- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (13)
- I - Health, Education, and Welfare (13)
- I1 - Health (13)
- I10 - General (13)
- I1 - Health (13)
- I - Health, Education, and Welfare (13)
Andersson, Henrik, Hammitt, James K.
and Sundström, Kristian
Willingness to pay and QALYs: What can we learn about valuing foodborne risk?
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 66 (3).
pp. 727-752.
Andersson, Henrik and Svensson, Mikael
Scale Sensitivity and Question Order in the Contingent Valuation Method.
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 57 (11).
pp. 1746-1761.
Bleichrodt, Han, Crainich, David, Eeckhoudt, Louis
and Treich, Nicolas
Risk aversion and the value of diagnostic tests.
Theory and Decision, vol. 89.
pp. 137-149.
De Donder, Philippe, Achou, Bertrand
, Glenzer, Franca and Lee, Minjoon
Nursing home aversion post-pandemic : Implications for savings and long-term care policy.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 201.
pp. 1-21.
Goenka, Aditya, Liu, Lin and Nguyen, Manh-Hung
Modelling optimal lockdowns with waning immunity.
Economic Theory.
Hammitt, James K.
Valuing mortality risk in the time of COVID-19.
Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, vol.61.
pp. 129-154.
Mahieu, P. A, Andersson, Henrik, Beaumais, Olivier
, Crastes dit Sourd, R., Hess, S.
and Wolff, F.C.
Stated preferences: a unique database composed of 1,657 recent published articles in journals related to agriculture, environment or health.
Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, 98 (3).
pp. 201-220.
Nguyen, Cuong-Viet, Nguyen, Manh-Hung and Nguyen, Toan
The impact of cold waves and heat waves on mortality: evidence from a lower middle-income country.
Health Economics, vol. 32 (n° 6).
pp. 1220-1243.
Rheinberger, Christoph M., Herrera Araujo, Daniel Andres
and Hammitt, James K.
The value of disease prevention vs treatment.
Journal of Health Economics, 50.
pp. 247-255.
Djemaï, Elodie
How do Roads Spread AIDS in Africa? A Critique of the Received Policy Wisdom.
TSE Working Paper, n. 09-120
Dubois, Pierre and Gokkoca, Gokce
Antibiotic Demand in the Presence of Antimicrobial Resistance.
TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1457, Toulouse
Dubois, Pierre and Majewska, Gosia
Mergers and advertising in the pharmaceutical industry.
TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1380, Toulouse
Dubois, Pierre and Tunçel, Tuba
Identifying the effects of scientific information and recommendations on physicians’ prescribing behavior.
TSE Working Paper, n. 20-1114, Toulouse.