Beaudry, Paul, Fève, Patrick, Guay, Alain and Portier, Franck (2019) When is Nonfundamentalness in SVARs A Real Problem? Review of Economic Dynamics, vol. 34. pp. 221-243.
Galizia, Dana, Portier, Franck and Beaudry, Paul (2018) Reconciling Hayek's and Keynes' Views of Recessions. Review of Economic Studies, 85 (n°1). pp. 119-156.
Beaudry, Paul, Moura, Alban and Portier, Franck (2015) Reexamining the cyclical behavior of the relative price of investment. Economics Letters, 135. pp. 108-111.
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2014) News-Driven Business Cycles : Insights and Challenges. Journal of Economic Literature (JEL), 52 (n°4). pp. 993-1074.
Dupaigne, Martial and Portier, Franck (2012) La "grande récession": une mise en perspective. Revue d'Economie Politique, 122 (n°6). pp. 791-809.
Beaudry, Paul, Collard, Fabrice and Portier, Franck (2011) Gold rush fever in business cycles. Journal of Monetary Economics, 58 (2). pp. 84-97.
Beaudry, Paul, Dupaigne, Martial and Portier, Franck (2011) Modeling News-Driven International Business Cycles. Review of Economic Dynamics, 14 (1). pp. 72-91.
Bedo, J.-S., Ciriani, S., Collard, Fabrice, Fève, Patrick and Portier, Franck (2008) The Transition Toward Intensive Network Technologies: A Macroeconomic Perspective. Communications & Strategies. pp. 51-71.
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2007) When can Changes in Expectations Cause Business Cycle Fluctuations in Neo-Classical Settings? Journal of Economic Theory, 135 (1). pp. 458-477.
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2006) Stock Prices, News and Economic Fluctuations. American Economic Review, 96 (4). pp. 1293-1307.
Portier, Franck and Puch, Luis (2006) The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles in an Economy with Nonclearing Markets. B. E. Journals of Macroeconomics, Topics Series, 6 (3).
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2005) The "News" View of Economic Fluctuations: Evidence from Aggregate Japanese Data and Sectoral US Data. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 19 (4). pp. 635-652.
Collard, Fabrice, Fève, Patrick and Portier, Franck (2005) Electricity Consumption and ICT in the French Service Sector. Energy Economics, 27 (3). pp. 541-550.
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2004) An Exploration into Pigou's Theory of Cycles. Journal of Monetary Economics, 51 (6). pp. 1183-1216.
Portier, Catherine and Portier, Franck (2002) Tax Pot Episodes in OECD Countries. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 16 (4). pp. 436-461.
Portier, Franck (2002) Estimation and Identification of Structural Parameters in the Presence of Multiple Equilibria: a Comment. The Annals of Economics and Statistics (66).
Hairault, Jean-Olivier, Langot, François and Portier, Franck (2001) Efficiency and Stabilization: Reducing Okun Gaps and Haberger Triangles. Economics Letters, 70 (2). pp. 209-214.
Carré, Martine, Levasseur, Sandrine and Portier, Franck (2000) Economic Integration, Asymmetries and the Desirability of EMU. Journal of Economic Integration, 15 (2). pp. 345-354.
Hurlin, Christophe and Portier, Franck (1999) Taux d'actualisation public, distortions fiscales et croissance endogène. The Annals of Economics and Statistics (54). pp. 173-202.
Fagnart, Jean-François, Licandro, Omar and Portier, Franck (1999) Idiosyncratic Uncertainty, Capacity Utilization and the Business Cycle. Review of Economic Dynamics.
Hairault, Jean-Olivier, Langot, François and Portier, Franck (1997) Time to Implement and Aggregate Fluctuations. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 22. pp. 109-121.
Hurlin, Christophe and Portier, Franck (1996) Le partage de la valeur ajoutée dans le cycle. Économie et Prévision (125).
Chambin, Marianne and Portier, Franck (1996) Big Shock, Slow Growth and the Dynamics of Aggregate Labor Demand with Firing Costs. Recherches Économiques de Louvain.
Portier, Franck (1995) Business Formation and Cyclical Markups in the French Business Cycle. The Annals of Economics and Statistics (37). pp. 411-440.
Portier, Franck and Tallon, Jean-Marc (1995) On the Non-Neutrality and Optimality of Monetary Policy when Financial Markets are Incomplete: a Macroeconomic Perspective. Ricerche Economiche.
Hairault, Jean-Olivier and Portier, Franck (1993) Money, New-Keynesian Macroeconomics and the Business Cycle. European Economic Review.
Book Section
Beaudry, Paul, Galizia, Dana and Portier, Franck (2017) Is the Macroeconomy Locally Unstable and Why Should We Care? In: NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2016: volume 31 University of Chicago Press. pp. 479-530. ISBN 978-0226490199
Portier, Franck (2015) Technological Diffusion News, A comment on “Whither News Shocks? In: NBER Macroeconomics Annual University of Chicago Press. pp. 265-278. ISBN 978-0-226-26873-6
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2014) Understanding Noninflationary Demand-Driven Business Cycles. In: NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2013 University of Chicago Press. Series “28” ISBN 978-0-226-16540-0
Hairault, Jean-Olivier, Langot, François and Portier, Franck (1997) Financing Unemployment Benefits in the Business Cycle: Stabilization, Welfare and Equity Issues. In: Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Stability: Should We Rebuild Built-In Stabilizers? Hairault, Jean-Olivier, Hénin, Pierre-Yves and Portier, Franck (eds.) Kluwer Academic Press. pp. 231-251. ISBN 978-1-4615-6173-6
Fève, Patrick, Beaudry, Paul, Collard, Fabrice, Guay, Alain and Portier, Franck (2022) Dynamic identification in VARs. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1384, Toulouse
Beaudry, Paul, Galizia, Dana and Portier, Franck (2016) Putting the Cycle Back into Business Cycle Analysis. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-734
Beaudry, Paul, Dupaigne, Martial and Portier, Franck (2009) Modeling News-Driven International Business Cycles. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-117
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2004) When Can Changes in Expectations Cause Business Cycle Fluctuations in Neo-Classical Settings? IDEI Working Paper, n. 304
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2004) When can Changes in Expectations cause Business Cycle Fluctuations in Neo-Classical Settings. NBER Working Papers, n. 10776
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2004) Stock Prices, News and Economic Fluctuations. NBER Working Papers, n. 10548
Galles, Clémentine and Portier, Franck (2004) Does the Length of the Period Matter for the Identification and the Modelling of Monetary Policy Shocks? CEPR Discussion Paper, n. 4409
Portier, Franck and Puch, Luis (2004) The Welfare Cost of Business Cycles in an Economy with Nonclearing Markets. CEPR Discussion Paper
Beaudry, Paul and Portier, Franck (2003) Stock Prices, News and Economic Fluctuations. IDEI Working Paper, n. 158
Hairault, Jean-Olivier, Hénin, Pierre-Yves and Portier, Franck, eds. (1997) Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Stability: Should We Rebuild Built-In Stabilizers? Kluwer Academic Press