Blanchard, Olivier Jean and Landier, Augustin (2002) The Perverse Effects of Partial Labor Market Reform: Fixed Duration Contracts in France. The Economic Journal, vol.112 (n°480). pp. 214-244.
Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2007) Le Grand Méchant Marché. Flammarion
Landier, Augustin and Nair, Vinay (2008) Investing for Change: Profit from Responsible Investing. Oxford University Press
Landier, Augustin, Thesmar, David and Thoenig, Mathias (2008) Investigating Capitalism Aversion. Economic Policy, 23 (55). pp. 465-497.
Landier, Augustin and Nair, Vinay (2008) Investissement Socialement Responsable: une Approche Efficace et Rentable. En Temps Réel (34).
Gabaix, Xavier and Landier, Augustin (2008) Why Has CEO Pay Increased So Much? Quarterly Journal of Economics, 123 (1). pp. 49-100.
Landier, Augustin (2008) Les Nouvelles Frontières de la Gouvernance du Risque. Risques - Les Cahiers de l'Assurance (78).
Landier, Augustin (2009) Le risque d'inflation, un Black Swan sur nos radars? Risques - Les Cahiers de l'Assurance (80).
Edmans, Alex, Gabaix, Xavier and Landier, Augustin (2009) A Multiplicative Model of Optimal CEO Incentives in Market Equilibrium. Review of Financial Studies, 22 (12). pp. 4881-4917.
Landier, Augustin and Ueda, Kenichi (2009) True Taxpayer Burden of Bank Restructuring. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-238, Toulouse
Landier, Augustin and Ueda, Kenichi (2009) The Economics of Bank Restructuring: Understanding the Options. IMF Staff Position Note.
Landier, Augustin, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2009) Financial Risk Management: When Does Independence Fail? American Economic Review, 99 (2). pp. 454-458.
Landier, Augustin, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2009) Optimal Dissent in Organizations. Review of Economic Studies, 76 (2). pp. 761-794.
Landier, Augustin, Nair, Vinay and Wulf, Julie (2009) Trade-offs in Staying Close: Corporate Decision Making and Geographic Dispersion. Review of Financial Studies, 22 (3). pp. 1119-1148.
Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2010) Action Publique et Intelligence Collective. Commentaire, 33 (131). pp. 713-720.
Landier, Augustin, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2010) Going for broke: New Century Financial Corporation, 2004-2006. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-199
Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2010) La société translucide. Fayard
Landier, Augustin and Plantin, Guillaume (2011) Inequality, tax avoidance and financial instability. TSE Working Paper, n. 11-282
Landier, Augustin, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2011) The risk-Shifting Hypothesis : Evidence from Subprime Originations. TSE Working Paper, n. 11-279
Ben-David, Itzhak, Franzoni, Francesco, Landier, Augustin and Moussawi, Rabih (2011) Do Hedge Funds Manipulate Stock Prices? TSE Working Paper, n. 11-221
Krüger, Philipp, Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2011) The WACC Fallacy: The Real Effects of Using a Unique Discount Rate. TSE Working Paper, n. 11-222
Ben-David, Itzhak, Franzoni, Francesco, Landier, Augustin and Moussawi, Rabih (2013) Do Hedge Funds Manipulate Stock Prices? Journal of Finance, 68 (6). pp. 2383-2434.
Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2013) 10 idées qui coulent la France. Flammarion
Landier, Augustin and Plantin, Guillaume (2013) Taxing the Rich. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-514
Biais, Bruno and Landier, Augustin (2013) Endogenous agency problems and the dynamics of rents. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-423, Toulouse
Landier, Augustin, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2013) Banking Deregulation and The Rise in House Price Comovement. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-437, Toulouse
Landier, Augustin, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2013) Banks Exposure to Interest Rate Risk and The Transmission of Monetary Policy. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-438, Toulouse
Landier, Augustin, Sauvagnat, Julien, Sraer, David and Thesmar, David (2013) Bottom-up Corporate Governance. Review of Finance, 17 (1). pp. 161-201.
Landier, Augustin (2013) Le b.a.b.a de l'économie contemporaine (Chapitre I) : Qu'est-ce qu'un marché ? In : B.a.b.a de l'économie contemporaine Le Pommier. ISBN 978-2-7465-0664-0
Bonart, Julius, Bouchaud, Jean-Philippe, Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2014) Instabilities in large economies: aggregate volatility without idiosyncratic shocks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2014.
Gabaix, Xavier, Landier, Augustin and Sauvagnat, Julien (2014) CEO Pay and Firm Size: an Update after the Crisis. The Economic Journal, vol.124 (n°574). pp. 40-59.
Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2014) Regulating Systemic Risk through Transparency: Tradeoffs in Making Data Public. In: Systemic Risk and Macro Modeling Chicago University Press. Chapter 2. pp. 31-44. ISBN 0-226-07773-X
Krüger, Philipp, Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2015) The WACC Fallacy: The Real Effects of Using a Unique Discount Rate. Journal of Finance, vol.70 (n°3). pp. 1253-1285.
Greenwood, Robin, Landier, Augustin and Thesmar, David (2015) Vulnerable Banks. Journal of Financial Economics, 115 (n°3). pp. 471-485.
Landier, Augustin and Plantin, Guillaume (2017) Taxing the Rich. Review of Economic Studies, 84 (3). pp. 1186-1209.