- Journal of Economic Literature Classification (4)
- A - General Economics and Teaching (4)
- A1 - General Economics (4)
- A12 - Relation of Economics to Other Disciplines (4)
- A1 - General Economics (4)
- A - General Economics and Teaching (4)
Dessi, Roberta and Monin, Benoît
Noblesse Oblige? Moral Identity and Prosocial Behavior in the Face of Selfishness.
TSE Working Paper, n. 12-347
Becher, Michael and Stegmueller, Daniel
Cognitive Ability, Union Membership, and Voter Turnout.
IAST working paper, n. 19-97
Alger, Ingela, Weibull, Jörgen W.
and Lehmann, Laurent
Evolution of preferences in structured populations: Genes, guns, and culture.
Journal of Economic Theory, 185 (104951).
Grosclaude, Laurent
L’associé en conflit d’intérêts dans les sociétés de professions libérales réglementées – À propos des arrêts AniCura et IVC Evidensia (CE 10 juillet 2023 n°s 442911 et 452448).
Revue de jurisprudence commerciale (n°6).
pp. 24-25.