Gaume, Laurence and Desquilbet, Marion (2024) InsectChange: Comment. Peer Community Journal, vol.4.
Fardet, Anthony, Desquilbet, Marion and Rock, Edmond (2021) The compliance of French purchasing behaviors with a healthy and sustainable diet: a 1-yr follow-up of regular customers in hypermarkets. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. pp. 1-11.
Desquilbet, Marion, Cornillon, Pierre-André, Gaume, Laurence and Bonmatin, Jean-Marc (2021) Adequate statistical modelling and data selection are essential when analysing abundance and diversity trends. Nature Ecology & Evolution, vol. 5. pp. 592-594.
Desquilbet, Marion, Gaume, Laurence, Grippa, Manuela, Céréghino, Régis, Humbert, Jean-François, Bonmatin, Jean-Marc, Cornillon, Pierre-André, Maes, Dirk, Van Dyck, Hans and Goulson, David (2020) Comment on “Meta-analysis reveals declines in terrestrial but increases in freshwater insect abundances”. Science, vol. 370 (n° 6523).
Loconto, Allison, Desquilbet, Marion, Couvet, Denis, Dorin, Bruno and Moreau, Théo (2020) The Land sparing - Land sharing controversy: tracing the politics of knowledge. Land Use Policy, vol. 96 (n° 103610).
Desquilbet, Marion, Bullock, David S. and D'Arcangelo, Filippo Maria (2019) A discussion of the market and policy failures associated with the adoption of herbicide-tolerant crops. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 17 (5). pp. 326-337.
Desquilbet, Marion and Hermann, Markus (2016) The dynamics of pest resistance management: the case of refuge fields for Bt crops. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 64 (n° 2). pp. 253-288.
Bullock, David S. and Desquilbet, Marion (2010) On the proportionality of EU spatial ex ante coexistence regulations: A comment. Food Policy, 35 (1). pp. 87-90.
Bullock, David S. and Desquilbet, Marion (2009) Who pays the costs of non-GMO segregation and identity preservation? American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91 (3). pp. 656-672.
Desquilbet, Marion and Guyomard, Hervé (2002) Taxes and subsidies in vertically related markets. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (84). pp. 1033-1041.
Bullock, David S. and Desquilbet, Marion (2002) The economics of non-GMO segregation and identity preservation. Food Policy (27). pp. 81-99.
Desquilbet, Marion, Gohin, Alexandre and Guyomard, Hervé (1999) La nouvelle réforme de la politique agricole commune : une perspective internationale. Économie et Statistique (329). pp. 13-33.
Desquilbet, Marion and Guyomard, Hervé (1998) Agricultural Export Subsidies and Intermediate Goods Trade: Comment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics (80). pp. 422-425.