Desquilbet, Marion, Dorin, Bruno and Couvet, Denis
Land sharing vs. land sparing for biodiversity: How agricultural markets make the difference.
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 22 (n°3).
pp. 185-200.
Loconto, Allison, Desquilbet, Marion
, Couvet, Denis
, Dorin, Bruno
and Moreau, Théo
The Land sparing - Land sharing controversy: tracing the politics of knowledge.
Land Use Policy, vol. 96 (n° 103610).
Gasmi, Farid, Recuero Virto, Laura and Couvet, Denis
Empirical analysis of the anthropogenic pressure on the mangrove blue carbon-economic growth relationship.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1307, Toulouse
Gasmi, Farid, Recuero Virto, Laura and Couvet, Denis
An empirical analysis of economic growth in countries exposed to coastal risks: Implications for their ecosystems.
Economic Systems, vol. 47 (n° 4).