- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (78)
- D - Microeconomics (78)
- D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making (78)
- D72 - Economic Models of Political Processes - Rent-Seeking, Elections, Legislatures, and Voting Behavior (78)
- D7 - Analysis of Collective Decision-Making (78)
- D - Microeconomics (78)
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Cremer, Helmuth, De Donder, Philippe and Gahvari, Firouz (2007) Energy Taxes in Three Political Economy Models. B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Advances), 7 (Iss. 1). pp. 1-27.
Cremer, Helmuth, Goulão, Catarina and Roeder, Kerstin (2016) Earmarking and the political support of fat taxes. Journal of Health Economics, 50. pp. 258-267.
Cremer, Helmuth, Klimaviciute, Justina and Pestieau, Pierre (2021) A political economy of loose means-testing in targeted social programs. Economics Letters, 202 (109810). pp. 1-12.
De Donder, Philippe and Pestieau, Pierre (2015) Lobbying, family concerns and the lack of political support for estate taxation. Economics & Politics, vol. 27 (n° 3). pp. 389-403.
De Donder, Philippe and Pestieau, Pierre (2017) Private, social and self insurance for long-term care in the presence of family help. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 19 (1). pp. 18-37.
De Donder, Philippe and Roemer, John E. (2016) An allegory of the political influence of the top 1%. Business and Politics, 18. pp. 85-96.
Demange, Gabrielle and Van Der Straeten, Karine (2020) Communicating on electoral platforms. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol. 174. pp. 402-419.
García-Valiñas, Maria A., Kurz, S. and Zaporozhets, Vera (2016) Key-drivers of EU budget allocation: Does power matter? European Journal of Political Economy, 43. pp. 57-70.
Gehrlein, William, Le Breton, Michel and Lepelley, Dominique (2017) The Likelihood of a Condorcet Winner in the Logrolling Setting. Social Choice and Welfare, 49. pp. 315-321.
Gordon, Sanford C. and Simpson, Hannah (2018) The Birth of Pork: Local Appropriations in America's First Century. American Political Science Review, 112 (3). pp. 564-579.
Goulão, Catarina (2015) Voluntary Public Health Insurance. Public Choice, vol.162 (n°1). pp. 135-157.
Hestermann, Nina, Le Yaouanq, Yves and Treich, Nicolas (2020) An economic model of the meat paradox. European Economic Review, vol.129 (103569).
Laurent, Thibault, Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique and Mouzon, Olivier de (2019) Exploring the Effects on the Electoral College of National and Regional Popular Vote Interstate Compact: An Electoral Engineering Perspective. Public Choice, vol. 179 (n° 1). pp. 51-95.
Laurent, Thibault, Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique and Mouzon, Olivier de (2020) The Theoretical Shapley-Shubik Probability of an Election Inversion in a Toy Symmetric Version of the U.S. Presidential Electoral System. Social Choice and Welfare (n° 54). pp. 363-395.
Le Breton, Michel and Lepelley, Dominique (2014) Une Analyse de la Loi Electorale du 29 Juin 1820. Revue Economique, 65 (3). pp. 469-518.
Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique, Merlin, Vincent and Sauger, Nicolas (2017) Le Scrutin Binominal Paritaire : Un Regard d'Ingénierie Electorale. Revue économique, 68 (6). pp. 965-1004.
Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique and Smaoui, Hatem (2016) Correlation, Partitioning and the Probability of Casting a Decisive Vote under the Majority Rule. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 64. pp. 11-22.
Le Breton, Michel and Van Der Straeten, Karine (2013) Alliances Electorales entre Deux Tours de Scrutin : Le Point de Vue de la Théorie des Jeux Coopératifs et une Application aux Elections Régionales de Mars 2010. Revue économique, 64. pp. 173-240.
Le Breton, Michel and Van Der Straeten, Karine (2015) Influence versus utility in the evaluation of voting rules: a new look at the Penrose formula. Public Choice, vol. 165 (n° 1). pp. 103-122.
Liu, Linqun and Treich, Nicolas (2021) Optimality of winner-take-all contests: the role of attitudes toward risk. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 63 (n°1).
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey (2008) Ideological Uncertainty and Lobbying Competition. Journal of Public Economics, 92. pp. 456-481.
Martimort, David and Semenov, Aggey (2008) The Informational Effects of Competition and Collusion in Legislative Politics. Journal of Public Economics, 92 (n°7). pp. 1541-1563.
Schroyen, Fred and Treich, Nicolas (2016) The Power of Money: Wealth Effects in Contest. Games and Economic Behavior, 100. pp. 46-48.
Book Section
Mouzon, Olivier de, Laurent, Thibault, Le Breton, Michel and Moyouwou, Issofa (2020) “One man one vote”. Part 1: electoral justice in the U.S. electoral college: Banzhaf and Shapley/Shubik versus May. In: Evaluating voting systems with probability models: essays by and in honor of William Gehrlein and Dominique Lepelley. Diss, Mostopha and Merlin, Vincent (eds.) Springer Verlag. Series “Studies in choice and welfare” pp. 189-227. ISBN 978-3-030-48598-6
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Corazzini, Luca, Georgantzis, Nikolaos and Passarelli, Francesco (2010) Risk Aversion, Over-Confidence and Private Information as Determinants of Majority Thresholds. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-088
Attanasi, Giuseppe Marco, Corazzini, Luca and Passarelli, Francesco (2010) Voting as a Lottery. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-116
Aubert, Cécile and Ding, Huihui (2022) Voter conformism and inefficient policies. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1308
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Platteau, Jean-Philippe (2017) The Explosive Combination of Religious Decentralisation and Autocracy: the Case of Islam. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-759, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Platteau, Jean-Philippe (2016) Religious Co-option in Autocracy: A Theory Inspired by History. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-746, Toulouse
Barbosa, Klenio and Straub, Stéphane (2017) The Value of Revolving Doors in Public Procurement. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-873, Toulouse
Becher, Michael (2018) Dissolution Power, Confidence Votes, and Policymaking in Parliamentary Democracies. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-945, Toulouse
Becher, Michael and Stegmueller, Daniel (2019) Cognitive Ability, Union Membership, and Voter Turnout. IAST working paper, n. 19-97
Bierbrauer, Felix, Tsyvinski, Aleh and Werquin, Nicolas (2019) Taxes and Turnout. TSE Working Paper, n. 19-1050, Toulouse
Casamatta, Georges, Cremer, Helmuth and Pestieau, Pierre (2004) Is there a Political Support for the Double Burden on Prolonged Activity? IDEI Working Paper, n. 315
Cheikbossian, Guillaume (2009) The Collective Action Problem: Within-Group Cooperation and Between-Group Competition in a Repeated Rent-Seeking Game. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-085, Toulouse
Chen, Daniel L., Levonyan, Vardges and Yeh, Susan (2016) Can policies affect preferences: evidence from random variation in abortion jurisprudence. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-723, Toulouse.
Chen, Daniel L., Levonyan, Vardges and Yeh, Susan (2016) Policies Affect Preferences: Evidence from Random Variation in Abortion Jurisprudence. IAST working paper, n. 16-58
Cremer, Helmuth, De Donder, Philippe and Gahvari, Firouz (2005) Political Competition within and between Parties: An Application to Environmental Policy. IDEI Working Paper, n. 358
De Donder, Philippe, Le Breton, Michel and Peluso, Eugenio (2010) Majority Voting in Multidimensional Policy Spaces: Kramer-Shepsle Versus Stackelberg. CEPR Discussion Paper, n. 7646, Toulouse
De Donder, Philippe, Le Breton, Michel and Peluso, Eugenio (2009) On the (Sequential) Majority Choice of Public Good Size and Location. CEPR Discussion Paper, n. 7223
De Donder, Philippe and Martinez-Mora, Francisco (2015) On the Political Economy of University Admission Standards. TSE Working Paper, n. 15-582, Toulouse
De Donder, Philippe and Peluso, Eugenio (2014) Politically Sustainable Probabilistic Minority Targeting. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-509
Gonnot, Jérôme (2020) Taxation with Representation: The Political Economy of Foreigners’ Voting Rights. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1077, Toulouse
Goulão, Catarina (2014) Voluntary Public Health Insurance. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-488
Hollibaugh, Gary E., Klingler, Jonathan and Ramey, Adam (2014) More than a Feeling: Personality and Congressional Behavior. IAST working paper, n. 14-09, Toulouse
Hollibaugh, Gary E., Klingler, Jonathan and Ramey, Adam (2015) Tentative Decisions. IAST working paper, n. 15-29, Toulouse
Laurent, Thibault, Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique and Mouzon, Olivier de (2017) Exploring the Effects on the Electoral College of National and Regional Popular Vote Interstate Compact: An Electoral Engineering Perspective. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-861, Toulouse
Laurent, Thibault, Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique and Mouzon, Olivier de (2016) The Theoretical Shapley-Shubik Probability of an Election Inversion in a Toy Symmetric Version of the U.S. Presidential Electoral System. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-671, Toulouse
Laussel, Didier, Le Breton, Michel and Xefteris, Dimitrios (2013) Simple Centrifugal Incentives in Downsian Dynamics. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-405, Toulouse
Le Bihan, Patrick (2015) Popular Referendum and Electoral Accountability. IAST working paper, n. 15-31, Toulouse
Le Breton, Michel (2016) The Condorcet Principle Implies the Proxy Voting Paradox. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-619
Le Breton, Michel (2016) The Condorcet Principle Implies the Proxy Voting Paradox. IAST working paper, n. 16-80, Toulouse
Le Breton, Michel, Lepelley, Dominique and Smaoui, Hatem (2012) The Probability of Casting a Decisive Vote: From IC to IAC trhough Ehrhart's Polynomials and Strong Mixing. TSE Working Paper, n. 12-313, Toulouse
Lefebvre, Perrin and Martimort, David (2023) Reform for Sale : a Common Agency Model with Moral Hazard Frictions. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1419, Toulouse
Liu, Linqun and Treich, Nicolas (2021) Optimality of winner-take-all contests: the role of attitudes toward risk. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1194, Toulouse
de Mouzon, Olivier, Laurent, Thibault and Le Breton, Michel (2020) One Man, One Vote Part 2: Measurement of Malapportionment and Disproportionality and the Lorenz Curve. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1089, Toulouse
de Mouzon, Olivier, Laurent, Thibault, Le Breton, Michel and Moyouwou, Issofa (2020) “One Man, One Vote” Part 1: Electoral Justice in the U.S. Electoral College: Banzhaf and Shapley/Shubik versus May. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1074, Toulouse
Saint-Paul, Gilles, Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea (2012) A Theory of Political Entrenchment. TSE Working Paper, n. 12-284
Straub, Stéphane (2014) Political Firms, Public Procurement, and the Democratization Process. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-461
Treich, Nicolas (2009) Risk-Aversion and Prudence in Rent-Seeking Games. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-013
Treich, Nicolas and Liu, Linqun (2019) Optimality of Winner-Take-All Contests: The Role of Attitudes toward Risk. TSE Working Paper, n. 19-1060, Toulouse
Zaporozhets, Vera (2016) A Note on Lobbying a Legislature. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-673, Toulouse
Blais, André, Laslier, Jean-François and Van Der Straeten, Karine, eds. (2016) Voting Experiments. Springer ISBN 978-3-319-40573-5
Lefebvre, Perrin and Martimort, David (2023) Reform for Sale : A Common Agency Model with Moral Hazard Frictions. Cambridge University Press Cambridge ISBN 9781009285582