Auriol, Emmanuelle and Dahmani-Scuitti, Anaïs
Decentralization in Autocraties.
European Economic Review, vol. 172.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Dahmani-Scuitti, Anaïs
Decentralization in Autocraties.
TSE Working Paper, n. 25-1609, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Landais, Camille
and Roussille, Nina
Égalité hommes-femmes: une question d’équité, un impératif économique.
Les Notes du Conseil d’analyse économique (N° 83).
pp. 1-12.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gonzalez Fanfalone, Alexia
Fighting competition from Mobile Network Operators in the banking sector: The case of Kenya.
TSE Working Paper, n. 1573, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Mesnard, Alice
and Perrault, Tiffanie
Weeding out the Dealers ? The Economics of Cannabis Legalization.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization (n° 216).
pp. 62-101.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Mesnard, Alice
and Perrault, Tiffanie
Temporary Foreign Work Permits: Honing the Tools to Defeat Human Smuggling.
European Economic Review, vol. 160.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Platteau, Jean-Philippe
and Verdier, Thierry
The Quran and the Sword.
Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 20 (n° 6).
pp. 1772-1820.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Mesnard, Alice
and Perrault, Tiffanie
Temporary Foreign Work Permits: Honing the Tools to Defeat Human Smuggling.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1470, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina
Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1443, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina
Corporate criminals in a market context: enforcement and optimal sanctions.
European Journal of Law and Economics, vol. 56.
pp. 225-287.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Plafond de verre et discrimination dans la profession des économistes.
Revue Politique et Parlementaire (n° 1106).
pp. 118-124.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Biancini, Sara
and Paillacar Reeve, Rodrigo
Intellectual property rights protection and trade: an empirical analysis.
World Development, vol. 162 (n° 106072).
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Friebel, Guido
and Weinberger, Alisa
Underrepresentation of Women in the Economics Profession more Pronounced in the United States Compared to Heterogeneous Europe.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol.119 (n°16).
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Crampes, Claude
and Estache, Antonio
Regulating public services, bridging the gap between theory and practice.
Cambridge University Press.
ISBN 978-1-108-83395-0
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Delissaint, Diego, Fourati, Maleke, Miquel-Florensa, Josepa
and Seabright, Paul
Betting on the Lord: lotteries and religiosity in Haiti.
World Development, vol. 144 (n° 105441).
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Regulating quality in the water sector: a theoretical perspective.
In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Global Public Health.
Mc Queen, David V. (ed.)
Oxford University Press.
ISBN 978-0-19-063236-6
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Delissaint, Diego, Fourati, Maleke, Miquel-Florensa, Josepa
and Seabright, Paul
Trust in the image of God: Links between religiosity and reciprocity in Haiti.
Economics of Transition and Institutional Change, vol. 29 (n° 1).
pp. 3-34.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Lassébie, Julie, Panin, Amma, Raiber, Eva and Seabright, Paul
God insures those who pay? Formal insurance and religious offerings in Ghana.
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 135 (n° 4).
pp. 1799-1848.
Alby, Philippe, Auriol, Emmanuelle and Nguimkeu, Pierre
Does Social Pressure Hinder Entrepreneurship in Africa? The Forced Mutual Help Hypothesis.
Economica, vol.87 (n°346).
pp. 299-327.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Miquel-Florensa, Josepa
Taxing Fragmented Aid to Improve Aid efficiency.
The Review of International Organizations, vol. 14 (n° 3).
pp. 1-25.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Biancini, Sara
and Paillacar Reeve, Rodrigo
Universal intellectual property rights: too much of a good thing?
International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 65.
pp. 51-81.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
La responsabilité à l'épreuve de la division mondiale du travail : les apports de l'économie comportementale.
Sociologie du Travail, 61 (2).
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Biancini, Sara
and Paillacar Reeve, Rodrigo
Universal Intellectual Property Rights: Too Much of a Good Thing?
TSE Working Paper, n. 19-987, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gonzalez, Alexia Lee
Benefits and Costs of Digital Technology.
In: Infrastructure Targets for the Post-2015 Development Agenda
Cambridge University Press.
pp. 295-321.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Estache, Antonio
and Wren-Lewis, Liam
Can supranational infrastructure regulation compensate for national institutional weaknesses?
Revue économique, vol. 69 (n° 6).
pp. 913-936.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Camilotti, Giulia and Platteau, Jean-Philippe
Eradicating Women-Hurting Customs: What Role for Social Engineering?
In: Towards Gender Equity in Development
Anderson, Siwan, Beaman, Lori and Platteau, Jean-Philippe (eds.)
Oxford University Press.
Series “WIDER Studies in Development Economics”
Chapter 15.
ISBN 978-0198829591
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Brilon, Stefanie
Nonprofits in the field - An economic analysis of peer monitoring and sabotage.
Annals Of Public And Cooperative Economics, 89 (1).
pp. 157-174.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Platteau, Jean-Philippe
Religious Co-option in Autocracy: A Theory Inspired by History.
Journal of Development Economics, vol.127.
pp. 395-412.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Søreide, Tina
An Economic Analysis of Debarment.
International Review of Law and Economics, vol. 50.
pp. 36-49.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Platteau, Jean-Philippe
The Explosive Combination of Religious Decentralisation and Autocracy: the Case of Islam.
The Economics Of Transition, vol. 25 (n° 2).
pp. 313-350.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Platteau, Jean-Philippe
The Explosive Combination of Religious Decentralisation and Autocracy: the Case of Islam.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-759, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Hjelmeng, Erling and Søreide, Tina
Deterring corruption and cartels : in search of a coherent approach.
Concurrences Review (n° 1).
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Platteau, Jean-Philippe
Religious Co-option in Autocracy: A Theory Inspired by History.
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-746, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Mesnard, Alice
Sale of visas : a smuggler's final song?
Economica, 83 (332).
pp. 646-678.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Pour en finir avec les mafias : sexe, drogue et clandestins : et si on légalisait ?
Armand Colin
ISBN 978-2200613297
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Mesnard, Alice
Sale of visas : a smuggler's final song?
TSE Working Paper, n. 16-645, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Friebel, Guido
and Von Bieberstein, Frauke
The Firm as the Locus of Social Comparisons: Standard Promotion Practices versus Up-or-out.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 121.
pp. 41-59.
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Flochel, Thomas and Straub, Stéphane
Public procurement and rent-seeking: the case of Paraguay.
World Development, vol. 77.
pp. 395-407.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Schilizzi, Steven G. M.
Quality Signaling through Certification in Developing Countries.
Journal of Development Economics, vol. 116.
pp. 105-121.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Biancini, Sara
Powering Up Developing Countries through Economic Integration.
World Bank Economic Review, vol. 29 (n° 1).
pp. 1-40.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Brilon, Stefanie
Anti-Social Behavior in Profit and Nonprofit Organizations.
Journal of Public Economics, 117.
pp. 149-161.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M.
A Theory of BOT Concession Contracts.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 89.
pp. 187-209.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gary-Bobo, Robert J.
On the Optimal Number of Representatives.
Public Choice, 153.
pp. 419-445.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Demonsant, Jean-Luc
Education and Migration Choices in Hierarchical Societies: The Case of Matam, Senegal.
Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 42 (n° 5).
pp. 875-889.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Warlters, Michael
The Marginal Cost of Public Funds and Tax Reform in Africa.
Journal of Development Economics, 97 (1).
pp. 58-72.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Demonsant, Jean-Luc
Education and Migration Choices in Hierarchical Societies: The Case of Matam, Senegal.
TSE Working Paper, n. 11-236, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M.
A Theory of BOT Concession Contracts.
TSE Working Paper, n. 11-228, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Straub, Stéphane
Privatization and Corruption.
In: International Handbook On The Economics Of Corruption: Volume 2
Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 978 1 84980 251 2
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Walters, Michael
The Marginal Cost of Public Funds and Tax Reform in Africa.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-110
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M.
Government Outsourcing: Public Contracting with Private Monopoly.
The Economic Journal, vol. 119 (n° 540).
pp. 1464-1493.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Biancini, Sara
Intellectual Property Rights Adoption in Developing Countries.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-094
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Blanc, Aymeric
Capture and Corruption in Public Utilities: the Cases of Water and Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Utilities Policy, vol. 17 (n° 2).
pp. 203-216.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M.
Infrastructure and Public Utilities Privatization in Developing Countries.
World Bank Economic Review, 23 (n°1).
pp. 77-100.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M.
Government Outsourcing: Public Contracting with Private Monopoly.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 382
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Renault, Régis
Status and Incentives.
The RAND Journal of Economics, 39 (n°1).
pp. 305-326.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gary-Bobo, Robert J.
On the Optimal Number of Representatives.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 86
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Warlters, Michael
The Marginal Cost of Public Funds in Developing Countries: An Application to 38 African Countries.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 371
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gary-Bobo, Robert J.
On Robust Constitution Design.
Theory and Decision, 62 (n°3).
pp. 241-279.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Blanc, Aymeric
Public private partnerships in water and electricity in Africa.
Agence Française de Développement, n. 38, Toulouse
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Corruption in Procurement and Public Purchase.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 24 (n°5).
pp. 867-885.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Telecommunication Reforms in Developing Countries.
Communications & Strategies.
pp. 31-53.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Warlters, Michael
Taxation Base in Developing Countries.
Journal of Public Economics, 89 (4).
pp. 625-646.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Warlters, Michael
Taxation Base in Developing Countries.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 292
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Picard, Pierre M.
Privatizations in Developing Countries and the Government's Budget Constraint.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 459
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Schilizzi, Steven G. M.
Quality Signaling through Certification. Theory and an Application to Agricultural Seed Market.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 165
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Friebel, Guido
and Pechlivanos, Lambros
Career Concerns in Teams.
Journal of Labor Economics, 20 (2).
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Friebel, Guido
and Pechlivanos, Lambros
Career Concerns in Teams.
CEPR Discussion Paper
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Gary-Bobo, Robert J.
On Robust Constitution Design.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 136
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Renault, Régis
Incentive Hierarchies.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (63-64).
pp. 261-282.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Benaim, Michel
Convergence and Oscillation in Standardization Games.
Journal of Economics, 15 (1).
pp. 39-55.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Concurrence par Comparaison : un point de vue normatif.
Revue Économique, 51.
pp. 621-634.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Renault, Régis
The Costs and Benefits of Symbolic Differentiation in the Work Place.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 101
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Benaim, Michel
Standardization in Decentralized Economies.
American Economic Review, 90.
pp. 550-570.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Benaim, Michel
Standardization in Decentralized Economies.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 85
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Deregulation and Quality.
International Journal of Industrial Organization, 16.
pp. 169-194.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Monopole ou duopole : l'effet de comparaison.
The Annals of Economics and Statistics (31).
pp. 1-31.
Auriol, Emmanuelle
Une Note sur l'Effet d'Echantillonnage.
Revue Économique, 5.
pp. 1179-1201.
Auriol, Emmanuelle and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Regulation by Duopoly.
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 1 (3).
pp. 507-533.