Boyer, Marcel (2021) Beyond ESG : reforming capitalism and social democracy. Annals of Corporate Governance, vol.6 (n°2–3). pp. 90-226.

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Identification Number : 10.1561/109.00000033


Several voices are rising to demand an in-depth reform of capitalism in the wake of the increase in income and wealth inequalities of the last four decades, the climate urgency in a local global world, and the financial crisis of 2007–2010. At the forefront of this movement are different groups aiming at redefining the role of businesses around socially responsible stakeholders’ governance. There is a real danger that governments will be put under pressure from misinformed constituencies and will want to play Goethe’s sorcerer’s apprentice: too often, good intentions are but a paved road to hell. In this document, I analyze various reform projects, I discuss the concepts of ethics and equity (environment, water, life, remuneration, inequalities, ESG) and I propose projects for in-depth reforms of capitalism and social democracy.

Item Type: Article
Language: English
Date: November 2021
Refereed: Yes
Place of Publication: Boston
Uncontrolled Keywords: collective intelligence, competition, capitalism, social democracy, value, ESG, ethics, equity, environment, water, fair and equitable remuneration, trust
Divisions: TSE-R (Toulouse)
Site: UT1
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2021 12:54
Last Modified: 21 Feb 2025 10:48
OAI Identifier:
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