Guembel, Alexander and Sussman, Oren (2020) The pecking order of segmentation and liquidity-injection policies in a model of contagious crises. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 87 (n° 3). pp. 1296-1330.
Dow, James, Goldstein, Itay and Guembel, Alexander (2017) Incentives for Information Production in Markets where Prices Affect Real Investment. Journal of the European Economic Association, 15 (4). pp. 877-909.
Guembel, Alexander and White, Lucy (2014) Good Cop, Bad Cop: Complementarities between Debt and Equity in Disciplining Management. Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 23 (n° 4). pp. 541-569.
Guembel, Alexander and White, Lucy (2014) Good Cop, Bad Cop: Complementarities in Debt and Equity in Disciplining Management. Journal of Financial Intermediation, vol. 23 (n° 4). pp. 541-569.
Casamatta, Catherine and Guembel, Alexander (2010) Managerial Legacies, Entrenchment and Strategy Inertia. Journal of Finance, 65 (6). pp. 2403-2436.
Guembel, Alexander and Rossetto, Silvia (2009) Reputational Cheap Talk with Misunderstanding. Games and Economic Behavior, 67 (2). pp. 736-744.
Guembel, Alexander and Sussman, Oren (2009) Sovereign Debt without Default Penalties. Review of Economic Studies, 76 (4). pp. 1297-1320.
Goldstein, Itay and Guembel, Alexander (2008) Manipulation and the Allocational Role of Prices. The Review Of Economic Studies, 75 (1). pp. 133-164.
Guembel, Alexander (2005) Trading on Short-Term Information. Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 161 (3). pp. 428-452.
Guembel, Alexander (2005) Herding in Delegated Portfolio Management: When is Comparative Performance Information Desirable? European Economic Review, 49 (3). pp. 599-626.
Guembel, Alexander (2005) Should Short-Term Speculators be Taxed, or Subsidised? Annals of Finance (1). pp. 327-348.
Guembel, Alexander and Sussman, Oren (2004) Optimal Exchange Rates: A Market Microstructure Approach. Journal of the European Economic Association, 2 (6). pp. 1242-1272.
Guembel, Alexander (2004) Emerging Markets and Entry by Actively Managed Funds. Greek Economic Review, 23 (1).
Book Section
Bhattacharya, Sudipto, Dasgupta, Amil, Guembel, Alexander and Prat, Andrea (2008) Incentives in Funds Management: A Literature Review. In: Handbook of Financial Intermediation and Banking Boot, Arnoud W.A. and Thakor, Anjan V. (eds.) Elsevier. Chapter 9. pp. 285-303. ISBN 978-0-444-51558-2
Ding, Haina, Guembel, Alexander and Ozanne, Alessio (2022) Market Information in Banking Supervision: The Role of Stress Test Design. TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1144, Toulouse
Guembel, Alexander and Sussman, Oren (2010) Liquidity, Contagion and Financial Crisis. TSE Working Paper, n. 10-240, Toulouse