price Maintenance and Collusion.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 102
Gollier, Christian, Jullien, Bruno
and Treich, Nicolas
Scientific Progress and Irreversibility: an Economic Interpretation of the Precautionary Principle.
Journal of Public Economics, 75.
pp. 229-253.
Jullien, Bruno, Salanié, Bernard
and Salanié, François
Should More Risk-Averse Agents Exert More Effort ?
Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 24 (1).
pp. 19-28.
Jullien, Bruno and Picard, Pierre M.
A Classical Model of Involuntary Unemployment: Efficiency Wages and Macroeconomic Policy.
Journal of Economic Theory, 78 (2).
pp. 263-285.
Curien, Nicolas, Jullien, Bruno and Rey, Patrick
Pricing Regulation under Bypass Competition.
RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (2).
pp. 259-279.
Caillaud, Bernard, Jullien, Bruno
and Picard, Pierre M.
Competing Vertical Structures: Precommitment and Renegotiation.
Econometrica, 63 (3).
pp. 621-646.
Caillaud, Bernard and Jullien, Bruno
Managerial Incentives Based on Acquisition of Information.
Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 4 (3).
pp. 427-444.
Aghion, Philippe, Espinoza, M. P. and Jullien, Bruno
Dynamic Duopoly with Learning Through Market Experimentation.
Economic Theory.
pp. 517-539.
Jullien, Bruno
Competitive Business Cycles in an Overlapping Generation Economy with Productive Investment.
In: Cycles and Chaos in Economic Equilibrium
Princeton University Press.
ISBN 9780691003924
Aghion, Philippe, Bolton, Patrick
, Harris, Christopher
and Jullien, Bruno
Optimal Learning by Experimentation.
Review of Economic Studies, 58.
pp. 621-654.
Jullien, Bruno
Competitive Business Cycles in an Overlapping Generation Economy with Productive Investment.
Journal of Economic Theory, 46 (1).
pp. 45-65.
Green, Jerry and Jullien, Bruno
Ordinal Independence in Nonlinear Utility Theory.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 1.
pp. 355-387.