Dethier, Jean-Jacques, Hirn, Maximilian and Straub, Stéphane (2008) Explaining Enterprise Performance in Developing Countries with Business Climate Survey Data. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
Rochet, Jean-Charles (2008) Le futur de la réglementation bancaire. TSE Notes/Notes TSE, n. 2
Chakravorty, Ujjayant, Leach, Andrew and Moreaux, Michel (2008) "Twin Peaks" in Energy Prices: A Hotelling Model with Pollution and Learning. IDEI Working Paper, n. 52
Azam, Jean-Paul (2008) Macroeconomic Agenda for Fiscal Policy and Aid Effectiveness in Post-Conflict Countries. IDEI Working Paper, n. 539
Gozzi, Marie-Hélène (2008) Manuel pour la coopération internationale contre le terrorisme.
Rochet, Jean-Charles and Tirole, Jean (2008) Must-Take Cards: Merchant Discounts and Avoided Costs. IDEI Working Paper, n. 496, Toulouse
Casamatta, Georges, Cremer, Helmuth and De Donder, Philippe (2008) Repeated Electoral Competition over Non-Linear Income Tax Schedules. CEPR Discussion Paper, n. 7054
Gierlinger, Johannes and Gollier, Christian (2008) Socially Efficient Discounting under Ambiguity Aversion. IDEI Working Paper, n. 561
Grimaud, André and Rougé, Luc (2008) Séquestration du carbone et politique climatique optimale. IDEI Working Paper, n. 540
Décamps, Jean-Paul, Mariotti, Thomas, Rochet, Jean-Charles and Villeneuve, Stéphane (2008) Free Cash-Flow, Issuance Costs and Stock Price Volatility. IDEI Working Paper, n. 518, Toulouse
Gasmi, Farid and Recuero Virto, Laura (2008) The Determinants and Impact of Telecommunications Reform in Developping Countries. IDEI Working Paper, n. 530, Toulouse
Cheikbossian, Guillaume and Sand-Zantman, Wilfried (2008) Dynamic Cooperation in Local Public Goods Supply with Imperfect Monitoring. IDEI Working Paper, n. 527
Gasmi, Farid, Ivaldi, Marc and Recuero Virto, Laura (2008) An Empirical Analysis of Cellular Demand in South Africa. IDEI Working Paper, n. 531
De Villemeur, Étienne (2008) Social Welfare with Social Agents: Few Results and Many Questions. IDEI Working Paper, n. 526
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles and Magné, Bertrand (2008) Climate Change Mitigation Options and Directed Technical Change: A Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis. IDEI Working Paper, n. 510
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M. (2008) Government Outsourcing: Public Contracting with Private Monopoly. IDEI Working Paper, n. 382
Fève, Patrick, Matheron, Julien and Sahuc, Jean-Guillaume (2008) Inflation Target Shocks and Monetary Policy Inertia in the Euro Area. IDEI Working Paper, n. 515
Saint-Paul, Gilles (2008) Genes, Legitimacy and Hypergamy: Another Look at the Economics of Marriage. IDEI Working Paper, n. 509
Grimaud, André (2008) Weightless Economy, Knowledge Goods and Schumpeterian Growth. IDEI Working Paper, n. 501
Straub, Stéphane, Vellutini, Charles and Warlters, Michael (2008) Infrastructure and Economic Growth in East Asia. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
Chantrel, Etienne, Grimaud, André and Tournemaine, Frédéric (2008) Pricing Knowledge and Funding Research of New Technology Sectors in a Growth Model. IDEI Working Paper, n. 184
Grimaud, André and Lafforgue, Gilles (2008) Second Best Analysis in a General Equilibrium Climate Change Model. IDEI Working Paper, n. 535
Seabright, Paul (2008) Warfare and the Multiple Adoption of Agriculture After the Last Ice Age. IDEI Working Paper, n. 522
Grimaud, André, Magné, Bertrand and Rougé, Luc (2008) Carbon Storage in a Growth Model with Climate and R&D Policy. IDEI Working Paper, n. 536
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean (2008) Competing Liquidities: Corporate Securities Real Bonds and Bubbles. IDEI Working Paper, n. 506
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gary-Bobo, Robert J. (2008) On the Optimal Number of Representatives. IDEI Working Paper, n. 86
Jullien, Bruno (2008) Price Skewness and Competition in Multi-Sided Markets. IDEI Working Paper, n. 504
Le Breton, Michel and Peluso, Eugenio (2008) Smooth Inequality Measurement: Approximation Theorems. IDEI Working Paper, n. 517
Cremer, Helmuth, De Donder, Philippe, Dudley, Paul and Rodriguez, Frank (2008) A Welfare and Pricing Analysis of Value Added Taxation in Postal Services. IDEI Working Paper, n. 508
Grimaud, André, Lafforgue, Gilles and Magné, Bertrand (2008) Decentralized Equilibrium Analysis in a Growth Model with Directed Technical Change and Climate Change Mitigation. IDEI Working Paper, n. 537
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2008) Pumping Water to Compete in Electricity Markets. IDEI Working Paper, n. 507
Amigues, Jean-Pierre and Moreaux, Michel (2008) Dedicated Technical Progress with a Non-renewable Resource: Efficiency and Optimality. IDEI Working Paper, n. 497
Straub, Stéphane (2008) Infrastructure and Growth in Developing Countries : Recent Advances and Research Challenges. World Bank Policy Research Working Paper
Bontemps, Christophe, Orozco, Valérie and Réquillart, Vincent (2008) Private Labels, National Brands and Food Prices. IDEI Working Paper, n. 402
Blazy, Jean-Marc, Carpentier, T. and Thomas, Alban (2008) An Ex Ante Adoption Model of Low Input Innovations Applied to Banana Growers in the French West Indies. LERNA Working Paper
Cremer, Helmuth, De Donder, Philippe, Maldonado, Dario and Pestieau, Pierre (2008) Habit Formation and Labor Supply. CORE DP, n. 38
Réquillart, Vincent, Simioni, Michel and Varela-Irimia, Xose-Luis (2008) Imperfect Competition in the Fresh Tomato Industry. IDEI Working Paper, n. 498
Alam, Thomas, Desage, Fabien and Nollet, Jérémie (2008) La gestion territorialisée des crises et risques sanitaires. Technical Report
Bottega, Lucie (2008) Multimarket interdependent energy strategies with an emission permits regulation.
Mendez, Ariel and Crespy, Cécile (2008) Quelle articulation entre les pôles de compétitivité et les tissus productifs régionaux ? Une mise en perspective de quatre pôles en Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur. Technical Report
Aust, Jérôme, Crespy, Cécile, Manifet, Christelle, Musselin, Christine and Soldano, Catherine (2008) Rapprocher, intégrer, différencier. Eléments sur la mise en place des pôles de recherche et d'enseignement supérieur. Technical Report
Cremer, Helmuth (2008) Taxation of Wealth and Wealth Transfers: Commentary. IFS Working Paper
Cremer, Helmuth, De Donder, Philippe, Maldonado, Dario and Pestieau, Pierre (2008) Taxing Sin Goods and Subsidizing Health Care. CORE DP, n. 31