Chaxel, Anne-Sophie and Laporte, Sandra (2021) Truth Distortion : A Process to Explain Polarization over Unsubstantiated Claims Related to COVID-19. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, vol.6 (n°1). pp. 196-203.

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Identification Number : 10.1086/711730?journalCode=jacr


Knowing what to believe in the context of COVID-19 is challenging. Conflicting narratives from an array of prominent sources make distinguishing what is true and false difficult. This research examines how a preference for a source of information influences one’s truth judgments about controversial COVID-related statements. An early positive or negative evaluation of a public figure causes individuals to distort their truth judgments in the same direction as their preference. Interestingly, this truth distortion tends to increase linearly with a series of repeated controversial statements. Namely, most people tend to maintain their early preference and increasingly distort their evaluation of truth to make it fit the narrative of the source. Overall, this research provides insights into the process by which polarization occurs; that is, it demonstrates how people come to strongly believe in unsubstantiated claims over time, while others come to strongly reject the same information.

Item Type: Article
Language: English
Date: January 2021
Refereed: Yes
Place of Publication: Chicago
Subjects: C- GESTION
Divisions: TSM Research (Toulouse)
Site: UT1
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2021 12:20
Last Modified: 29 Nov 2021 15:15
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