Group by: Creators | Item Type | Date | No Grouping
Number of items: 28.

Ardelet, Caroline, Fleck, Nathalie and Grobert, Julien (2022) When a clean scent soothes the soul: Developing a positive attitude toward sharing service space with strangers. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 68 (103051).

Attié, Elodie and Meyer-Waarden, Lars (2022) The acceptance and usage of smart connected objects according to adoption stages: an enhanced technology acceptance model integrating the diffusion of innovation, uses and gratification and privacy calculus theories. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. .176.

Ben Amar, Walid, Cosyms, Breeda and Martinez, Isabelle (2022) The COVID-19 pandemic: opportunity or challenge for climate change risk disclosure ? Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, vol.36 (n° 2). pp. 649-676.

Berlinski, Elise, Strauch, Marianne and Plantec, Quentin (2022) Hyperloop, une mythologie de marchés. Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 3 (n° 304). pp. 65-88.

Boutant Lapeyre, Jennifer, Gatignol, Marc-Antoine and Martinez, Isabelle (2022) Lisibilité des informations non financières des entreprises françaises : impact de l’intégration et conséquences sur le marché financier. Comptabilité, Contrôle, Audit, vol. 28 (n° 4). pp. 51-99.

Cho, Charles H., Jerome, Tiphaine and Maurice, Jonathan (2022) Assessing the impact of environmental accounting research: evidence from citation and journal data. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, vol. 13 (n° 5). pp. 989-1014.

Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Munzel, Andreas (2022) The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories. Psychology & Marketing, vol. 39 (n° 3). pp. 647-661.

Coleno, Catherine and Mignonac, Karim (2022) Perceived organizational support and task performance of employees with disabilities: a need satisfaction and social identity perspectives. International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 34 (n° 10). pp. 2039-2073.

Croonen, Evelien, Van der Bij, Hans, Perigot, Rosenn, Herrbach, Olivier and Akremi, Assâad El (2022) Who wants to be a franchisee? Explaining individual intentions to become franchisees. International Small Business Journal, vol. 40 (n° 1). pp. 90-112.

Cugueró-Escofet, Natàlia and Fortin, Marion (2022) How Should We Distribute Rewards in Social Sustainable Organizations? Investigating Individual Preferences for Justice Allocation Norms. Sustainability (n° 14).

Destoumieux, Ludivine, Grobert, Julien and Vernette, Éric (2022) No more taboos for young people? sex and death in provocative advertisement. Journal of Marketing Trends, vol. 8 (n° 1). pp. 2-15.

El Mawla, Batoul, Akremi, Assâad El and Igalens, Jacques (2022) Irresponsabilité et résipiscence. Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 48 (n° 303). pp. 35-68.

Gaudy, Camille, Godowski, Christophe and Maurice, Jonathan (2022) L’audit RSE à la croisée des chemins. Ce que nous enseigne le vécu quotidien des auditeurs. Revue Française de Gestion, vol. 48 (n° 306). pp. 59-81.

Grobert, Julien, Cuny, Caroline and Fornerino, Marianela (2022) Time to embrace change: A longitudinal study of logo change in a higher education institution. Décisions Marketing, vol. 105 (n° 1). pp. 159-176.

Jolivet, Eric (2022) Technologies de l'information et démocratie : une étude des cas d'innovations à Tokyo post Fukushima. In : Ethique, droit et gestion : un itinéraire singulier : Mélanges en l’honneur de Madame le Professeur Marie-Christine Monnoyer Igalens, Jacques, Lichardos-Garriques, Gaëlle and Somme, Luc-Thomas (eds.) Institut Catholique Toulouse. Toulouse ISBN 979 10 94360 26 2

Kochura, Oleksandra, Mirc, Nicola and Lacoste, Denis (2022) From a dyadic to a triadic perspective: Divestiture research implications for understanding pre- and post-acquisition processes. European Management Journal, vol. 40 (n°6). pp. 943-951.

Kochura, Oleksandra, Mirc, Nicola and Lacoste, Denis (2022) What follows what? Sequences and combinations of acquisitions and divestitures. In: Acquisitions and Corporate Strategy: Alliances, Performance, and Divestment Edited By David R. King D. King (ed.). Series “Routledge research in strategic management” Chapter 3. London ISBN 9781032036366

Lyubykh, Zhanna, Barclay, Laurie J., Fortin, Marion, Bashshur, Michael and Khakhar, Malika (2022) Why, how, and when divergent perceptions become dysfunctional in organizations: A Motivated cognition perspective. Research in Organizational Behavior, vol. 42 (n° 100177).

Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Cloarec, Julien (2022) Baby, you can drive my car : psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles. Technovation, N° 109 (N° 102348).

Mirc, Nicola, Sele, Kathrin, Rouziès, Audrey and Angwin, Duncan (2022) From Fit to Fitting: A routine dynamics perspective on M&A synergy realization. Organization Studies, 44 (9). 1465–1490-1465–1490.

Paring, Géraldine and Pezé, Stéphan (2022) Managerial Control of Employees’ Intercorporeality and the Production of Unethical Relations. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 180 (n° 2). 393–406-393–406.

Pezé, Stéphan and Théron, Christelle (2022) Catch me if you can! L’épisode stratégique à la recherche du strategizing. Management International, vol.26 (n°6). pp. 100-116.

Pezé, Stéphan and Théron, Christelle (2022) Franck Underwood : Les Leçons d ’ un stratège hors pair. In : Former les managers de demain : Kit créatif pour les formateurs Vandangeon-Derumez, Isabelle, Lépinard, Philippe and Calcei, Didier (eds.) Presses des Mines. Series “Vademecum” Chapter 19. Paris pp. 227-236. ISBN 978 2 35671 703 0

Robert, Véronique and Vandenberghe, Christian (2022) Laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being : The contribution of perceived supervisor organizational status. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. pp. 940-957.

Robert, Véronique and Vandenberghe, Christian (2022) Une analyse du leadership laissez-faire dans les organisations : le rôle des orientations d’objectifs des employés. Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, vol.28 (n°3). pp. 197-210.

Rouane, Sihem, Azzam, Jamal Eddine and Pezé, Stéphan (2022) Diversification, intégration et synergies : le tiercé gagnant de la croissance. Recherche et Cas en Sciences de Gestion, 21 (1). pp. 17-33.

Sun, Liling (2022) Comment renforcer l’expérience client à travers le parcours client via la réalité augmentée ?, How to reinforce the customer experience through the customer journey via augmented reality? École Doctorale Sciences de Gestion TSM (Toulouse).

Warner, Clark, Fortin, Marion and Melkonian, Tessa (2022) When are we more ethical? A review and categorization of the factors influencing dual-process ethical decision-making. Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 189. pp. 843-882.

This list was generated on Wed Jan 15 03:22:43 2025 CET.