Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Benavent, Christophe
Grocery retail loyalty program effects: self-selection or purchase behavior change?
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Vol. 37 (n° 3).
pp. 345-358.
Meyer-Waarden, Lars
The impact of reward personalisation on frequent flyer programmes' perceived value and loyalty.
Journal of Services Marketing, Vol. 27 (n° 3).
pp. 183-194.
Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Sabadie, William
Le management de la réclamation au regard de la qualité de la relation client.
In : Management de l'insatisfaction client : transformer le pépin en pépite.
Meyronin, Benoît, Jullien, Marie-Louis and Bourrier, Stéphane (eds.)
Series “Référence Management”
Chapter 6.
Paris pp. 115-127.
ISBN 9782311405361
Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Sabadie, William
Le management de la réclamation au regard de la qualité de la relation client.
In : Management de l'insatisfaction client : transformer le pépin en pépite.
Meyronin, Benoît, Bourrier, Stéphane and Jullien, Marie-Louis (eds.)
Chapter 6.
Paris pp. 115-125.
ISBN 9782311405361
Castéran, Herbert, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
and Reinartz, Werner
Modeling customer lifetime value, retention, and churn.
In: Handbook of market research
Homburg, Christian, Klarmann, Christian and Vomberg, Arnd (eds.)
Cham, Suisse
ISBN 9783319055428
Attié, Elodie and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
The acceptance process of the internet of things: how to improve the acceptance of the IoT technology?
In: Smart marketing with the internet of things.
Simões, Dora
, Barbosa, Belem
and Filipe, Sandra Filipe
IGI Global.
Series “Advances in Marketing, customer relationship management, and e-services”
Chapter 2.
Hershey (Pennsylvanie), États-Unis pp. 21-46.
ISBN 978-1-5225-5763-0
Munzel, Andreas, Galan, Jean-Philippe
and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
Getting by or getting ahead on social networking sites? The role of social capital in happiness and well-being.
International Journal of Electronic Commerce, vol. 22 (n° 2).
pp. 232-257.
Munzel, Andreas, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
and Galan, Jean-Philippe
The social side of sustainability: Well-being as a driver and an outcome of social relationships and interactions on social networking sites.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol. 130.
pp. 14-27.
Casteran, Gauthier, Chrysochou, Polymeros
and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
Brand loyalty evolution and the impact of category characteristics.
Marketing Letters, vol. 30 (n° 1).
pp. 57-73.
Suoniemi, Samppa, Meyer-Waarden, Lars, Munzel, Andreas
, Zablah, Alex Ricardo and Straub, Detmar
Big data and firm performance: The roles of market-directed capabilities and business strategy.
Information and Management, n°57 (vol.7).
Pavone, Giulia, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
, Poocharoentou, Thanida, Prayatsup, Piyanut, Ratinaud, Maelis and Torne, Sara
How service quality influences customer acceptance and usage of chatbots?
Journal of Service Management Research, vol. 45 (n° 1).
pp. 35-51.
Meyer-Waarden, Lars, Cloarec, Julien
, Adams, Carolin
, Nilusha Aliman, Dorothea
and Wirth, Virginie
Home, sweet home : How well-being shapes the adoption of artificial intelligence-powered apartments in smart cities.
Systèmes d'Information et Management, vol. 26 (n° 4).
pp. 55-88.
Chen, Yanyan, Mandler, Timo and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
Three decades of research on loyalty programs: A literature review and future research agenda.
Journal of Business Research, vol. 124 (n° 1).
pp. 179-197.
Attié, Elodie and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
The acceptance and usage of smart connected objects according to adoption stages: an enhanced technology acceptance model integrating the diffusion of innovation, uses and gratification and privacy calculus theories.
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. .176.
Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
and Munzel, Andreas
The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories.
Psychology & Marketing, vol. 39 (n° 3).
pp. 647-661.
Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Cloarec, Julien
Baby, you can drive my car : psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles.
Technovation, N° 109 (N° 102348).
Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Sabadie, William
Relationship quality matters: How restaurant businesses can optimize complaint management.
Tourism Management, vol. 96.
Attié, Elodie and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
How Do You Sleep ? The Impact of Sleep Apps on Generation Z's Well-Being.
Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 58 (n° 2-3).
pp. 222-247.
Meyer-Waarden, Lars, Bruwer, Johan and Galan, Jean-Philippe
Loyalty programs, loyalty engagement and customer engagement with the company brand: Consumer-centric behavioral psychology insights from three industries.
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 71 (n° 103212).
Pavone, Giulia, Munzel, Andreas
and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
Rage Against the Machine: Experimental Insights into Customers’ Negative Emotional Responses, Attributions of Responsibility, and Coping Strategies in Artificial Intelligence–Based Service Failures.
Journal of Interactive Marketing, vol. 58 (n° 1).
pp. 52-71.
Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
, Timmler, Katharina, Thiele, Sarah, Weiss, Matthias
and Wiese, Madeleine
Unlocking minds: Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of AI-powered brain–machine interfaces.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition).
Gordillo Chávez, D., Cloarec, Julien and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
Opening the moral machine’s cover: How algorithmic aversion shapes autonomous vehicle adoption.
Transportation Research - Part A: Policy and Practice, vol.187.
Berger, Selina, Meyer-Waarden, Lars, Kuhn, Marc
and Hanisch, Andrea
Navigating Uncharted Waters: Insights into Transformative Marketing in the B2B Mobility Ecosystem.
Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing.
Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
and Munzel, Andreas
Transformative privacy calculus: Conceptualizing the personalization-privacy paradox on social media.
Psychology & Marketing, vol.41 (n°7).
pp. 1574-1596.