Dubois, Pierre and Magnac, Thierry
Optimal Intertemporal Curative Drug Expenses: The Case of Hepatitis C in France.
Journal of Health Economics, vol. 94 (n° 102861).
pp. 1-17.
Magnac, Thierry
Capital humain et recherche d'emploi: un mariage heureux - Human capital and search models: a happy match.
Revue économique, vol. 75 (n° 1).
pp. 11-30.
He, Yinghua and Magnac, Thierry
Application Costs and Congestion in Matching Markets.
The Economic Journal, vol. 132 (n° 648).
pp. 2918-2950.
Magnac, Thierry and Roux, Sébastien
Heterogeneity and wage inequalities over the life cycle.
European Economic Review, vol. 134 (n° 103715).
Carvalho, José-Raimundo, Magnac, Thierry and Xiong, Qizhou
College Entry and Allocation Mechanisms.
Quantitative Economics, vol. 10.
pp. 1233-1277.
Magnac, Thierry
Quels étudiants pour quelles universités ? Analyses empiriques de mécanismes d'allocation centralisée.
Revue Économique, vol. 69 (n° 5).
pp. 683-708.
Magnac, Thierry, Pistolesi, Nicolas
and Roux, Sébastien
Human Capital Investments and the Life Cycle of Earnings.
Journal of Political Economy, 126 (3).
pp. 1219-1249.
Bontemps, Christian and Magnac, Thierry
Set Identification, Moment Restrictions and Inference.
Annual Review of Economics, vol. 9.
pp. 103-129.
Jochmans, Koen and Magnac, Thierry
A Note on Sufficiency in Binary Panel Data Models.
The Econometrics Journal, vol. 20 (n° 2).
pp. 259-269.
Magnac, Thierry
ATM foreign fees and cash withdrawals.
Journal of Banking and Finance, 78.
pp. 117-129.
Gobillon, Laurent and Magnac, Thierry
Regional Policy Evaluation:Interactive Fixed Effects and Synthetic Controls.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 98 (3).
pp. 535-551.
Gobillon, Laurent, Magnac, Thierry
and Selod, Harris
Do unemployed workers benefit from enterprise zones? The French experience.
Journal of Public Economics, 96.
pp. 881-892.
Bontemps, Christian, Magnac, Thierry
and Maurin, Eric
Set Identified Linear Models.
Econometrica, vol. 80 (n° 3).
pp. 1129-1155.
Gobillon, Laurent, Magnac, Thierry
and Selod, Harris
The Effect of Location on Finding a Job in the Paris Region.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 26 (7).
pp. 1079-1112.
Magnac, Thierry and Roux, Sébastien
Dynamique des salaires dans une cohorte.
Économie et Prévision, 187 (1).
Ben-Akiva, Moshe, Brownstone, David
, Holt, Charles
, Magnac, Thierry
, Mcfadden, Daniel L.
, Moffatt, Peter
, De Palma, André
, Picard, Nathalie
, Train, Kenneth
, Wakker, Peter
and Walker, Joan
Risk, Uncertainty and Discrete Choice Models.
Marketing Letters, vol. 3-4 (n° 19).
pp. 269-285.
Dubois, Pierre, Ivaldi, Marc
and Magnac, Thierry
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Econometrics of Auctions.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23 (n°7).
pp. 867-869.
Magnac, Thierry
Comment on the Identification Power in Games by Andres Aradilla-Lopez and Elie Tamer.
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 26 (3).
pp. 295-297.
Dubois, Pierre, Jullien, Bruno
and Magnac, Thierry
Formal and Informal Risk Sharing in LDCs: Theory and Empirical Evidence.
Econometrica, vol.76 (n°4).
pp. 679-725.
Magnac, Thierry and Maurin, Eric
Partial Identification in Binary Models: Discrete Regressors and Interval Data.
Review of Economic Studies, 75 (3).
pp. 835-864.
Magnac, Thierry and Maurin, Eric
Identification and Information in Monotone Binary Models.
Journal of Econometrics, 139 (1).
pp. 76-104.
Blundell, Richard, Chiappori, Pierre-André
, Magnac, Thierry
and Meghir, Costas
Collective Labour Supply: Heterogeneity and Nonparticipation.
Review of Economic Studies, 74 (2).
pp. 417-445.
Magnac, Thierry, Rapoport, Hillel
and Roger, Muriel
Fins de carrière et départs à la retraite: L'apport des modèles de durée.
Dossiers solidarité santé (n° 3).
pp. 101-117.
Bommier, Antoine, Magnac, Thierry
, Rapoport, Hillel
and Roger, Muriel
Droits à la retraite et mortalité différentielle.
Économie et Prévision, 168.
pp. 1-16.
Lecocq, Sébastien, Magnac, Thierry, Pichery, Marie-Claude and Visser, Michael
The Impact of Information on Wine Auction Prices: Results of an Experiment.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (77).
Magnac, Thierry
Binary Variables and Sufficiency: Generalizing Conditional Logit.
Econometrica, 72 (6).
pp. 1859-1876.
Combes, Pierre-Philippe, Magnac, Thierry
and Robin, Jean-Marc
The Dynamics of Local Employment in France.
Journal of Urban Economics, 56 (2).
pp. 217-243.
Fall, M. and Magnac, Thierry
How valuable is on-farm Work to Farmers ?
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 86 (1).
pp. 267-281.
Bommier, Antoine, Magnac, Thierry
and Roger, Muriel
Le marché de l'emploi à l'approche de la retraite entre 1982 et 1999, évolutions et évaluations.
Revue Française d'Économie, 18.
pp. 23-82.
Magnac, Thierry and Thesmar, David
Identifying Dynamic Discrete Decision Processes.
Econometrica, 70 (2).
pp. 801-816.
Magnac, Thierry and Thesmar, David
Analyse économique des politiques éducatives : l'augmentation de la scolarisation en France de 1982 à 1993.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (65).
pp. 1-35.
Bommier, Antoine, Magnac, Thierry
and Roger, Muriel
Quels sont les effets des modifications des systèmes de retraite sur les taux d'activité des travailleurs âgés ?
Revue Française d'Économie, 16.
pp. 79-124.
Magnac, Thierry
L'apport de la microéconométrie pour l'évaluation des politiques publiques.
Cahiers d'Économie et Sociologie Rurales, 59.
pp. 89-114.
Magnac, Thierry
Subsidised Training and Youth Employment: Distinguishing Unobserved Heterogeneity from State Dependence in Labour Market Histories.
Economic Journal, 110.
pp. 805-837.
Fougère, Denis, Kramarz, Francis
and Magnac, Thierry
Youth Employment Policies in France.
European Economic Review, 44.
pp. 928-994.
Magnac, Thierry and Robin, Jean-Marc
Dynamic Stochastic Dominance in Bandit Decision Problems.
Theory and Decision, 47.
pp. 267-295.
Magnac, Thierry and Visser, Michael
Transition Models with Measurement Errors.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 81 (3).
pp. 466-474.
Blundell, Richard, Magnac, Thierry
and Meghir, Costas
Savings and Labour Market Transitions.
Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 53 (2).
pp. 153-164.
Magnac, Thierry, Robin, Jean-Marc
and Visser, Michael
Analysing Incomplete Individual Employment Histories Using Indirect Inference.
Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10.
pp. 153-169.
Magnac, Thierry and Verdier, Thierry
Welfare Aspects of Technological Adoption with Learning.
Journal of Public Economics, 52 (1).
pp. 31-48.
Magnac, Thierry
Segmented or Competitive Labour Markets.
Econometrica, 59 (1).
pp. 165-187.
Bourguignon, François and Magnac, Thierry
Labor Supply and Taxation in France.
Journal of Human Resources, 25 (3).
pp. 358-389.
Book Section
Cazals, Catherine, Magnac, Thierry
, Pope, Jonathan and Soteri, Soterios
Brexit, COVID-19, and UK International Postal Parcel Volumes.
In: Service Challenges, Business Opportunities, and Regulatory Responses in the Postal Sector.
Parcu, Pier Luigi
, Brennan, Timothy J.
and Glass, David Victor
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”
Chapter 15.
Cham pp. 223-235.
ISBN 9783031655999
Fève, Frédérique, Magnac, Thierry
, Pope, Jonathan and Soteri, Soterios
UK Postal Parcel Traffic Price Elasticities: Intensive and Extensive Margins and Selection Bias. In Service Challenges, Business Opportunities, and Regulatory Responses in the Postal Sector.
In: Service Challenges, Business Opportunities, and Regulatory Responses in the Postal Sector
Parcu, Pier Luigi
, Brennan, Timothy J.
and Glass, David Victor
Series “Topics in regulatory economics and policy”
Chapter 8.
Cham pp. 113-127.
ISBN 9783031655999
Cazals, Catherine, Magnac, Thierry
, Pope, Jonathan and Soteri, Soterios
UK Parcel Market Trends in the Pre- and Post-COVID Environment: An Initial Assessment.
In: Postal Strategies: Logistics, Access, and the Environment
Parcu, Pier Luigi
, Brennan, Timothy J.
and Glass, Victor (eds.)
Springer Nature Switzerland.
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”
Cham pp. 313-326.
ISBN 9783031253621
Cazals, Catherine, Magnac, Thierry
, Rodriguez, Frank, Pope, Jonathan and Soteri, Soterios
Has the Covid pandemic accelerated the rate of decline in business letters? Some early and preliminary analysis and thoughts.
In: The economics of the postal and delivery sector: Business strategies for an essential service
Parcu, Pier Luigi
, Brennan, Timothy J.
and Glass, David Victor
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”
ISBN 978-3-030-82692-5
Fève, Frédérique, Magnac, Thierry
and Soteri, Soterios
Demand elasticities at the intensive and extensive margins for advertising mail traffic in the UK.
In: The changing postal environment: market and policy innovation
Brennan, Timothy J.
, Parcu, Pier Luigi
and Glass, Victor (eds.)
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”
Cham pp. 213-224.
ISBN 9783030345310
Cazals, Catherine, Magnac, Thierry
and Soteri, Soterios
Analysis of the Effect of Management Quality Variables in Delivery Cost Functions.
In: Contribution of the Postal and Delivery Sector: Between E-Commerce and E-Substitution
Brennan, Timothy J.
, Glass, Victor and Parcu, Pier Luigi
ISBN 978-3-319-70672-6
Magnac, Thierry, Fève, Frédérique
, Veruete-McKay, Leticia and Soteri, Soterios
How price sensitive is letter advertising mail in the UK?
In: New business and regulatory strategies in the postal sector
Glass, Victor, Brennan, Timothy J.
and Parcu, Pier Luigi
Springer International Publishing.
Series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”
pp. 207-217.
ISBN 9783030029371
Lechner, Michael, Lollivier, Stefan
and Magnac, Thierry
Parametric Binary Choice Models.
In: Econometrics of Panel Data - Fundamentals and Recent Developments in Theory and Practice
Springer Verlag.
ISBN 978-3-540-75889-1
Magnac, Thierry
Logit Models of Individual Choices.
In: New Palgrave
Arrow, Kenneth J., Blume, Lawrence E. and Durlauf, Steven N. (eds.)
New Palgrave.
Vanhapelto, Tuuli and Magnac, Thierry
Housing Search and Liquidity in Spatial Equilibrium.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1596, Toulouse
Bontemps, Christian, Cherbonnier, Frédéric
and Magnac, Thierry
Reducing transaction taxes on housing in highly regulated economies.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1486, Toulouse
Magnac, Thierry
Capital humain et recherche d'emploi: un mariage heureux - Human Capital and Search Models : A Happy Match.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1489, Toulouse
Dubois, Pierre and Magnac, Thierry
Optimal Intertemporal Curative Drug Expenses: The Case of Hepatitis C in France.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1402, Toulouse
Gobillon, Laurent, Magnac, Thierry
and Roux, Sébastien
Lifecycle Wages and Human Capital Investments: Selection and Missing Data.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1299, Toulouse
Carvalho, José-Raimundo and Magnac, Thierry
Survey on aspiration and expectations of high school students.
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-627
Magnac, Thierry
Identification partielle: méthodes et conséquences pour les applications empiriques.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-458
Gobillon, Laurent, Magnac, Thierry
and Selod, Harris
Do unemployed workers benefit from enterprise zones? The French experience.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-201, Toulouse
Bontemps, Christian, Magnac, Thierry
and Maurin, Eric
Set Identified Linear Models.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 494
Magnac, Thierry and Roux, Sébastien
Dynamique des salaires dans une cohorte.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 436
Friebel, Guido and Magnac, Thierry
Public Servants: a Competitive Advantage for Public Firms?
IDEI Working Paper, n. 495
Gobillon, Laurent, Magnac, Thierry
and Selod, Harris
The Effect of Location on Finding a Job in the Paris Region.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 433
Blundell, Richard, Chiappori, Pierre-André
, Magnac, Thierry
and Meghir, Costas
Collective Labour Supply: Heterogeneity and Nonparticipation.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 373
Bommier, Antoine, Magnac, Thierry
, Rapoport, Hillel
and Roger, Muriel
Droits à la retraite et mortalité différentielle.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 181
Magnac, Thierry and Maurin, Eric
Identification and Information in Monotone Binary Models.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 180