Farhi, Emmanuel, Lerner, Josh
and Tirole, Jean
Certifying New Technologies.
Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 3 (n° 2-3).
pp. 734-744.
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean
Competing Liquidities: Corporate Securities Real Bonds and Bubbles.
IDEI Working Paper, n. 506
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean
Leverage and the Central Banker's Put.
American Economic Review, 99 (2).
pp. 589-593.
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean
Collective Moral Hazard, Maturity Mismatch and Systemic Bailouts.
American Economic Review (AER), 102.
pp. 60-93.
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean
Bubbly Liquidity.
Review of Economic Studies, 79 (2).
pp. 678-706.
Farhi, Emmanuel, Lerner, Josh
and Tirole, Jean
Fear of Rejection? Tiered Certification and Transparency.
RAND Journal of Economics, 44 (4).
pp. 610-631.
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean
Liquid Bundles.
Journal of Economic Theory, vol. 158.
pp. 634-655.
Tirole, Jean and Farhi, Emmanuel
Deadly embrace: sovereign and financial balance sheets doom loops.
Review of Economic Studies, vol. 85 (n° 3).
pp. 1781-1823.
Farhi, Emmanuel and Tirole, Jean
Shadow banking and the four pillars of traditional financial intermediation.
The Review Of Economic Studies, vol. 88 (n° 6).
pp. 2622-2653.