- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (34)
- K - Law and Economics (34)
- K2 - Regulation and Business Law (34)
- K21 - Antitrust Law (34)
- K2 - Regulation and Business Law (34)
- K - Law and Economics (34)
Rey, Patrick and Tirole, Jean
A Primer on Foreclosure.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 203
Argentesi, Elena and Ivaldi, Marc
Market Definition in Printed Media Industry: Theory and Practice.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 376
Azam, Jean-Paul
Can the Peace Be Imported?
IDEI Working Paper, n. 356
Aubert, Cécile
Managerial Effort Incentives and Market Collusion.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-127
Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico
Bundling and Competition for Slots: Sequential Pricing.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-074
Martimort, David and Piccolo, Salvatore
The Strategic Value of Quantity Forcing Contracts.
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2 (1).
pp. 204-229.
Sauvagnat, Julien
Prosecution and Leniency Programs: a Fool's Game.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-188
Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico
Interconnection among Academic Journal Websites: Multilateral versus Bilateral Interconnection.
RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 42 (n° 2).
pp. 363-386.
Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico
Bundling and Competition for Slots.
American Economic Review (AER), 102 (5).
pp. 1957-1985.
Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico
Buyer Group and Buyer Power When Sellers Compete.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-543, Toulouse
Maurer, Stephen M. and Scotchmer, Suzanne
The Essential Facilities Doctrine: The Lost Message of Terminal Railroad.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-476, Toulouse
Rey, Patrick and Vergé, Thibaud
Secret contracting in multilateral relations.
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-744, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Søreide, Tina
An Economic Analysis of Debarment.
International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 50.
pp. 36-49.
Boyer, Marcel, Ross, Thomas W. and Winter, Ralph
The rise of economics in competition policy: a canadian perspective: A Canadian Perspective.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-869, Toulouse
Cuiabano, Simone, Nicolini de Moraes, João Carlos and Pinha, Lucas (2017) Application of time series techniques in relevant market delimitation. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-801, Toulouse
Jaunaux, Laure, Lefouili, Yassine and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried
Entry and Merger Policy.
Economics Letters, vol. 161.
pp. 124-129.
Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick
Vertical Foreclosure and Multi-Segment Competition.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-876, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc and Lagos, Vicente
How Accurate is the Coordinate Price Pressure Index to Predict Mergers’ Coordinated Effects?
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-915, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine
Horizontal mergers and innovation.
Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 14 (n° 3).
pp. 364-392.
Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine
Mergers and investments in new products.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-949, Toulouse
Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick
Vertical foreclosure and multi-segment competition.
Economics Letters, vol. 169.
pp. 31-34.
Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai
Simulating media platform mergers.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 79 (n° 102729).
Jeon, Doh-Shin and Choi, Jay Pil
A leverage theory of tying in two-sided markets with non-negative price constraints.
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 13 (n° 1).
pp. 283-337.
Boyer, Marcel
Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail.
TSE Working Paper, Toulouse
Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai
Platform mergers: lessons from a case in the digital TV market.
The Journal Of Industrial Economics, vol. 70 (n° 3).
pp. 591-630.
Ma, Peiyao, Mantovani, Andrea, Reggiani, Carlo, Broocks, Annette and Duch-Brown, Nestor
The Price Effects of Banning Price Parity Clauses in the EU: Evidence from International Hotel Groups.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1371
Polo, Michele and Rey, Patrick
Unilateral Practices, Antitrust Enforcement and Commitments.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1316, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina
Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1443, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina
Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions.
European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 56.
pp. 225-287.
Ennis, Sean, Ivaldi, Marc
and Lagos, Vicente
Price parity clauses for hotel room booking: empirical evidence from regulatory change.
European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 66 (n° 2).
Tirole, Jean
Socially responsible agencies.
Competition Law and Policy Debate, vol. 7 (n° 4).
pp. 171-177.
Biglaiser, Gary, Crémer, Jacques
and Mantovani, Andrea
The Economics of the Cloud.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1520, Toulouse
Carballa Smichowski, Bruno, Lefouili, Yassine
, Mantovani, Andrea
and Reggiani, Carlo
Data Sharing or Analytics Sharing ?
TSE Working Paper, n. 25-1615, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio
Efficiency vs. distributional concerns in regulatory sandboxes.
Journal of Economic Policy Reform.
pp. 1-26.