Belzil, Christian and Poinas, François (2010) Education and Early Career Outcomes of Second-Generation Immigrants in France. Labour Economics, 17 (1). pp. 101-110.
Belzil, Christian and Poinas, François (2018) Estimating a Model of Qualitative and Quantitative Education Choices in France. TSE Working Paper, n. 18-908, Toulouse
Belzil, Christian, Bognanno, Michael and Poinas, François (2018) Promotion Determinants in Corporate Hierarchies: An Examination of Fast Tracks and Functional Area. Research in Labor Economics, vol. 46. pp. 73-106.
Belzil, Christian, Pernaudet, Julie and Poinas, François (2021) Estimating Coherency between Survey Data and Incentivized Experimental Data. TSE Working Paper, n. 21-1234, Toulouse, France