Group by: Creators | Item Type | Date | No Grouping
Number of items: 56.

Amigues, Jean-Pierre, Favard, Pascal, Gaudet, Gérard and Moreaux, Michel (1998) On the Optimal Order of Natural Resource Use when the Capacity of the Inexhaustible Substitute is Limited. Journal of Economic Theory, 80. pp. 153-170.

Auriol, Emmanuelle (1998) Deregulation and Quality. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16. pp. 169-194.

Bergemann, Dirk and Hege, Ulrich (1998) Venture Capital Financing, Moral Hazard and Learning. Journal of Banking and Finance, 22 (3). pp. 703-735.

Biais, Bruno and Bossaerts, Peter (1998) Asset Prices and Trading Volume in a Beauty Contest. Review of Economic Studies, 65. pp. 307-340.

Biais, Bruno, Foucault, Thierry and Salanié, François (1998) Floors, dealer markets and limit order markets. Journal of Financial Markets (1). pp. 253-284.

Bonaccorsi, A. and Rossetto, Silvia (1998) On the economic value of modularity in software development. A real option approach. International Journal of Applied Software Technologies.

Bousquet, Alain, Cremer, Helmuth, Ivaldi, Marc and Wolkowicz, Michel (1998) Risk Sharing in Licensing. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16. pp. 535-554.

Bousquet, Alain and Ivaldi, Marc (1998) An Individual Choice Model of Energy Mix. Resource and Energy Economics (20). pp. 263-286.

Calmette, Marie-Françoise (1998) Imperfection de l'Information et Régulation bilatérale en Economie Ouverte. Revue d'Économie Politique (n°4).

Calmette, Marie-Françoise and Le Pottier, Jacques (1998) Labour Migration and Intra-Regional Transfer Policies. Région et Développement (8).

Casanova, Sandrine and Thomas-Agnan, Christine (1998) Quantiles conditionnels. Journal de la Société Française de statistique, 4. pp. 31-44.

Cheikbossian, Guillaume and Maurel, Mathilde (1998) The New Geography of Eastern European Trade. Kyklos, 51. pp. 45-71.

Cherbonnier, Frédéric and Colmez, Pierre (1998) Représentations p-adiques surconvergentes. Inventiones mathematicae, 133 (3). pp. 581-611.

Chone, P. and Rochet, Jean-Charles (1998) Ironing, Sweeping and Multidimensional Screening. Econometrica, 66 (4). pp. 783-826.

Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio (1998) Regulatory trade-Offs in the Design of Concession Contracts. Utilities Policy, 7. pp. 1-13.

Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1998) Biotechnological Innovation and Industrial Performance. Journal of Consumer Policy, 21. pp. 377-409.

Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1998) Biotechnological Innovation and Industrial Performance. In: Biotechnology and the Consumer: A research project sponsored by the Office of Consumer Affairs of Industry Canada Knoppers, Bartha Maria and Mathios, Alan (eds.) Springer US. pp. 377-409. ISBN 978-1-4615-5311-3

Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1998) Bundling and the Product Specification of Excludable Public Goods: the Case of Pay TV. Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 98.08.495

Crampes, Claude and Langinier, Corinne (1998) Information Disclosure in the Renewal of Patents. The Annals of Economics and Statistics (49). pp. 265-288.

Cremer, Helmuth (1998) Delaying Inter Vivos Transmissions under Asymmetric Information. Southern Economic Journal, 65. pp. 332-330.

Cremer, Helmuth and Gahvari, Firouz (1998) On Optimal Taxation of Housing. Journal of Urban Economics, 43. pp. 315-335.

Cremer, Helmuth, Gahvari, Firouz and Ladoux, Norbert (1998) Externalities and Optimal Taxation. Journal of Public Economics, 70 (3). pp. 343-364.

Cremer, Helmuth and Pestieau, Pierre (1998) Social Insurance, Majority Voting and Labor Mobility. Journal of Public Economics, 68. pp. 397-420.

Crémer, Jacques (1998) Information dans la théorie des organisations. In : économie de l'information: les enseignements des théories économiques La Découverte. Series “Recherches” Chapter 10. pp. 277-292. ISBN 2-7071-2862-7

Crémer, Jacques, Khalil, Fahad and Rochet, Jean-Charles (1998) Contracts and Productive Information Gathering. Games and Economic Behavior, 25. pp. 174-193.

Crémer, Jacques, Khalil, Fahad and Rochet, Jean-Charles (1998) Strategic Information Gathering Before a Contract Is Offered. Journal of Economic Theory, vol.81. pp. 163-200.

Curien, Nicolas, Jullien, Bruno and Rey, Patrick (1998) Pricing Regulation under Bypass Competition. RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (2). pp. 259-279.

De Donder, Philippe and Hindriks, Jean (1998) The Political Economy of Targeting. Public Choice, 95 (1-2). pp. 177-200.

Desquilbet, Marion and Guyomard, Hervé (1998) Agricultural Export Subsidies and Intermediate Goods Trade: Comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (80). pp. 422-425.

Diack, Cheikh and Thomas-Agnan, Christine (1998) A nonparametric test of the non convexity of regression. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 9 (4). pp. 335-362.

Dubois, Pierre (1998) Multitask Moral Hazard, Incentive Contracts and Land Value. Document de Travail INRA-ESR Toulouse, n. 2001-10D

Dupaigne, Martial (1998) Capital operating time and economic fluctuations. Louvain Economic Review - Recherches Economiques de Louvain, 64 (3). pp. 243-267.

Feess, Eberhard and Hege, Ulrich (1998) Efficient Liability Rules for Multi-Party Accidents with Moral Hazard. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 154 (2). pp. 422-450.

Florens, Jean-Pierre and Gaspar, Philippe (1998) Estimation of the Sea State Bias in Radar Altimeter Measurements of Sea Level : Results from a Non-Parametric Method. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103 (15). pp. 803-814.

Florens, Jean-Pierre, Renault, Eric and Touzi, Nizar (1998) Testing for Embeddability by Stationary Scalar Diffusions. Econometric Theory, 14. pp. 744-769.

Fudenberg, Drew and Tirole, Jean (1998) Upgrades, Tradeins, and Buybacks. RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (2). pp. 235-258.

Gasmi, Farid, Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Sharkey, William W. (1998) Evaluation Empirique de la Réglementation du Service de Téléphone Local : Une Méthodologie Technico-Economique. Sciences de la Société (43).

Gasmi, Farid, Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Sharkey, William W. (1998) A Technico-Economic Analysis of Local Telecommunications Markets. In: Telephony, the Internet and the Media MacKie-Mason, Jeffrey K. and Waterman, David (eds.) Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. pp. 15-36.

Gregoir, Stéphane and Lenglart, Fabrice (1998) Un nouvel indicateur pour saisir les retournements de conjoncture. Économie et Statistique.

Grimaud, André (1998) Croissance soutenable, environnement et ressources naturelles. Revue de l'Énergie (n°496).

Grimaud, André (1998) Pollutions, environnement et croissance : implémentation de trajectoires optimales dans un modèle Schumpétérien. Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 98.04.491

Holmström, Bengt and Tirole, Jean (1998) Private and Public Supply of Liquidity. Journal of Political Economy, 106 (1). pp. 1-40.

Jullien, Bruno and Picard, Pierre M. (1998) A Classical Model of Involuntary Unemployment: Efficiency Wages and Macroeconomic Policy. Journal of Economic Theory, 78 (2). pp. 263-285.

Konishi, H., Le Breton, Michel and Weber, Shlomo (1998) Equilibrium in a Finite Local Public Goods Economy. Journal of Economic Theory, 79. pp. 224-244.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1998) Frisch, Hotelling and the Marginal Cost Pricing Controversy. In: Econometrics and Economic Theory in the 20th Century: The Ragnar Frisch Centennial Symposium Cambridge University Press. Series “Econometric society monographs” Chapter 9. pp. 319-342. ISBN 9780521633659

Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1998) Théorie des Jeux et Economie Empirique : Le Cas des Données Issues d'Enchères. Économie et Prévision (n°132-133). pp. 121-137.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David (1998) Collusion and Delegation. RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (2). pp. 280-305.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Martimort, David (1998) Transaction Costs, Institution Design and the Separation of Powers. European Economic Review, 42. pp. 673-684.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques, Rey, Patrick and Tirole, Jean (1998) Network Competition: I. Overview and Nondiscriminatory Pricing. RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (1). pp. 1-37.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques, Rey, Patrick and Tirole, Jean (1998) Network Competition: II. Price Discrimination. RAND Journal of Economics, 29 (1). pp. 38-56.

Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Rochet, Jean-Charles (1998) Regulation of a Risk Averse Firm. Games and Economic Behavior, 25 (2). pp. 149-173.

Lavergne, Pascal (1998) Selection of Regressors in Econometrics: Parametric and Nonparametric Methods. Econometric Reviews, vol.17 (n°3). pp. 227-273.

Lavergne, Pascal, Réquillart, Vincent and Simioni, Michel (1998) Perte de bien-être et pouvoir de marché dans l'agro-alimentaire français. Économie et Prévision, vol.4 (n°135). pp. 77-86.

Lavergne, Pascal and Vuong, Quang H. (1998) An integral estimator of residual variance and a measure of explanatory power of covariates in nonparametric regression. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 9 (4). pp. 363-380.

Neven, Damien, Papandropoulos, Pénélope and Seabright, Paul (1998) Trawling for Minnows: European Competition Policy and Agreements between Firms. Center for Economic Policy Research London

Renault, Jérôme and Tomala, Tristan (1998) Repeated Proximity Games. International Journal of Game Theory, 27 (4). pp. 539-559.

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