Conference or Workshop Item
Desprat, Caroline, Jessel, Jean-Pierre
and Luga, Hervé
3DEvent: a framework using event-sourcing approach for 3D web-based collaborative design in P2P.
In: 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology (Web3D 2016).
Desprat, Caroline, Jessel, Jean-Pierre
and Luga, Hervé
A 3D collaborative editor using WebGL and WebRTC.
In: 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (Web3D 2015).
Desprat, Caroline, Luga, Hervé
and Jessel, Jean-Pierre
Hybrid client-server and P2P network for web-based collaborative 3D design.
In: 23rd International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG 2015).