Albertus, Michael and Gay, Victor (2019) No better time than now: Future Uncertainty and Private Investment Under Dictatorship. Economics & Politics, vol. 31 (n° 1). pp. 71-96.
Gay, Victor (2021) Mapping the third republic : a geographic information system of France (1870–1940). Historical Methods, vol. 54 (n° 4). pp. 189-207.
Gay, Victor (2021) The legacy of the missing men: the long-run impact of World War I on female labor force participation. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1173, toulouse
Boehnke, Jörn and Gay, Victor (2022) The Missing Men: World War I and Female Labor Force Participation. Journal of Human Resources, vol. 57 (n° 4). pp. 1209-1241.
Gay, Victor and Grosjean, Pauline (2023) Morts Pour la France: A database of French fatalities of the great war. Explorations in Economic History, vol.90.
Gay, Victor (2023) The Intergenerational Transmission of World War I on Female Labour. The Economic Journal, vol. 133 (n°654). pp. 2303-2333.
Le Bris, David and Gay, Victor (2023) Distance to innovations, kinship intensity, and psychological traits. Plos One, vol. 18 (n° 1).
Gay, Victor, Gobbi, Paula and Goni, Marc (2024) The atlas of local jurisdictions of Ancien Régime France. Journal of Historical Geography, Vol.84. pp. 49-60.