Grimaud, André and Gray, Elie
Inter-sectoral knowledge diffusion and scale effects in schumpeterian growth models.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (N° 155).
pp. 3-44.
Gray, Elie, Grimaud, André
and Le Bris, David
The Farmer, the Blue-collar, and the Monk: Understanding economic development through saturations of demands and non-homothetic productivity gains.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-906, Toulouse
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Climate Policy, Technical Change and R&D.
In: WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change: Volume 1 Game Theory
WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change.
Chapter 9.
pp. 209-230.
(In Press)
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
Using the Salop Circle to Study Scale Effects in Schumpeterian Growth Models: Why Inter-sectoral Knowledge Diffusion Matters.
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-676, Toulouse
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
The Lindahl equilibrium in Schumpeterian growth models: (Knowledge diffusion, social value of innovations and optimal R&D incentives).
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 26 (1).
pp. 101-142.
Grimaud, André, Neubauer, Mauricio Bermudez and Rougé, Luc
Politiques de R&D, Taxe Carbone et Paradoxe Vert.
Économie et Prévision (208-209).
pp. 23-37.
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Carbon Sequestration, Economic Policies and Growth.
Resource and Energy Economics, vol.36 (n°2).
pp. 307-331.
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
The Lindahl equilibrium in Schumpeterian growth models: Knowledge diffusion, social value of innovations and optimal R&D incentives.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-469
Grimaud, André, Neubauer, Mauricio Bermudez and Rougé, Luc
Politiques de R&D, Taxe Carbone et Paradoxe Vert.
LERNA Working Paper, n. 13.12.399
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Carbon Sequestration, Economic Policies and Growth.
TSE Working Paper, n. 12-349, Toulouse
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Carbon Sequestration, Economic Policies and Growth.
LERNA Working Paper, n. 12.22.379, Toulouse
Daubanes, Julien, Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Green Paradox and Directed Technical Change: The Effects of Subsidies to Clean R&D.
TSE Working Paper, n. 12-337
Chantrel, Etienne, Grimaud, André
and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Pricing Knowledge and Funding Research of New Technology Sectors in a Growth Model.
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 14 (3).
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles
and Magné, Bertrand
Climate Change Mitigation Options and Directed Technical Change: A Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis.
Resource and Energy Economics, 33 (4).
pp. 938-962.
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
Diffusion de la connaissance: étude d'un modèle de croissance et applications.
Revue Économique, 62 (3).
pp. 579-588.
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
Diffusion de la connaissance : étude d'un modèle de croissance schumpetérien et applications.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-204
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
Scope of Innovations, Knowledge Spillovers and Growth.
LERNA Working Paper, n. 10.11.317
Gray, Elie and Grimaud, André
Scope of Innovations, Knowledge Spillovers and Growth.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-161
Grimaud, André
Effet de serre, échanges internationaux et taxation locale des produits pétroliers.
Revue Économique, 61 (1).
Grimaud, André
Taxation of a Polluting Non-Renewable Resource in the Heterogeneous World.
Environmental and Resource Economics.
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Funding Research and Educating People in a Growth Model with Increasing Population.
IUP Journal of Knowledge Management, 7 (5-6).
pp. 35-54.
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles
and Magné, Bertrand
Climate Change Mitigation Options and Directed Technical Change: A Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-063
Grimaud, André
Environmental Policy and Growth when Utility is Affected by the Stock of Resource Pollution.
International Journal of Business and Economics, 1 (1).
pp. 133-149.
Grimaud, André, Magné, Bertrand
and Rougé, Luc
Polluting Non-Renewable Resources, Carbon Abatement and Climate Policy in a Romer Growth Model.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-023
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Séquestration du carbone et politique climatique optimale.
Économie et Prévision, 4-5 (190-19).
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Environment, Directed Technical Change and Economic Policy.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 41 (4).
pp. 439-463.
Grimaud, André and Lafforgue, Gilles
Climate Change Mitigation Policies: Are R&D Subsidies Preferable to a Carbon Tax?
Revue d'Économie Politique, 119 (6).
pp. 915-940.
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Séquestration du carbone et politique climatique optimale.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 540
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles
and Magné, Bertrand
Climate Change Mitigation Options and Directed Technical Change: A Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 510
Grimaud, André
Weightless Economy, Knowledge Goods and Schumpeterian Growth.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 501
Chantrel, Etienne, Grimaud, André
and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Pricing Knowledge and Funding Research of New Technology Sectors in a Growth Model.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 184
Grimaud, André and Lafforgue, Gilles
Second Best Analysis in a General Equilibrium Climate Change Model.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 535
Grimaud, André, Magné, Bertrand
and Rougé, Luc
Carbon Storage in a Growth Model with Climate and R&D Policy.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 536
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles
and Magné, Bertrand
Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis in a Growth Model with Directed Technical Change and Climate Change Mitigation.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 537
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Growth and the Size of the R&D Sector in a Model with Endogenous Fertility.
Chulalongkorn Journal of Economics, 19 (1).
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles
and Magné, Bertrand
Innovation Markets in the Policy Appraisal of Climate Change Mitigation.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 481
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Environment, Directed Technical Change and Economic Policy.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 384
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Why can an Environmental Policy Tax Promote Growth through the Channel of Education?
Ecological Economics, 62 (1).
pp. 27-36.
Grimaud, André
On the North-South Effects of Environmental Policy: Rent Transfers, Relocation, Incentives to Research and Growth.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 477
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Why can an environmental policy tax promote growth through the channel of education?
IDEI Working Paper, n. 676
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Social Value of Innovations, Distortions, and R&D Investment: First Best versus Second Best Equilibria in Growth Models.
Revue d'Économie Politique, 116 (n°1).
pp. 7-22.
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Polluting Non Renewable Resources, Innovation and Growth: Welfare and Environmental Policy.
Resource and Energy Economics, 27 (1).
pp. 109-129.
Chantrel, Etienne, Grimaud, André
and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Funding Research by Pricing Knowledge in the New Technology Sector.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 385
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Growth and Size of the R&D Sector in a Model with Endogenous Fertility.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 386
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Permis d'Emission Négociables, Ressources Non-Renouvelables et Croissance.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 387
Amigues, Jean-Pierre, Grimaud, André
and Moreaux, Michel
Ressources non renouvelables, impatience et effort optimal de recherche-développement.
Revue d'Économie Politique, 114 (n°3).
pp. 393-416.
Grimaud, André and Ricci, Francesco
The Growth-Environment Trade-Off: Horizontal versus Vertical Innovation.
ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics, 2 (1).
pp. 7-39.
Grimaud, André
Note on the Schou's Paper : "When Environmental Policy is Superfluous: Growth and Polluting Resources".
IDEI Working Paper, n. 261
Cremer, Helmuth, Florens, Jean-Pierre
, Grimaud, André
, Marcy, Sarah, Roy, Bernard
and Toledano, Joëlle
Entrée et concurrence sur le marché postal, Méthodologie pour la construction de scénarios d'entrée.
In : Economie Postale : les Fondements
Toledano, Joëlle (ed.)
pp. 263-280.
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Funding Research and Educating People in a Growth Model with Increasing Population.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 262
Cremer, Helmuth, Grimaud, André
and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Le Coût du Service Universel dans le Secteur Postal.
In : Economie Postale : les Fondements
Toledano, Joëlle (ed.)
pp. 398-421.
ISBN 978-2717849226
Chantrel, Etienne, Grimaud, André
and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Nouvelles technologies, droits de la propriété intellectuelle et innovations.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 331
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Polluting Non Renewable Resources, Tradeable Permits and Endogenous Growth.
International Journal of Global Environmental Issues, 4 (1/2/3).
pp. 38-57.
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Non Renewable Resources and Growth with Vertical Innovations: Optimum, Equilibrium and Economic Policies.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 45 (2).
pp. 433-453.
Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric
Funding Directly Research in Growth Models Without Intermediate Goods.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 207
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc
Polluting Non-Renewable Resources, Innovation and Growth : Welfare and Environmental Policy.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 206
Grimaud, André
Non Convexities, Imperfect Competition and Growth.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 150
Cremer, Helmuth, Florens, Jean-Pierre
, Grimaud, André
, Marcy, Sarah, Roy, Bernard
and Toledano, Joëlle
Entry and Competition in the Postal Market: Fondations for the Construction of Entry Scenarios.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, 19 (2).
pp. 107-121.
Cremer, Helmuth, Gasmi, Farid
, Grimaud, André
and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Universal Service: an Economic Perspective.
Annals Of Public And Cooperative Economics, 72 (1).
pp. 5-43.
Grimaud, André
Natural Resources, Knowledge and Efficiency: Beyond the Hotelling Rule?
IDEI Working Paper, n. 134
Cremer, Helmuth, De Donder, Philippe
, Florens, Jean-Pierre
, Grimaud, André
and Rodriguez, Frank
Uniform Pricing and Postal Market Liberalization.
In: Future Direction in Postal Reform
Crew, Michael A. and Kleindorfer, Paul R. (eds.)
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”
pp. 141-163.
ISBN 978-1-4615-1671-2
Cremer, Helmuth, Grimaud, André
and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
The Cost of Universal Service in the Postal Sector.
In: Current Directions in Postal Reform
Crew, Michael A. and Kleindorfer, Paul R. (eds.)
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, Vol. 35.
Chapter 3.
pp. 47-68.
ISBN 978-1-4615-4481-4
Grimaud, André
Environmental Policies, Pollution and Growth in a Model with Vertical Innovations.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 100
Grimaud, André
Ressources naturelles et croissance endogène dans un modèle à biens horizontalement différenciés.
Économie et Prévision (143-14).
Grimaud, André
Analyse macroéconomique.
Grimaud, André
Liberalisation of Network Industries.
European Economy (4).
Grimaud, André
Pollution Permits and Sustainable Growth in a Schumpeterian Model.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 38.
pp. 249-266.
Grimaud, André
Croissance soutenable, environnement et ressources naturelles.
Revue de l'Énergie (n°496).
Grimaud, André
Pollutions, environnement et croissance : implémentation de trajectoires optimales dans un modèle Schumpétérien.
Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 98.04.491
Grimaud, André
Competition between Banks and Channels of Monetary Policy.
Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 97.04.447
Grimaud, André
Intermédiation financière, politique de base, politique de taux et monnaie endogène : un modèle synthétique.
Revue d'Economie Politique, 107 (n°1).
Cremer, Helmuth, Grimaud, André
and De Rycke, Marc
Costs and Benefits of Universal Service Obligations in the Postal Sector.
In: Managing Change in the Postal and Delivery Industries
Crew, Michael A. and Kleindorfer, Paul R. (eds.)
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, Vol. 25.
Chapter 2.
pp. 22-41.
ISBN 978-1-4615-6321-1
Cremer, Helmuth, Grimaud, André
and De Rycke, Marc
Service Quality, Competition and Regulatory Policies in the Postal Sector.
Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 11.
pp. 5-19.
Florens, Jean-Pierre and Grimaud, André
Monopoles naturels : théorie et applications au secteur postal.
Cahiers de l'Institut de Recherches et Prospectives Postales.
Grimaud, André
Modèle discret et modèle continu en économie urbaine.
Revue Économique, 47 (2).
Cremer, Helmuth, Grimaud, André
and De Rycke, Marc
Scénarios alternatifs pour la réforme des services postaux : tarification optimale et bien être.
Cahiers de l'Institut de Recherches et Prospectives Postales.
Grimaud, André and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Concurrence spatiale entre banques de dépôts : une approche théorique.
Cahiers Économiques et Monétaires (n° 44).
Grimaud, André and Rochet, Jean-Charles
L'apport du modèle de concurrence monopolistique à l'économie bancaire.
Revue Économique, 45 (3).
Cremer, Helmuth, Grimaud, André
and De Rycke, Marc
Alternative Scenarios for the Reform of Postal Services: Optimal Pricing and Welfare.
In: Commercialization of Postal and Delivery Services: National and International Perspectives
Crew, Michael A. and Kleindorfer, Paul R. (eds.)
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, Vol. 19.
Chapter 17.
pp. 247-267.
ISBN 978-1-4615-2784-8
Grimaud, André
Agglomeration Economies and Arc-radial distance.
Sistemi Urbani, 1-2.
Grimaud, André
Chômage de Long Terme et Salaire Réel.
Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 92.03.250
Fraysse, Jean and Grimaud, André
Spatial Competition and Differenciation.
In: Dynamics, Incomplete Information and Industrial Economics
Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Moreaux, Michel (eds.)
Blackwell Publishers.
Series “Applied Economic Theory and Econometrics”
Grimaud, André
Boîte d'Edgeworth et théorie de la localisation.
Revue Économique (3).
Grimaud, André and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Existence of Spatial Equilibrium.
Journal of Urban Economics, 25 (2).
pp. 213-218.
Grimaud, André
Agglomeration Economies and Building Height.
Journal of Urban Economics, 25.
Campan, Eliane and Grimaud, André
Le syndrome hollandais.
Revue d'Économie Politique (6).
Grimaud, André
Non optimal ranking of households in urban space.
Environment and Planning, 21.
Fraysse, Jean and Grimaud, André
Concurrence spatiale et différentiation.
In : Dynamique, Information Incomplète et Stratégies Industrielles
Series “Frontière de la Théorie Economique”
ISBN 978-2717815344
Grimaud, André
Le CBD : mythe ou réalité ?
Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine (2).
Grimaud, André
Caractérisation de l'optimum et taxation optimale dans la ville dispersée de M.J. Beckmann.
In : Modélisation spatiale-théorie et applications
Guesnier, Bernard and Paelinck, Jean H.P. (eds.)
Institut de Mathématiques Économiques.
Grimaud, André
Substitution espace-travail dans une ville monocentrique.
Revue d'Économie Politique (2).
Grimaud, André
Pareto Optima in Land Use Models.
Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 8617
Grimaud, André
Equilibre spatial et effets de voisinage : une généralisation de l'analyse au cas bidimensionnel.
Revue Économique, 37 (1).
Grimaud, André
Le partage de la rente foncière et le plafond légal de densité.
Revue d'Économie Régionale et Urbaine (2).
Grimaud, André
Equilibres à Prix Fixes : une Présentation Pédagogique.
Cahiers de l'Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse
Grimaud, André
Un Critère Probabiliste de l'Attraction Domicile-Travail : Application au Cas de Nantes.
Cahiers de l'Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse
Grimaud, André
Distribution de Déplacements Urbains Aléatoires : un exemple.
Cahiers de l'Université des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse