Crémer, Jacques
A Quantity-Quantity Algorithm for Planning Under Increasing Returns to Scale.
Econometrica, 45 (6).
pp. 1339-1348.
Green, Jerry and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
On the Revelation of Preference for Public Goods.
Journal of Public Economics, 8 (1).
pp. 79-93.
Garcia, René and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Disequilibrium Econometrics for Business Loans.
Econometrica, 45 (5).
pp. 1187-1204.
Green, Jerry and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Characterization of Satisfactory Mechanisms for the Revelation of Preferences for Public Goods.
Econometrica, 45 (2).
pp. 427-438.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques
More on Prices vs.Quantities.
Review of Economic Studies, 44 (1).
pp. 177-182.
Green, Jerry and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Imperfect Personal Information and the Demand-Revealing Process: A Sampling Approach.
Public Choice, 2.
pp. 79-94.
Sabiani, François
L'habilitation des personnes privées à gérer un service public.
Actualité juridique. Droit administratif (AJDA).
p. 4.
Lavialle, Christian
La compensation en droit fiscal.
Revue de science financière.
pp. 993-1037.
Laffont, Jean-Jacques
A Note on the Cramer-Rao Bound in Non Linear Systems.
Annals of Social and Economic Measurement, 6 (4).
pp. 445-451.
Green, Jerry and Laffont, Jean-Jacques
Révélation des Préférences pour les Biens Publics : Caractérisation des Mécanismes Satisfaisants.
Cahiers du Séminaire d'Économétrie (n° 19).
pp. 83-103.
Cabanis, André
Un idéologue bonapartiste : Roederer.
Revue de l'Institut Napoléon (133).
pp. 3-19.