- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (5)
- G - Financial Economics (5)
- G3 - Corporate Finance and Governance (5)
- G30 - General (5)
- G3 - Corporate Finance and Governance (5)
- G - Financial Economics (5)
Dang, Rey, Simioni, Michel, Hikkerova, Lubica and Sahut, Jean-Michel (2022) How do women on corporate boards shape corporate social performance? Evidence drawn from semiparametric regression. Annals of Operations Research.
Décamps, Jean-Paul and Villeneuve, Stéphane (2019) A two-dimensional control problem arising from dynamic contracting theory. Finance and Stochastics, vol. 23 (n° 1). pp. 1-28.
Gollier, Christian (2020) Les entreprises et la finance face à leurs responsabilités climatiques. Revue d'économie financière, vol. 138. pp. 91-104.
Bianchi, Milo and Luomaranta, Henri (2021) Agency costs in small firms. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1252, Toulouse
Rossetto, Silvia, Selmane, Nassima and Stagliano, Raffaele (2022) Ownership concentration and firm risk: the moderating role of mid-sized blockholders. TSE Working Paper, n. 22-1346, Toulouse