Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel
Pumping Water to Compete in Electricity Markets.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 507
Millock, Katrin and Nauges, Céline
Household Adoption of Water-Efficient Equipment: The Role of Socio-Economic Factors, Environmental Attitudes and Policy.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-057
Ambec, Stefan, Dinar, Ariel
and McKinney, Daene
Fixed Water Sharing Agreements Sustainable to Drought.
LERNA Working Paper, n. 11.19.353
Bobtcheff, Catherine
Optimal Dynamic Management of a Renewable Energy Source under Uncertainty.
Annales d'Économie et de Statistique, vol. 103.
pp. 143-174.
Féres, José and Reynaud, Arnaud
Assessing the Impact of Formal and Informal Regulations on Environmental and Economic Performance of Brazilian Manufacturing Firms.
Environmental and Resource Economics, 52 (1).
pp. 65-85.
Van Den Berg, Caroline and Nauges, Céline
The willingness to pay for access to piped water: A hedonic analysis of house prices in Southwest Sri Lanka.
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 5 (3).
pp. 151-166.
Diakité, Daouda and Thomas, Alban
Structure des coûts d’alimentation en eau potable : une analyse sur un panel d’unités de production ivoiriennes.
Recherches Économiques de Louvain, 79 (1).
pp. 83-114.
Genius, Margarita, Koundouri, Phoebe, Nauges, Céline
and Tzouvelekas, Vangelis
Information transmission in irrigation technology adoption and diffusion: social learning, extension services and spatial effects.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96 (1).
pp. 328-344.
Martinez-Espineira, Roberto, García-Valiñas, Maria A. and Nauges, Céline
Households’ pro-environmental habits and investments in water and energy consumption: Determinants and relationships.
Journal of Environmental Management, 133.
pp. 174-183.
Mattoussi, Wided and Seabright, Paul
Cooperation Against Theft: A Test of Incentives for Water Management in Tunisia.
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96 (1).
pp. 124-153.
Adandedji, Firmin M., Afouda, Abel, Agbossou, Euloge Kossi, Carmona Moreno, Cesar, Mama, Daouda, Markantonis, Vasileios, N’Tcha M’Po, Yèkambèssoun, Reynaud, Arnaud
and Sambienou, Gédéon Wèré
Combining Expert and Stakeholder Knowledge to Define Water Management Priorities in the Mékrou River Basin.
Water, 7 (12).
pp. 7078-7094.
García-Valiñas, Maria A., Gonzales, Francisco, Suarez, Javier and Zaporozhets, Vera
Private Sector Involvement in Water Services: Theoretical Foundations and Empirical Evidence.
TSE Working Paper, n. 15-590, Toulouse
Habets, Florence, Mérot, Philippe
, Itier, Bernard and Thomas, Alban
Anticiper une diminution de la ressource en eau : Numéro spécial « L’adaptation au changement climatique ».
Pour La Science.
pp. 26-29.
Zuo, Alec, Nauges, Céline and Wheeler, Sarah Ann
Farmers’ exposure to risk and their temporary water trading.
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 42 (1).
pp. 1-24.
Aloe, Alberto, Bidoglio, Giovanni, Bouraoui, Fayçal
, Egoh, Benis N.
, Grizzetti, Bruna
, Karabulut, Armağan, Lanzanova, Denis
, Maes, Joachim, Mubareka, Sarah, Pagliero, Liliana, Reynaud, Arnaud
and Vandecasteele, Ine
Mapping water provisioning services to support the ecosystem–water–food–energy nexus in the Danube river basin.
Ecosystem Services.
(In Press)
Nguyen, Manh-Hung and Reynaud, Arnaud
Valuing Flood Risk Reductions.
Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 21 (5).
pp. 603-617.
Badiger, Shrinivas, Bergez, Jacques Eric, Leenhardt, Delphine
, Robert, Marion
, Ruiz, Laurent, Sekhar, Muddu, Thomas, Alban
and Willaume, M.
Farm Typology in the Berambadi Watershed (India): Farming Systems Are Determined by Farm Size and Access to Groundwater.
Water, 9 (51).
pp. 1-21.
Lanzanova, Denis and Reynaud, Arnaud
A global meta-analysis of the value of ecosystem services provided by lakes.
Ecological Economics, 137.
pp. 184-194.
Chabé-Ferret, Sylvain, Reynaud, Arnaud
and Tène, Eva
Water Quality, Policy Diffusion Effects and Farmers’ Behavior.
TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1229, Toulouse, France
Crampes, Claude and Moreaux, Michel
Valeur de l'eau et de l'électricité des barrages-réservoirs.Une version cyclique de la règle de Hotelling.
Revue Économique, vol. 72 (n° 3).
pp. 377-420.
Salanié, François and Zaporozhets, Vera
Water allocation, crop choice, and priority services.
Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 24 (n° 1).
pp. 140-158.
Ouvrard, Benjamin, Preget, Raphaële
, Reynaud, Arnaud
and Tuffery, Laetitia
Nudging and subsidising farmers to foster smart water meter adoption.
European Review of Agricultural Economics, vol. 50 (n° 3).
pp. 1178-1226.
Chabé-Ferret, Sylvain, Le Coënt, Philippe
, Lefebvre, Caroline, Preget, Raphaële
, Salanié, François
, Subervie, Julie
and Thoyer, Sophie
When Nudges Backfire: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment to Boost Biological Pest Control.
TSE Working Paper, n. 24-1512, Toulouse