- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (32)
- G - Financial Economics (32)
- G1 - General Financial Markets (32)
- G11 - Portfolio Choice; Investment Decisions (32)
- G1 - General Financial Markets (32)
- G - Financial Economics (32)
Andries, Marianne
L’aversion au risque, composante essentielle du prix du risque, est-elle stable dans le temps ?
Revue d'économie financière (n° 133).
pp. 45-59.
Bonomo, Marco, Garcia, René, Meddahi, Nour
and Tédongap, Roméo
Generalized Disappointment Aversion, Long Run Volatility Risk and Asset Prices.
Review of Financial Studies, 24 (1).
pp. 82-122.
Bonomo, Marco, Garcia, René, Meddahi, Nour
and Tédongap, Roméo
The long and the short of the risk-return trade-off?
Journal of Econometrics, 187 (n°2).
pp. 580-592.
D'Albis, Hippolyte and Thibault, Emmanuel
Ambiguous Life Expectancy and the Demand for Annuities.
Theory and Decision, 85 (3-4).
pp. 303-319.
D'Albis, Hippolyte and Thibault, Emmanuel
Optimal annuitization, uncertain survival probabilities, and maxmin preferences.
Economics Letters, vol.115 (n°2).
pp. 296-299.
Dhillon, Amrita and Rossetto, Silvia
Ownership structure, Voting, and Risk.
Review of Financial Studies, vol.28 (n°2).
pp. 521-560.
Décamps, Jean-Paul and Villeneuve, Stéphane
Jusqu'où les compagnies d'assurance peuvent-elles investir dans le financement des dettes des PME/ETI ? : How Far Can Insurance Companies Invest in SMEs Debt Financing?
Revue d'économie financière (126).
pp. 231-240.
Décamps, Jean-Paul and Villeneuve, Stéphane
Optimal Dividend Policy and Growth Option.
Finance and Stochastics, 11.
pp. 3-27.
Gollier, Christian
Discounting, Inequality and Economic Convergence.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol.69.
pp. 53-61.
Gollier, Christian
Evaluating sustainability actions under uncertainty : the role of improbable extreme scenarios.
Geneva Risk and Insurance Review, vol.49 (n°1).
pp. 59-74.
Gollier, Christian
Evaluation of long-dated assets : The role of parameter uncertainty.
Journal of Monetary Economics, 84.
pp. 66-83.
Gollier, Christian
Gamma discounters are short-termist.
Journal of Public Economics, 142.
pp. 83-90.
Gollier, Christian, Ploeg, Frederick van der
and Zheng, Jiakun
The Discounting Premium Puzzle: Survey evidence from professional economists.
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 122.
Krüger, Philipp, Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David
The WACC Fallacy: The Real Effects of Using a Unique Discount Rate.
Journal of Finance, vol.70 (n°3).
pp. 1253-1285.
Luciano, Elisa and Rochet, Jean-Charles
The Fluctuations of Insurers’ Risk Appetite.
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol.144.
Ureche-Rangau, Loredana, Pouget, Sébastien
and Brière, Marie
Les votes des investisseurs institutionnels sur les externalités produites par les entreprises: le cas de deux investisseurs emblématiques.
Revue d'économie financière, vol. 138.
Andries, Marianne, Bianchi, Milo
, Huynh, Karen and Pouget, Sébastien
Return Predictability, Expectations, and Investment: Experimental Evidence.
TSE Working Paper, n. 1561, Toulouse
Bec, Frédérique and Gollier, Christian
Assets Returns Volatility and Investment Horizon: The French Case.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 467
Bec, Frédérique and Gollier, Christian
Cyclicality and term structure of Value-at-Risk within a threshold autoregression setup.
TSE Working Paper, n. 14-523
Bianchi, Milo and Brière, Marie
Human-Robot Interactions in Investment Decisions.
TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1251, Toulouse
Bianchi, Milo, Liu, Zhengkai and Wang, Gang
Are We Becoming Greener? Life-time Experiences and Responsible Investment.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1382, Toulouse
Bonomo, Marco, Garcia, René, Meddahi, Nour
and Tédongap, Roméo
Generalized Disappointment Aversion, Long Run Volatility Risk and Asset Prices.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-187
Brown, Zach Y., Egan, Mark, Jeon, Jihye, Jin, Chuqing and Wu, Alex A.
Why Do Index Funds Have Market Power? Quantifying Frictions in the Index Fund Market.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1542, Toulouse
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin
Is Ambiguity Aversion a Preference?
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-703, Toulouse
Coen, Jamie, Coen, Patrick and Hüser, Anne-Caroline
Collateral Demand in Wholesale Funding Markets.
TSE Working Paper, Toulouse
D'Albis, Hippolyte and Thibault, Emmanuel
Annuities, Bequests and Portfolio Diversification.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-010
Gollier, Christian
Asset pricing with uncertain betas: A long-term perspective.
TSE Working Paper, n. 12-354
Gollier, Christian
Evaluation of long-dated assets : The role of parameter uncertainty.
TSE Working Paper, n. 12-361, Toulouse
Hege, Ulrich, Pouget, Sébastien
and Zhang, Yifei
Climate Patents and Financial Markets.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1400, Toulouse
Hopfensitz, Astrid
Previous Outcomes and Reference Dependence: A Meta Study of Repeated Investment Tasks with Restricted Feedback.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-087
Hopfensitz, Astrid, Krawczyk, Michal and Van Winden, Frans
Investment, Resolution of Risk, and the Role of Affect.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-123
Krüger, Philipp, Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David
The WACC Fallacy: The Real Effects of Using a Unique Discount Rate.
TSE Working Paper, n. 11-222