Biais, Bruno
Price Formation and Equilibrium Liquidity in Centralized and Fragmented Markets.
Journal of Finance.
Biais, Bruno and Hillion, Pierre
Insider and Liquidity Trading in Stock and Options Markets.
Review of Financial Studies.
Biais, Bruno and Shadur, Raphaël
On the Survival of Irrational Traders: A Darwinian Approach.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 32
Biais, Bruno, Hillion, Pierre
and Spatt, Chester
An Empirical Analysis of the Order Flow and Order Book in the Paris Bourse.
Journal of Finance.
Biais, Bruno and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Risk Sharing, Adverse Selection and Market Structure.
In: Financial Mathematics
Runggaldier, Wolfgang J. (ed.)
Springer Verlag.
Series “Lectures Notes on Mathematics”
pp. 1-51.
ISBN 2-13-053387-6
Biais, Bruno and Gollier, Christian
Trade Credit and Credit Rationing.
Review of Financial Studies, 10.
pp. 903-937.
Biais, Bruno and Bossaerts, Peter
Asset Prices and Trading Volume in a Beauty Contest.
Review of Economic Studies, 65.
pp. 307-340.
Biais, Bruno, Foucault, Thierry
and Salanié, François
Floors, dealer markets and limit order markets.
Journal of Financial Markets (1).
pp. 253-284.
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
and Décamps, Jean-Paul
Short Sales Constraints, Liquidity and Price Discovery: an Empirical Analysis on the Paris Bourse.
European Financial Management, 5 (3).
pp. 395-409.
Biais, Bruno and Casamatta, Catherine
Optimal Leverage and Aggregate Investment.
Journal of Finance, 54.
pp. 1291-1323.
Biais, Bruno, Hillion, Pierre
and Spatt, Chester
Price Discovery and Learning during the Preopening Period in the Paris Bourse.
Journal of Political Economy.
Biais, Bruno, Martimort, David
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Competing Mechanisms in a Commun Value Environment.
Econometrica, 68 (4).
pp. 799-837.
Biais, Bruno and Pouget, Sébastien
Microstructure, Incentives, and the Discovery of Equilibrium in Experimental Financial Markets.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 103
Biais, Bruno and Shadur, Raphaël
On the Survival of Irrational Traders: A Darwinian Approach.
European Economic Review, 44.
pp. 469-490.
Azam, Jean-Paul, Biais, Bruno
, Dia, Magueye and Maurel, Christine
Informal and Formal Credit Markets and Credit Rationing in Côte d'Ivoire.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 17 (4).
pp. 520-534.
Biais, Bruno and Faugeron-Crouzet, Anne-Marie
IPO Auctions: English, Dutch, ... French and Internet.
Journal of Financial Intermediation, 11.
pp. 9-36.
Biais, Bruno and Germain, Laurent
Incentive Compatible Contracts for the Sale of Information.
Review of Financial Studies, 15.
pp. 987-1003.
Biais, Bruno and Perotti, Enrico
Machiavellian Privatization.
American Economic Review, 92 (1).
pp. 240-248.
Biais, Bruno, Bossaerts, Peter
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
An Optimal IPO Mechanism.
Review of Economic Studies, 69.
pp. 117-146.
Biais, Bruno, Bossaerts, Peter
and Spatt, Chester
Equilibrium Asset Pricing Under Heterogenous Information.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 159
Biais, Bruno, Casamatta, Catherine
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Operational Risk and Capital Requirements in the European Investment Fund Industry.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 239
Biais, Bruno, Renucci, Antoine
and Saint-Paul, Gilles
Liquidity and the Cost of Funds in the European Treasury Market.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 285
Azam, Jean-Paul, Biais, Bruno
and Dia, Magueye
Privatization versus Regulation in Developing Economies: the Case of West African Banks.
Journal of African Economies, 13 (3).
pp. 361-394.
Biais, Bruno and Mariotti, Thomas
Strategic Liquidity Supply and Security Design.
Review of Economic Studies, 72 (3).
pp. 615-649.
Biais, Bruno, Glosten, Larry and Spatt, Chester
Market Microstructure: a Survey of Microfoundations, Empirical Results and Policy Implications.
Journal of Financial Markets, 8 (2).
pp. 217-264.
Biais, Bruno, Hilton, Denis, Mazurier, Karine and Pouget, Sébastien
Judgmental Overconfidence, Self-Monitoring and Trading Performance in an Experimental Financial Market.
Review of Economic Studies, 72 (2).
pp. 287-312.
Biais, Bruno, Casamatta, Catherine
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Risque opérationnel et régulation du capital dans l'industrie de la gestion de fonds d'investissement en Europe.
Revue d'économie financière, 79.
pp. 197-211.
Biais, Bruno, Declerck, Fany
, Dow, James
and Von Thadden, Elu
Transparency, Liquidity and Information in Dealer Markets.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 480
Biais, Bruno
Entreprises et marchés : pourquoi des incitations plutôt que des contrôles.
pp. 227-230.
Biais, Bruno
La bourse et les marchés financiers.
Tangente (Hors série).
Biais, Bruno
Transparence des marchés, conflits d'intérêt et crise financière.
pp. 6-13.
Biais, Bruno and Green, Richard
The Microstructure of the Bond Market in the 20th Century.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 482, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno and Declerck, Fany
Liquidity, Competition & Price Discovery in the European Corporate Bond Market.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 475
Biais, Bruno, Mariotti, Thomas
, Plantin, Guillaume
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Dynamic Security Design: Convergence to Continuous Time and Asset Pricing Implications.
Review of Economic Studies, 74 (2).
pp. 345-390.
Biais, Bruno and Declerck, Fany
Dealing in Junk.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 479
Biais, Bruno and Perotti, Enrico
Entrepreneurs and New Ideas.
RAND Journal of Economics, 39 (4).
pp. 1105-1125.
Biais, Bruno
Les scandales financiers: Aléa moral ou problème éthique?
Biais, Bruno
La Banque Centrale Européenne est-elle trop indépendante?
Biais, Bruno and Mariotti, Thomas
Credit, Wages, and Bankruptcy Laws.
Journal of the European Economic Association, 7 (5).
pp. 939-973.
Azam, Jean-Paul, Bates, Robert H.
and Biais, Bruno
Political Predation and Economic Development.
Economics & Politics, vol. 21 (n° 2).
pp. 255-277.
Azam, Jean-Paul, Bates, Robert H.
and Biais, Bruno
Political Predation and Economic Development.
Economics & Politics, vol. 21 (n° 2).
pp. 255-277.
Biais, Bruno and Weber, Martin
Hindsight Bias, Risk Perception and Investment Performance.
Management Science, 55 (6).
pp. 1018-1029.
Biais, Bruno and Weill, Pierre-Olivier
Liquidity Shocks and Order Book Dynamics.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-037
Biais, Bruno, Rochet, Jean-Charles
and Woolley, Paul
The Lifecycle of the Financial Sector and Other Speculative Industries.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-031
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
and Pouget, Sébastien
Equilibrium Discovery and Preopening Mechanisms in an Experimental Market.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-001
Biais, Bruno, Hombert, Johan
and Weill, Pierre-Olivier
Trading and Liquidity with Limited Cognition.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-242, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
and Spatt, Chester
Imperfect Competition in Financial Markets: An Empirical Study of Island and Nasdaq.
Management Science, vol. 56 (n° 12).
pp. 2237-2250.
Biais, Bruno, Rochet, Jean-Charles
and Woolley, Paul
Innovations, Rents and Risk.
TSE Working Paper, n. 10-200
Biais, Bruno, Mariotti, Thomas
, Rochet, Jean-Charles
and Villeneuve, Stéphane
Large Risks, Limited Liability, and Dynamic Moral Hazard.
Econometrica, vol. 78 (n° 1).
pp. 73-118.
Biais, Bruno, Bossaerts, Peter
and Spatt, Chester
Equilibrium Asset Pricing And Portfolio Choice Under Asymmetric Information.
Review of Financial Studies, 23 (4).
pp. 1503-1543.
Biais, Bruno, Heider, Florian
and Hoerova, Marie
Clearing, counterparty risk and aggregate risk.
IMF Economic Review (n°60).
pp. 193-222.
Biais, Bruno and Landier, Augustin
Endogenous agency problems and the dynamics of rents.
TSE Working Paper, n. 13-423, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno, Martimort, David
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Corrigendum to "Competing mechanisms in a common value environment".
Econometrica, 81 (1).
pp. 393-406.
Biais, Bruno, Mariotti, Thomas
and Rochet, Jean-Charles
Dynamic Financial Contracting.
In: Advances in Economics and Econometrics, Tenth World Congress: Volume 1
Cambridge University Press.
pp. 125-171.
ISBN 978-1-107-01604-0
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
and Pouget, Sébastien
Equilibrium Discovery and Preopening Mechanisms in an Experimental Market.
Management Science, 60 (3).
Biais, Bruno, Hombert, Johan
and Weill, Pierre-Olivier
Equilibrium Pricing and Trading Volume under Preference Uncertainty.
Review of Economic Studies, vol.81 (n°4).
pp. 1401-1437.
Biais, Bruno, Foucault, Thierry
and Moinas, Sophie
Equilibrium Fast Trading.
Journal of Financial Economics, 116 (2).
pp. 292-313.
Biais, Bruno, Rochet, Jean-Charles
and Woolley, Paul
The dynamics of innovation and risk.
Review of Financial Studies, 28 (5).
pp. 1353-1380.
Biais, Bruno, Heider, Florian
and Hoerova, Marie
Risk-sharing or risk-taking? Counterparty-risk, incentives and margins.
Journal of Finance, 71 (4).
pp. 1669-1698.
Biais, Bruno, Heider, Florian
and Hoerova, Marie
Optimal margins and equilibrium prices.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-819, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno, Declerck, Fany
and Moinas, Sophie
Who supplies liquidity, how and when?
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-818, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno, Mariotti, Thomas
, Moinas, Sophie
and Pouget, Sébastien
Asset Pricing and Risk Sharing in Complete Markets: An Experimental Investigation.
TSE Working Paper, n. 17-798, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno and Green, Richard
The Microstructure of the Bond Market in the 20th Century.
TSE Working Paper, n. 18-960, Toulouse
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
, Bouvard, Matthieu
and Casamatta, Catherine
The blockchain folk theorem.
The Review of Financial Studies, vol. 32 (n° 5).
pp. 1662-1715.
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
, Bouvard, Matthieu
and Casamatta, Catherine
Blockchains, Coordination, and Forks.
In: AEA Papers and Proceedings: Vol.109
American Economic Association.
Nashville pp. 88-92.
Biais, Bruno, Heider, Florian
and Hoerova, Marie
Variation margins, fire-sales and information-constrained optimality.
Review of Economic Studies, vol. 88 (n° 6).
pp. 2654-2686.
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
, Bouvard, Matthieu
and Casamatta, Catherine
Strategic interactions in blockchain protocols: a survey of game-theoretic approaches.
In: Principles of blockchain systems
Fernández Anta, Antonio
, Georgiou, Chryssis
, Herlihy, Maurice
and Potop-Butucaru, Maria
Morgan & Claypool Publishers.
Series “Synthesis Lectures on Computer Science.”
San Rafael, California pp. 155-174.
ISBN 9781636391700
Biais, Bruno, Bisière, Christophe
, Bouvard, Matthieu
, Casamatta, Catherine
and Menkveld, Albert J.
Equilibrium bitcoin pricing.
Journal of Finance, vol. 78 (n° 2).
pp. 967-1014.
Rochet, Jean-Charles and Biais, Bruno
Taxing Financial Transactions : A Mirrleesian Approach.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1413, Toulouse
Villeneuve, Stéphane, Biais, Bruno
, Gersbach, Hans
, Rochet, Jean-Charles
and von Thadden, Ernst-Ludwig
Dynamic contracting with many agents.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1511, Toulouse