Aragon, Yves, Haziza, David
and Ruiz-Gazen, Anne
Les simulations dans l’enseignement des sondages, avec le logiciel Genesis sous SAS et la bibliothèque Sondages sous R.
revue MODULAD (32).
pp. 86-91.
Beaumont, Jean-François, Haziza, David and Ruiz-Gazen, Anne
A unified approach to robust estimation in finite population sampling.
Biometrika, 100 (3).
pp. 555-569.
Boistard, Hélène, Chauvet, Guillaume
and Haziza, David
Doubly Robust Inference for the Distribution Function in the Presence of Missing Survey Data.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43 (3).
pp. 683-699.
Favre-Martinoz, Cyril, Ruiz-Gazen, Anne
, Beaumont, Jean-François and Haziza, David
Robustness in survey sampling using the conditional bias approach with R implementation.
In: Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics
Vichi, Maurizio (ed.)
Studies in Theoretical and Applied Statistics.
pp. 3-13.
ISBN 978-3-319-73905-2