Crampes, Claude, Ladoux, Norbert and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2023) Pricing energy consumption and residential energy-efficiency investment: An optimal tax approach. Journal of Public Economic Theory. pp. 1-18.
Crampes, Claude and Fehr, Nils-Henrik M. von der (2023) Decentralised Cross-Border Interconnection. Energy Journal, vol.44 (n°4). pp. 147-169.
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2023) Les Certificats d'Economie d'Energie entre économie et politique. Revue Économique, vol. 74 (n° 1). pp. 51-80.
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2022) L'effet surface/volume et ses limites. Revue d'Économie Industrielle (N° 177). pp. 9-27.
Crampes, Claude and Lefouili, Yassine (2021) Green energy pricing for digital europe. Enjeux numériques - les Annales des Mines (n° 15). pp. 37-41.
Ambec, Stefan and Crampes, Claude (2021) Real-time electricity pricing to balance green energy intermittency. Energy Economics, vol. 94 (n° 105074).
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2021) Valeur de l'eau et de l'électricité des barrages-réservoirs.Une version cyclique de la règle de Hotelling. Revue Économique, vol. 72 (n° 3). pp. 377-420.
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2021) White certificates and competition. Competition Law Review (n°1-2021). pp. 66-74.
Ambec, Stefan and Crampes, Claude (2019) Decarbonizing electricity generation with intermittent sources of energy. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 6 (n° 6). pp. 919-948.
Crampes, Claude and Trochet, Jean-Michel (2019) Economics of stationary electricity storage with various charge and discharge durations. Journal of Energy Storage, vol. 24 (100746).
Crampes, Claude and Renault, Jérôme (2019) How many markets for wholesale electricity when supply ispartially flexible? Energy Economics, vol. 81. pp. 465-478.
Bobtcheff, Catherine, Crampes, Claude and Lefouili, Yassine (2019) Chocs de demande, effets d’apprentissage et exclusion. Revue économique, vol. 70 (n° 3). pp. 441-453.
Crampes, Claude and Renault, Jérôme (2016) The Repairman Problem Revisited. The Annals of Economics and Statistics, 122. pp. 7-24.
Crampes, Claude and Laffont, Mathias (2016) Retail Price Regulation in the British Energy Industry. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, vol. 17 (n° 3-4).
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2015) Demand response in adjustment markets for electricity. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 48 (2). pp. 169-193.
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2015) Demand response in adjustment markets for electricity. Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 48 (n° 2). pp. 169-193.
Crampes, Claude and Laffont, Mathias (2014) Connection Pricing and Universal Service Obligations in Distribution Networks. Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, 15 (1). pp. 32-58.
Crampes, Claude and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2014) Tarif progressif, efficience et équité. Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 148. pp. 133-160.
Ambec, Stefan and Crampes, Claude (2012) Electricity provision with intermittent sources of energy. Resource and Energy Economics, 34 (3). pp. 319-336.
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2010) Pumping Storage and Cost Saving. Energy Economics, 32 (2). pp. 325-333.
Crampes, Claude, Dubois, Pierre, Jullien, Bruno and Lozachmeur, Jean-Marie (2009) Régulation des prix et politiques de remboursement des médicaments. Revue Générale de Droit Médical, 33. pp. 273-290.
Crampes, Claude and Langinier, Corinne (2009) Are Intellectual Property Rights Detrimental to Innovation? International Journal of the Economics of Business, 16 (3). pp. 249-268.
Crampes, Claude, Glachant, Jean-Michel, Lévêque, François, Newbery, David, Perez-Arriaga, Ignacio J., Ranci, Pippo, Stoft, Steven, Von Hirschhausen, Christian and Willems, Bert (2009) Where the Champsaur Commission Has Got It Wrong. Electricity Journal, 22 (7). pp. 81-86.
Crampes, Claude, Haritchabalet, Carole and Jullien, Bruno (2009) Advertising, Competition and Entry in Media Industries. Journal of Industrial Economics, 57 (1). pp. 7-31.
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (2008) The Regulation of Audiovisual Content: Quotas and Conflicting Objectives. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 34 (3). pp. 195-219.
Crampes, Claude (2007) Adaptation des règles de concurrence à un choc technologique. Le téléchargement des fichiers musicaux. Revue Lamy de la concurrence. pp. 176-182.
Crampes, Claude (2007) Intégration latérale dans le secteur de l'énergie. Revue de l'OFCE (101). pp. 453-473.
Crampes, Claude (2007) L'objet et le champ des brevets: Qu'est-ce qui mérite d'être breveté? Revue Lamy de la concurrence (n°11). pp. 192-195.
Barquin, Julian, Bergman, Lars, Crampes, Claude, Glachant, Jean-Michel, Green, Richard, Lévêque, François, Stoft, Steven and Von Hirschhausen, Christian (2006) The Acquisition of Endesa by Gas Natural: Why the Antitrust Authorities Are Right to be Cautions. Electricity Journal, 19 (2). pp. 62-68.
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (2006) Triple play time. Communications & Strategies (63, 3r).
Barquin, Julian, Bergman, Lars, Crampes, Claude, Glachant, Jean-Michel, Green, Richard, Lévêque, François, Stoft, Steven and Von Hirschhausen, Christian (2005) The Acquisition of Endesa by Gas Natural: an antitrust perspective. Journal of Network Industries, 6 (4). pp. 213-225.
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (2005) Product Specification, Multi-Product Screening and Bundling: the Case of Pay TV. Information Economics and Policy, 17 (1). pp. 35-59.
Crampes, Claude and Creti, Anna (2005) Capacity Competition in Electricity Markets. Economia delle fonti di energia e dell'ambiente (2). pp. 59-83.
Crampes, Claude and Fabra, Natalia (2005) The Spanish Electricity Industry: Plus ça change ... Energy Journal, 26.
Crampes, Claude and Langinier, Corinne (2002) Litigation and Settlement in Patent Infringement Cases. RAND Journal of Economics, 33 (2). pp. 258-274.
Crampes, Claude and Laffont, Jean-Jacques (2001) Transport Pricing in the Electricity Industry. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 17 (3). pp. 313-328.
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2001) Water Resource and Power Generation. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19 (6). pp. 975-997.
Crampes, Claude (2000) La recherche et la protection des innovations dans le secteur pharmaceutique. Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, 1 (t. XIV). pp. 125-146.
Crampes, Claude (1999) Network Industries and Network Goods. European Economy (4). pp. 81-99.
Crampes, Claude and Langinier, Corinne (1998) Information Disclosure in the Renewal of Patents. The Annals of Economics and Statistics (49). pp. 265-288.
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1998) Biotechnological Innovation and Industrial Performance. Journal of Consumer Policy, 21. pp. 377-409.
Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio (1998) Regulatory trade-Offs in the Design of Concession Contracts. Utilities Policy, 7. pp. 1-13.
Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio (1996) Regulating Water Concessions. Viewpoint (91).
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1995) Duopoly and Quality Standards. European Economic Review, 39. pp. 71-82.
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1995) How Many Karats is Gold: Welfare Effects of Easing a Denomination Standard. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 7. pp. 131-143.
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (1995) Les caractéristiques des brevets. Revue d'Économie Industrielle. pp. 11-26.
Crampes, Claude and Wolkowicz, Michel (1995) Standards and Industrial Property. Annales des Télécommunications, 50 (2). pp. 286-296.
Crampes, Claude and Laffont, Jean-Jacques (1995) Transfers and Incentives in the Spanish Electricity Sector. Revista Española de Economía. pp. 117-140.
Calmette, Marie-Françoise, Cavagnac, Michel and Crampes, Claude (1994) La tarification des publications périodiques. Revue d'Économie Industrielle (70). pp. 73-94.
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1993) Umbrella Pricing to Attract Early Entry. Economica, 60. pp. 465-474.
Crampes, Claude (1991) Normes de fabrication et barrières à l'entrée. Actualité économique, 67 (4). pp. 567-581.
Crampes, Claude and Nathie, P.-Y. (1990) Les brevets et la recherche en biotechnologies. Revue Internationale de Droit Economique, IV (1). pp. 77-102.
Crampes, Claude (1986) Des instruments pour le contrôle des entreprises publiques. Revue Économique, 37 (5). pp. 757-781.
Crampes, Claude (1986) Les inconvénients d'un dépôt de brevet pour une entreprise innovatrice. Actualité économique, 61 (4). pp. 521-534.
Crampes, Claude (1983) Subventions et régulation d'une entreprise privée. Annales de l'INSEE (51). pp. 47-64.
Book Section
Crampes, Claude (2023) Challenges for retail electricity. In: Peace not Pollution: How Going Green Can Tackle Climate Change and Toxic Politics Gollier, Christian and Rohner, Dominic (eds.) CEPR press. Chapter 10. Paris pp. 97-105. ISBN 9781912179749
Baron, Nacima, Crampes, Claude and Ursat, Xavier (2016) Partenariat public-privé, développement économique et territorialisation des ressources énergétiques en moyenne montagne. In : Territoires et mobilisations contemporaines : Regards sur un phénomène planétaire Guérin-Pace, France and Mesclier, Evelyne (eds.) Karthala. Series “Collection du CIST” Chapter 2. Paris pp. 33-54. ISBN 9782811115951
Crampes, Claude (2014) The EU’s “Three 20s”: Environmental or Industrial Policy? In: Next Generation of Economic Issues in Energy Policy in Europe CEPR Press. pp. 15-43. ISBN 978-1-907142-72-7
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2014) Industrie électrique : Des électrons libres dans un marché corseté. In : A quoi sert la concurrence ? Institut de droit de la concurrence. ISBN 9791094201008
Crampes, Claude (2014) Regulation Mismatch in Tackling CO2 Emissions. In: Analysis of Competition Policy and Sectoral Regulation Now Publishers Inc. Boston-Delft. pp. 339-363. ISBN 978-981-4616-35-5
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2012) Acheteurs réactifs sur le marché de détail : Ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Michel Lapeyre. In : Les nouvelles régulations électriques Hermès. ISBN 978-2-7462-3903-6
Crampes, Claude and Léautier, Thomas-Olivier (2012) Distributed Load-Sherdding in the Balancing of Electricity Markets. In : Loyola de Palacio Programme on Energy Policy European Energy Market (EEM).
Crampes, Claude and Rives, Lucile (2011) Regulating Electricity Transmission in the European Union - How Many Agencies? In: Emerging Issues in Competition, Collusion, and Regulation of Network Industries Estache, Antonio (ed.) CEPR. pp. 57-77.
Crampes, Claude (2010) Principes économiques du traitement des contentieux. In : Droit et économie du procès civil Cohen, Daniel (ed.) LGDJ. Series “Droit et économie” pp. 157-166.
Crampes, Claude, Hollander, Abraham and Macdissi, Charbel M. (2009) Fines, Damages and the Technological Protection of Information Goods. In: Economics of Digital Markets Cooper, Russel and Madden, Gary (eds.) Edward Elgar. Chapter 3. ISBN 978 1 84720 753 1
Crampes, Claude (2006) Les outils des régulations économiques ex ante et ex post. In : engagements dans les systèmes de régulation Frison-Roche, Anne-Marie (ed.) Dalloz et les Presses de Sciences Po. pp. 121-131.
Crampes, Claude, Encaoua, David and Hollander, Abraham (2006) Competition and Intellectual Property in the European Union. In: New Developments in UK and EU Competition Policy Clarke, Roger and Morgan, Eleanor J. (eds.) Edward Elgar.
Crampes, Claude and Encaoua, David (2003) Microéconomie de l'Innovation. In : Encyclopédie de l'innovation Mustar, Philippe and Penan, Hervé (eds.) Economica. ISBN 978-2717845181
Crampes, Claude (2003) Cost Recovery and Short Run Efficiency (part II). In: Transport Pricing of Electricity Networks Lévêque, François (ed.) Kluwer Academic Publishers. Series “Springer US” Chapter 4. pp. 105-136. ISBN 978-1-4757-3756-1
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1998) Biotechnological Innovation and Industrial Performance. In: Biotechnology and the Consumer: A research project sponsored by the Office of Consumer Affairs of Industry Canada Knoppers, Bartha Maria and Mathios, Alan (eds.) Springer US. pp. 377-409. ISBN 978-1-4615-5311-3
Crampes, Claude (1991) Research & Development and Patent Licensing. In: Dynamics, Incomplete Information and Industrial Economics Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Moreaux, Michel (eds.) Blackwell Publishers. Series “Applied Economic Theory and Econometrics” pp. 133-156.
Crampes, Claude (1991) Warranty and Quality. In: Dynamics, Incomplete Information and Industrial Economics Laffont, Jean-Jacques and Moreaux, Michel (eds.) Blackwell Publishers. Series “Applied Economic Theory and Econometrics” pp. 199-211.
Crampes, Claude and Renault, Jerôme (2025) Assistance to electricity consumers with price misperception. TSE Working Paper, n. 25-1613, Toulouse
Ambec, Stefan, Crampes, Claude and Tirole, Jean (2023) The design of electricity markets : an economic analysis / Analyse économique de l’organisation du marché de l’électricité. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1484, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio (2023) Efficiency vs. equity concerns in regulatory sandboxes. TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1466, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude and Renault, Jérôme (2021) Supply Flexibility and risk transfer in electricity markets. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1350, Toulouse School of Economics
Crampes, Claude and Renault, Jérôme (2021) Imperfect competition in electricity markets with partially flexible technologies. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1198, Toulouse
Bobtcheff, Catherine, Crampes, Claude and Lefouili, Yassine (2018) Demand Shocks, Learning-by-Doing and Exclusion. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-911, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude and Salant, David J. (2018) A multi-regional model of electric resource adequacy. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-877, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2016) Microéconomie de l’hydroélectricité : Partie 2 La gestion des barrages. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-641, Toulouse
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2016) Microéconomie de l’hydroélectricité : Partie 1 Valeurs de l'eau. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-640, Toulouse
Ambec, Stefan and Crampes, Claude (2010) Electricity Production with Intermittent Sources. LERNA Working Paper, n. 10.07.313
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2009) Pumped Storage and Energy Saving. TSE Working Paper, n. 09-073
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel (2008) Pumping Water to Compete in Electricity Markets. IDEI Working Paper, n. 507
Crampes, Claude, Encaoua, David and Hollander, Abraham (2004) Competition and Intellectual Property in the European Union. IDEI Working Paper, n. 332
Crampes, Claude and Langinier, Corinne (2003) Following the Follower in the Innovation Game. IDEI Working Paper, n. 216
Crampes, Claude and Hollander, Abraham (1998) Bundling and the Product Specification of Excludable Public Goods: the Case of Pay TV. Cahier du GREMAQ, n. 98.08.495
Auriol, Emmanuelle, Crampes, Claude and Estache, Antonio (2021) Regulating public services, bridging the gap between theory and practice. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. ISBN 978-1-108-83395-0