Cugueró-Escofet, Natàlia and Fortin, Marion
How Should We Distribute Rewards in Social Sustainable Organizations? Investigating Individual Preferences for Justice Allocation Norms.
Sustainability (n° 14).
Détang-Dessendre, Cécile, Guyomard, Hervé
, Réquillart, Vincent
and Soler, Louis-Georges
Changing agricultural systems and food diets to prevent and mitigate global health shocks.
Sustainability, vol. 12 (n° 16).
Froger, Géraldine, Boisvert, Valérie
, Méral, Philippe
, Le Coq, Jean-François
, Caron, Armelle and Aznar, Olivier
Market-Based Instruments for Ecosystem Services between
Discourse and Reality: An Economic and Narrative Analysis.
Sustainability (n°7).
pp. 11595-11611.