Group by: Creators | Item Type | Date
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Number of items at this level: 68.


Bonnet, Céline, Dubois, Pierre and Orozco, Valérie (2009) Household Food Consumption, Individual Caloric Intake and Obesity in France. IDEI Working Paper, n. 546

Mesnard, Alice and Seabright, Paul (2009) Escaping Epidemics Through Migration? Quarantine Measures under Asymmetric Information about Infection Risk. Journal of Public Economics, 93 (n°7-8). pp. 931-938.


Bardey, David, Canta, Chiara and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2010) Health Care Providers Payments Regulation when Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation Matter. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-164

Fève, Frédérique and Florens, Jean-Pierre (2010) A mathematical model for bone marrow donors' registries and cord blood banks. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-177


Bardey, David, Canta, Chiara and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2012) The regulation of health care providers' payments when horizontal and vertical differentiation matter. Journal of Health Economics, 31 (5). pp. 691-704.

Dallongeville, Jean, Dauchet, Luc, Mouzon, Olivier de, Réquillart, Vincent and Soler, Louis-Georges (2012) Are Fruit and Vegetable Voucher Policies Cost-Effective? European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 39 (n° 5). pp. 771-795.

Kyle, Margaret and McGahan, Anita M. (2012) Pharmaceutical Investments Before and After TRIPS. Review of Economics and Statistics, 94 (4). pp. 1157-1172.


Bardey, David and De Donder, Philippe (2013) Genetic testing with primary prevention and moral hazard. Journal of Health Economics, vol.32 (n°5). pp. 768-779.

Goulão, Catarina and Thibault, Emmanuel (2013) Physical Activity and Policy Recommendations: a Social Multiplier Approach. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-414

Goulão, Catarina and Thibault, Emmanuel (2013) Physical Activity and Policy Recommendations: a Social Multiplier Approach. B. E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy (Advances), 13 (2). pp. 577-612.

Hammitt, James K. and Rheinberger, Christoph M. (2013) The Welfare Value of FDA’s Mercury-in-Fish Advisory: A Dynamic Reanalysis. LERNA Working Paper, n. 13.07.394


Bonnet, Céline, Dubois, Pierre and Orozco, Valérie (2014) Household Food Consumption, Individual Calories Intake and Obesity in France. Empirical Economics, 46 (n°3). pp. 1143-1166.

Dubois, Pierre and Lasio, Laura (2014) Identifying Industry Margins with Unobserved Price Constraints: Structural Estimation on Pharmaceuticals. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-471, Toulouse

Rheinberger, Christoph M. and Hammitt, James K. (2014) The Welfare Value of FDA’s Mercury-in-Fish Advisory: A Dynamic Reanalysis. Journal of Health Economics, vol. 37. pp. 113-122.


Bardey, David and Buitrago, Giancarlo (2015) Voluntary Health Plan Subsidies and Public Expenditure. TSE Working Paper, n. 15-605

Hammitt, James K. and Rheinberger, Christoph M. (2015) Dinner with Bayes: On the Revision of Risk Beliefs. TSE Working Paper, n. 15-574, Toulouse

Hammitt, James K. and Robinson, Lisa A. (2015) Introduction to the Special Series on Risk, Perception, and Response. Risk Analysis, 35 (10). pp. 1766-1769.

Hammitt, James K. and Robinson, Lisa A. (2015) Research Synthesis and the Value per Statistical Life. Risk Analysis, 35 (6). pp. 1086-1100.


Andersson, Henrik, Hole, Arne Risa and Svensson, Mikael (2016) Valuation of small and multiple health risks: A critical analysis of SP data applied to food and water safety. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 75. pp. 41-53.

Auriol, Emmanuelle and Mesnard, Alice (2016) Sale of visas : a smuggler's final song? TSE Working Paper, n. 16-645, Toulouse

Auriol, Emmanuelle and Mesnard, Alice (2016) Sale of visas : a smuggler's final song? Economica, 83 (332). pp. 646-678.

Bardey, David, Cremer, Helmuth and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2016) The design of insurance coverage for medical products under imperfect competition. Journal of Public Economics, 137. pp. 28-37.

Berndt, Ernst R. and Dubois, Pierre (2016) Impacts of Patent Expiry of Pharmaceutical Treatments in Eight OECD Countries, 2004-2010. International Journal of the Economics of Business, vol. 23 (n° 2). pp. 125-147.

Bonnet, Céline and Réquillart, Vincent (2016) The effects of taxation on the individual consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-638

Chen, Daniel L., Levonyan, Vardges, Reinhart, Eric and Taksler, Glen (2016) Mandatory disclosure: Theory and evidence from industry-physician relationships. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-716

Cremer, Helmuth, Goulão, Catarina and Roeder, Kerstin (2016) Earmarking and the political support of fat taxes. Journal of Health Economics, 50. pp. 258-267.

Hammitt, James K., Raboisson, Didier, Tago Pacheco, Damian and Thomas, Alban (2016) The Impact of Farmers’ Strategic Behavior on the Spread of Animal Infectious Diseases. Plos One, vol. 11 (n° 6).

Hammitt, James K. and Robinson, Lisa A. (2016) Valuing Reductions in Fatal Illness Risks: Implications of Recent Research. Health Economics, 25 (8). pp. 1039-1052.

Mesnard, Alice and Seabright, Paul (2016) Migration and the Equilibrium Prevalence of Infectious Diseases. Journal of Demographic Economics, vol. 82 (n° 1). pp. 1-26.

Réquillart, Vincent, Soler, Louis-Georges and Zang, Yu (2016) Quality standards versus nutritional taxes: Health and welfare impacts with strategic firms. Journal of Health Economics, 50. pp. 268-285.


Alolayan, Mohammad A., Evans, John S. and Hammitt, James K. (2017) Valuing Mortality Risk in Kuwait: Stated-Preference with a New Consistency Test. Environmental and Resource Economics, 66 (4). pp. 629-646.

Dubois, Pierre, Griffith, Rachel and O'Connell, Martin (2017) How well targeted are soda taxes? TSE Working Paper, n. 17-868, Toulouse

Hamilton, Stephen F. and Réquillart, Vincent (2017) Market Competition and the Health Composition of Manufactured Food. Health Economics, 26 (n°12). pp. 1637-1643.


Beal, Ty, Le Danh, Tuyen, Nguyen, Duy Son, Simioni, Michel, Thomas-Agnan, Christine and Trinh, Thi Huong (2018) Macronutrient balances and body mass index: a new insight using compositional data analysis with a total at various quantile orders. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-921, Toulouse

Dubois, Pierre and Lasio, Laura (2018) Identifying Industry Margins with Unobserved Price Constraints: Structural Estimation on Pharmaceuticals. American Economic Review (AER), vol. 108 (n° 12). pp. 3685-3724.

Hammitt, James K. and Herrera Araujo, Daniel Andres (2018) Peeling back the onion: Using latent class analysis to uncover heterogeneous responses to stated preference surveys. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 87. pp. 165-189.


Bardey, David, De Donder, Philippe and Mantilla, Cesar (2019) How is the Trade-off between Adverse Selection and Discrimination Risk Affected by Genetic Testing? Theory and Experiment. Journal of Health Economics, 68. p. 102223.

Chen, Daniel L., Levonyan, Vardges, Reinhart, Eric and Taksler, Glen (2019) Mandatory Disclosure: Theory and Evidence from Industry-Physician Relationships. Journal of Legal Studies, vol. 48 (n° 2). pp. 409-440.


Allais, Oliver, Bonnet, Céline, Réquillart, Vincent and Spiteri, Marine (2020) Reformulation and taxes for healthier consumption: Empirical evidence in the French Dessert market. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1082, Toulouse


Bardey, David, Fernandez, Manuel and Gravel, Alexis (2021) Coronavirus and social distancing: do non-pharmaceutical-interventions work (at least) in the short run? TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1189, Toulouse

Bardey, David, Harker, Arturo and Zuluaga, Daniela (2021) Price cap regulation in the Colombian pharmaceutical market : an impact evaluation. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1195, Toulouse

Eber, Michael, Sunstein, Cass R., Hammitt, James K. and Yeh, Jennifer (2021) The Modest Effects of Fact Boxes on Cancer Screening. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 62. pp. 29-54.

Goulão, Catarina and Pérez-Barahona, Agustín (2021) Health aspirations and the epidemic of non-communicable chronic diseases. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1236, Toulouse, France

Treich, Nicolas and Yang, Yuting (2021) Public safety under imperfect taxation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 106 (n° 102421).


Cremer, Helmuth and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2022) Coinsurance vs. copayments: reimbursement rules for a monopolistic medical product with competitive health insurers. Journal of Health Economics, vol. 84 (n° 102642). pp. 1-11.

Dubois, Pierre, Moisson, Paul-Henri and Tirole, Jean (2022) The economics of transferable patent extensions. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1377, Toulouse

Goenka, Aditya, Liu, Lin and Nguyen, Manh-Hung (2022) Modelling optimal lockdowns with waning immunity. Economic Theory.

Klimaviciute, Justina and Pestieau, Pierre (2022) The economics of long-term care. An overview. Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 37 (n° 4). pp. 1192-1213.


Auriol, Emmanuelle, Mesnard, Alice and Perrault, Tiffanie (2023) Temporary Foreign Work Permits: Honing the Tools to Defeat Human Smuggling. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1470, Toulouse

Auriol, Emmanuelle, Mesnard, Alice and Perrault, Tiffanie (2023) Temporary Foreign Work Permits: Honing the Tools to Defeat Human Smuggling. European Economic Review, vol. 160.

Auriol, Emmanuelle, Mesnard, Alice and Perrault, Tiffanie (2023) Weeding out the Dealers ? The Economics of Cannabis Legalization. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (n° 216). pp. 62-101.

Bisceglia, Michele, Padilla, A. Jorge, Piccolo, Salvatore and Saaskilahti, Pekka (2023) On the bright side of market concentration in a mixed-oligopoly healthcare industry. Journal of Health Economics, vol.90 (102771).

Borsenberger, Claire, Cremer, Helmuth, Joram, Denis, Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie and Malavolti-Grimal, Estelle (2023) Testing for fragility: a valuable public policy and an opportunity for postal operators. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1433

Dubois, Pierre and Magnac, Thierry (2023) Optimal Intertemporal Curative Drug Expenses: The Case of Hepatitis C in France. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1402, Toulouse

Dubois, Pierre, Majewska, Gosia and Reig, Valentina (2023) Drug shortages: empirical evidence from France. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1417, Toulouse

Hammitt, James K., Liu, Jin-Tan and Liu, Jin-Long (2023) Is survival a luxury good? Income elasticity of the value per statistical life. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol. 65. pp. 239-260.

Hammitt, James K. and Tunçel, Tuba (2023) Monetary values of increasing life expectancy: sensitivity to shifts of the survival curve. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 67. pp. 239-269.


Bardey, David and De Donder, Philippe (2024) A Welfare Analysis of Genetic Testing in Health Insurance Markets with Adverse Selection and Prevention. TSE Working Paper, n. 19-1035, Toulouse

Bardey, David, De Donder, Philippe and Zaporozhets, Vera (2024) The Health Technology Assessment Approach of the Economic Value of Diagnostic Tests - A Literature Review. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1508, Toulouse

Borsenberger, Claire, Cremer, Helmuth, Joram, Denis, Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie and Malavolti-Grimal, Estelle (2024) The design of insurance contracts for home versus nursing home Long-Term Care. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1528, Toulouse, France

Cremer, Helmuth and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2024) Nonlinear reimbursement rules for preventive and curative medical care. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1527, Toulouse

De Donder, Philippe, Bardey, David and Leroux, Marie-Louise (2024) Incentivizing Physicians' Diagnostic Effort and Test with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1595, Toulouse

Dubois, Pierre and Magnac, Thierry (2024) Optimal Intertemporal Curative Drug Expenses: The Case of Hepatitis C in France. Journal of Health Economics, vol. 94 (n° 102861). pp. 1-17.

Natali, Ilaria (2024) Economic Opportunity and Opioid Regulation: the Case of Codeine in France. TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1563, Toulouse

Tunçel, Tuba (2024) Should We Prevent Off-Label Drug Prescriptions? Empirical Evidence from France. The Review Of Economic Studies.


Abi Rafeh, Rossi, Dubois, Pierre, Griffith, Rachel and O'Connell, Martin (2025) The Effects of Sin Taxes and Advertising Restrictions in a Dynamic Equilibrium. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1480, Toulouse

Natali, Ilaria (2025) Invisible Threat : How Airborne Pollution Fuels Antimicrobial Resistance in the EU. TSE Working Paper, n. 25-1610, Toulouse

Nguyen, Manh-Hung, Hoang, Viet-Ngu, Nghiem, Son and Nguyen, Lan Anh (2025) The dynamic and heterogeneous effects of COVID-19 vaccination mandates in the USA. Health Economics, vol. 34 (n° 3). pp. 518-536.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 14:58:18 2025 CET.