Robert, Véronique and Vandenberghe, Christian
Une analyse du leadership laissez-faire dans les organisations : le rôle des orientations d’objectifs des employés.
Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, vol.28 (n°3).
pp. 197-210.
Robert, Véronique and Vandenberghe, Christian
Laissez-faire leadership and employee well-being : The contribution of perceived supervisor organizational status.
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.
pp. 940-957.
Lapointe, Émilie, Vandenberghe, Christian
, Mignonac, Karim
, Panaccio, Alexandra, Schwarz, Gary, Richebé, Nathalie
and Roussel, Patrice
Development and Validation of a commitment to organizational career scale: At the crossroads of individuals’ career aspirations and organizations’ needs.
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Vol. 92.
pp. 897-930.
Vandenberghe, Christian, Landry, Guylaine
, Bentein, Kathleen
, Anseel, Frederik
, Mignonac, Karim
and Roussel, Patrice
A dynamic model of the effects of feedback-seeking behavior and organizational commitment on newcomer turnover.
Journal of Management, vol. 47 (n° 2).
Vandenberghe, Christian, Panaccio, Alexandra, Bentein, Kathleen
, Mignonac, Karim
, Roussel, Patrice
and Ben-ayed, Ahmed Khalil
Time-based differences in the effects of positive and negative affectivity on perceived supervisor support and organizational commitment among newcomers.
Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 40 (n° 3).
pp. 264-281.
Mignonac, Karim, Vandenberghe, Christian
, Perrigot, Rozenn
, Akremi, Assâad El
and Herrbach, Olivier
A multi-study investigation of outcomes of franchisees’ affective commitment to their franchise organization.
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 39 (3).
pp. 461-488.
Charbonnier-Voirin, Audrey, Akremi, Assâad El
and Vandenberghe, Christian
A multilevel model of transformational leadership and adaptive performance and the moderating role of climate for innovation.
Group and Organization Management, 35 (6).
Panaccio, Alexandra and Vandenberghe, Christian
Perceived organizational support, organizational commitment and psychological well-being: A longitudinal study.
Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 75 (n° 2).
pp. 224-236.