Chen, Daniel L. and Philippe, Arnaud (2023) Clash of norms judicial leniency on defendant birthdays. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, vol. 211. pp. 324-344.
Ouss, Aurélie and Philippe, Arnaud (2018) No Hatred or Malice, Fear or Affection": Media and Sentencing. Journal of Political Economy, 126 (5). pp. 2134-2178.
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Philippe, Arnaud (2017) Incarcerate one to calm the others? Spillover effects of incarceration among criminal groups: Job Market Paper. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-840, Toulouse
Philippe, Arnaud (2017) Does introducing lay people in criminal courts affect judicial decisions?: Evidence from French reform. International Review of Law and Economics, 52. pp. 1-15.
Philippe, Arnaud (2017) Gender disparities in criminal justice. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-762, Toulouse
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Philippe, Arnaud (2015) How far do criminal understand the criminal law? Evidence from French mandatory sentencing. TSE Working Paper, n. 17-864, Toulouse