Cloarec, Julien
The Personalization-Privacy Paradox in the Attention Economy.
École Doctorale Sciences de Gestion TSM (Toulouse).
Meyer-Waarden, Lars, Cloarec, Julien
, Adams, Carolin
, Nilusha Aliman, Dorothea
and Wirth, Virginie
Home, sweet home : How well-being shapes the adoption of artificial intelligence-powered apartments in smart cities.
Systèmes d'Information et Management, vol. 26 (n° 4).
pp. 55-88.
Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
and Munzel, Andreas
The personalization–privacy paradox at the nexus of social exchange and construal level theories.
Psychology & Marketing, vol. 39 (n° 3).
pp. 647-661.
Meyer-Waarden, Lars and Cloarec, Julien
Baby, you can drive my car : psychological antecedents that drive consumers’ adoption of AI-powered autonomous vehicles.
Technovation, N° 109 (N° 102348).
Aubert-Hassouni, Christelle, Perez, Fabienne and Renou, Sandra
Un programme doctoral hors-les-murs : le cas du CEFAG.
In : L'expérience de la thèse en management : regards croisés de jeunes docteurs.
Gaillard, Hugo
, Cloarec, Julien
, Sen, Juliette and Grandazzi, Albane
Editions EMS.
Series “Collection Gestion en liberté”
Chapter 12.
Caen pp. 237-260.
ISBN 978-2-37687-488-1
Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
, Timmler, Katharina, Thiele, Sarah, Weiss, Matthias
and Wiese, Madeleine
Unlocking minds: Psychological roadblocks to the adoption of AI-powered brain–machine interfaces.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (English Edition).
Gordillo Chávez, D., Cloarec, Julien and Meyer-Waarden, Lars
Opening the moral machine’s cover: How algorithmic aversion shapes autonomous vehicle adoption.
Transportation Research - Part A: Policy and Practice, vol.187.
Cloarec, Julien, Meyer-Waarden, Lars
and Munzel, Andreas
Transformative privacy calculus: Conceptualizing the personalization-privacy paradox on social media.
Psychology & Marketing, vol.41 (n°7).
pp. 1574-1596.