Roggero, Pascal, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
, Maillard, Mathias and Pons, Pascal
Bilan d'étape du projet Formalisation et simulation des systèmes d'action concrets.
In: Conseil scientifique de l'ACI Systèmes complexes en SHS, 21-22 novembre 2005, Paris.
Maillard, Mathias, Roggero, Pascal and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
L’émergence des Pays : une étude par simulation multi-agents de l’auto-organisation institutionnelle.
In : Anthro-politique et gouvernance des systèmes complexes territoriaux
Roggero, Pascal (ed.)
Presses de l'Université des sciences sociales de Toulouse.
ISBN 9782915699098
Maillard, Mathias, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe and Roggero, Pascal
Un modèle de rationalité limitée des acteurs sociaux.
In : Systèmes multi-agents : articulation entre l’individuel et le collectif
Hermès Lavoisier.
ISBN 9782746215863
Roggero, Pascal and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
Des théories aux modèles : comment intégrer la modélisation en SHS.
In: Ecole thématique du CNRS : Modélisation et simulation multi-agents en sciences sociales, 8-14 avril 2007, Mèze.
Roggero, Pascal, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
, Maillard, Mathias, Vautier, Claude
, Adreit, Françoise
and Sandri, Sandra
Formalisation, modélisation et simulation orientée agents des systèmes d’action concrets : approche complexe de la sociologie de l’action organisée.
In: Colloque de l'ACI Systèmes complexes en SHS, 26 mai-2 juin 2007, Cerisy.
Roggero, Pascal and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
Nouvelles Perspectives en Sciences Sociales, vol.2 (n°2).
pp. 7-9.
Roggero, Pascal and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
Quand des sociologues rencontrent des informaticiens : essai de formalisation, méta-modélisation, modélisation et simulation des systèmes d'action concrets.
Nouvelles Perspectives en Sciences Sociales, vol.3 (n°2).
pp. 41-81.
Combettes, Stéphanie, Hanachi, Chihab and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
Engineering Deontic Protocols by means of Organizational Petri Nets.
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 22 (8).
Roggero, Pascal, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
, Vautier, Claude
, Adreit, Françoise
, Maillard, Mathias, Chapron, Paul
and El Gemayel, Joseph
Compte rendu d’une recherche interdisciplinaire entre sociologues et informaticiens. De la sociologie de l’action organisée au logiciel SocLab.
Technique et Sciences Informatiques, 29 (8-9).
pp. 1081-1115.
Adreit, Françoise, Roggero, Pascal
, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
and Vautier, Claude
Using Soclab for a Rigorous Assessment of the Social Feasibility of Agricultural Policies.
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), vol.2 (n°2).
pp. 1-20.
Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe, Roggero, Pascal
, Adreit, Françoise
, Baldet, Bertrand, Chapron, Paul
, El Gemayel, Joseph
, Maillard, Mathias and Sandri, Sandra
SocLab: A Framework for the Modeling, Simulation and Analysis of Power in Social Organizations.
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (16 (4) 8).
Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe and El Gemayel, Joseph
Boundedly Rational Agents Playing the Social Actors Game - How to reach cooperation.
In: Web Intelligence - WI and Intelligent Agent Technologies - IAT 2013, 17 - 20 novembre 2013, Atlanta, United States.
Mazzega, Pierre, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
, Therond, Olivier, Amblard, Frédéric
, Arcangeli, Jean-Paul
, Balestrat, Maud
, Charron-Moirez, Marie-Hélène, Condamines, Anne
, Fèvre-Pernet, Christine
, Gaudou, Benoit
, Gondet, Etienne, Hong, Yi, Louail, Thomas
, March, Hug, Mayor, Eunate, Nguyen, Van Bai, Panzoli, David
, Sauvage, Sabine
, Sanchez-Pérez, José-Miguel
, Taillandier, Patrick
and Vavasseur, Maroussia
Impact Assessment Modeling of Low-Water Management Policy.
In: 4th Workshop of Applied Computing for the Management of the Environment and Natural Resources (WCAMA 2013).
Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe and Zaraté, Pascale
Cooperative Decision Making : a methodology based on collective preferences aggregation.
In: Group Decision and Negotiation (GDN). Joint INFORMS-GDN and EWG-DSS International Conference, 10-13/06/2014, Toulouse.
Mazzega, Pierre, Therond, Olivier, Debril, Thomas
, March, Hug, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
, Lardy, Romain and Sant'ana, Daniel
Critical Multi-level Governance Issues of Integrated Modelling: An Example of Low-Water Management in the Adour-Garonne Basin (France).
Journal of Hydrology, 519.
pp. 2515-2526.
Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe and Teran Villegas, Oswaldo Ramon
The Efficiency of Organizational Withdrawal vs Commitment.
In: Social Simulation Conference (SSC), 1-5/09/2014, Barcelone.
Teran Villegas, Oswaldo Ramon, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
and Gaudou, Benoit
Identifying Emotions in Organizational Settings : towards dealing with morality.
In: International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART 2014.
Therond, Olivier, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe, Lardy, Romain, Gaudou, Benoit
, Balestrat, Maud
, Hong, Yi, Louail, Thomas
, Nguyen, Van Bai, Panzoli, David
, Sanchez-Pérez, José-Miguel
, Sauvage, Sabine
, Taillandier, Patrick
, Vavasseur, Maroussia and Mazzega, Pierre
Integrated modelling of social-ecological systems: The MAELIA high-resolution multi-agent platform to deal with water scarcity problems.
In: 7th International Environmental Modelling and Software Society (iEMSs 2014).
Gaudou, Benoit, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
, Therond, Olivier, Amblard, Frédéric
, Auda, Yves
, Arcangeli, Jean-Paul
, Balestrat, Maud
, Charron-Moirez, Marie-Hélène, Gondet, Etienne, Hong, Yi, Lardy, Romain, Louail, Thomas
, Mayor, Eunate, Panzoli, David
, Sauvage, Sabine
, Sanchez-Pérez, José-Miguel
, Taillandier, Patrick
, Nguyen, Van Bai, Vavasseur, Maroussia and Mazzega, Pierre
The MAELIA multi-agent platform for integrated assessment of low-water management issues.
In: International Workshop on Multi-Agent-Based Simulation - MABS 2013.
Teran Villegas, Oswaldo Ramon, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
and Gaudou, Benoit
Modeling and Simulating Moral Emotions in Organizations: exploring its impact on collaboration.
In: International Congress of the World Organization of Systems and Cybernetics - WOSC 2014.
Villa-Vialaneix, Nathalie, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
and Roggero, Pascal
Statistical exploratory analysis of agent-based simulations
in a social context.
Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics, vol.5 (n°2).
pp. 132-149.
Villa-Vialaneix, Nathalie, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
and Roggero, Pascal
Statistical exploratory analysis of agent-based simulations in a social context.
Case Studies in Business, Industry and Government Statistics, 5 (2).
pp. 132-149.
Truong, Minh Thai, Amblard, Frédéric
, Gaudou, Benoit
and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
To Calibrate & Validate an Agent-Based Simulation Model - An Application of the Combination Framework of BI solution & Multi-agent platform.
In: 6th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2014).
Adreit, Françoise, Chapron, Paul
, El Gemayel, Joseph
, Roggero, Pascal
, Sandri, Sandra and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
Une formalisation de la sociologie de l'action organisée : méta-modèle, simulation et étude analytique.
In : Ontologies et modélisation par SMA en SHS
Series “Informatique et systèmes d'information. Recherche, technologie, applications”
ISBN 978-2-7462-3207-5
Andonoff, Éric, Hanachi, Chihab
, Le, Nguyen Tuan Thanh
and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
Interaction protocols for human-driven crisis resolution processes.
In: 16th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2015).
Teran Villegas, Oswaldo Ramon, Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
and Gaudou, Benoit
The influence of moral sensitivity on organizational cooperation.
Kybernetes, 44 (6/7).
pp. 1067-1081.
Truong, Minh Thai, Amblard, Frédéric
, Gaudou, Benoit
and Sibertin-Blanc, Christophe
CFBM - A Framework for Data Driven Approach in Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation.
In: 2nd EAI International Conference on Nature of Computation and Communication (ICTCC 2016).