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Number of items at this level: 34.


Argentesi, Elena and Ivaldi, Marc (2005) Market Definition in Printed Media Industry: Theory and Practice. IDEI Working Paper, n. 376

Aubert, Cécile (2009) Managerial Effort Incentives and Market Collusion. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-127

Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina (2023) Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1443, Toulouse

Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina (2023) Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions. European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 56. pp. 225-287.

Auriol, Emmanuelle and Søreide, Tina (2017) An Economic Analysis of Debarment. International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 50. pp. 36-49.

Azam, Jean-Paul (2005) Can the Peace Be Imported? IDEI Working Paper, n. 356


Biglaiser, Gary, Crémer, Jacques and Mantovani, Andrea (2024) The Economics of the Cloud. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1520, Toulouse

Boyer, Marcel (2022) Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail. TSE Working Paper, Toulouse

Boyer, Marcel, Ross, Thomas W. and Winter, Ralph (2017) The rise of economics in competition policy: a canadian perspective: A Canadian Perspective. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-869, Toulouse


Carballa Smichowski, Bruno, Lefouili, Yassine, Mantovani, Andrea and Reggiani, Carlo (2025) Data Sharing or Analytics Sharing ? TSE Working Paper, n. 25-1615, Toulouse

Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio (2025) Efficiency vs. distributional concerns in regulatory sandboxes. Journal of Economic Policy Reform. pp. 1-26.

Cuiabano, Simone, Nicolini de Moraes, João Carlos and Pinha, Lucas (2017) Application of time series techniques in relevant market delimitation. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-801, Toulouse


Ennis, Sean, Ivaldi, Marc and Lagos, Vicente (2023) Price parity clauses for hotel room booking: empirical evidence from regulatory change. European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 66 (n° 2).


Ivaldi, Marc and Lagos, Vicente (2018) How Accurate is the Coordinate Price Pressure Index to Predict Mergers’ Coordinated Effects? TSE Working Paper, n. 18-915, Toulouse

Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai (2022) Platform mergers: lessons from a case in the digital TV market. The Journal Of Industrial Economics, vol. 70 (n° 3). pp. 591-630.

Ivaldi, Marc and Zhang, Jiekai (2021) Simulating media platform mergers. International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 79 (n° 102729).


Jaunaux, Laure, Lefouili, Yassine and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried (2017) Entry and Merger Policy. Economics Letters, vol. 161. pp. 124-129.

Jeon, Doh-Shin and Choi, Jay Pil (2021) A leverage theory of tying in two-sided markets with non-negative price constraints. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 13 (n° 1). pp. 283-337.

Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico (2012) Bundling and Competition for Slots. American Economic Review (AER), 102 (5). pp. 1957-1985.

Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico (2009) Bundling and Competition for Slots: Sequential Pricing. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-074

Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico (2014) Buyer Group and Buyer Power When Sellers Compete. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-543, Toulouse

Jeon, Doh-Shin and Menicucci, Domenico (2011) Interconnection among Academic Journal Websites: Multilateral versus Bilateral Interconnection. RAND Journal of Economics, vol. 42 (n° 2). pp. 363-386.

Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine (2018) Horizontal mergers and innovation. Journal of Competition Law and Economics, vol. 14 (n° 3). pp. 364-392.

Jullien, Bruno and Lefouili, Yassine (2018) Mergers and investments in new products. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-949, Toulouse

Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick (2017) Vertical Foreclosure and Multi-Segment Competition. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-876, Toulouse

Jullien, Bruno, Reisinger, Markus and Rey, Patrick (2018) Vertical foreclosure and multi-segment competition. Economics Letters, vol. 169. pp. 31-34.


Ma, Peiyao, Mantovani, Andrea, Reggiani, Carlo, Broocks, Annette and Duch-Brown, Nestor (2022) The Price Effects of Banning Price Parity Clauses in the EU: Evidence from International Hotel Groups. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1371

Martimort, David and Piccolo, Salvatore (2010) The Strategic Value of Quantity Forcing Contracts. American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2 (1). pp. 204-229.

Maurer, Stephen M. and Scotchmer, Suzanne (2014) The Essential Facilities Doctrine: The Lost Message of Terminal Railroad. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-476, Toulouse


Polo, Michele and Rey, Patrick (2022) Unilateral Practices, Antitrust Enforcement and Commitments. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1316, Toulouse


Rey, Patrick and Tirole, Jean (2003) A Primer on Foreclosure. IDEI Working Paper, n. 203

Rey, Patrick and Vergé, Thibaud (2016) Secret contracting in multilateral relations. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-744, Toulouse


Sauvagnat, Julien (2010) Prosecution and Leniency Programs: a Fool's Game. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-188


Tirole, Jean (2023) Socially responsible agencies. Competition Law and Policy Debate, vol. 7 (n° 4). pp. 171-177.

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