Garfield, Zachary, Syme, Kristen and Hagen, Edward H.
Universal and variable leadership dimensions across human societies.
Evolution and Human Behavior, vol.41 (n°5).
pp. 397-414.
Garfield, Zachary, Schacht, Ryan, Post, Emily, Ingram, Dominique, Uehling, Andrea and Macfarlan, Shane
The content and structure of reputation domains across human societies: a view from the evolutionary social sciences.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 376 (n° 1838).
Garfield, Zachary
Correlates of conflict resolution across cultures.
Evolutionary Human Sciences, vol. 3 (n°e45).
pp. 1-16.
Singh, Manvir and Garfield, Zachary
Evidence for third-party mediation but not punishment in Mentawai justice.
Nature Human Behaviour, vol. 6 (N° 571).
pp. 930-940.
Gopalan, Shyamalika, Berl, Richard, Myrick, Justin, Garfield, Zachary, Reynolds, Austin, Bafens, Barnabas, Belbin, Gillian, Mastoras, Mira, Williams, Cole, Daya, Michelle, Negash, Akmel, Feldman, Marcus, Hewlett, Barry
and Henn, Brenna
Hunter-gatherer genomes reveal diverse demographic trajectories during the rise of farming in Eastern Africa.
Current Biology, vol. 32 (n° 8).
pp. 1852-1860.
Lightner, Aaron D., Garfield, Zachary and Hagen, Edward H.
Religion: the WEIRDest concept in the world?
Religion, Brain & Behavior, vol. 12 (N° 3).
pp. 290-298.