Crémer, Jacques and Weitzman, Martin L.
OPEC and the Monopoly Price of Oil.
European Economic Review, 8 (2).
pp. 155-164.
Crémer, Jacques and Weitzman, Martin L.
OPEC and the Monopoly Price of Oil.
European Economic Review.
pp. 94-103.
Gollier, Christian and Weitzman, Martin L.
How Should the Distant Future be Discounted When Discount Rates are Uncertain?
Economics Letters, 107 (3).
pp. 350-353.
Arrow, Kenneth J., Cropper, Maureen
, Gollier, Christian
, Groom, Ben, Heal, Geoffrey
, Newell, R., Nordhaus, William D.
, Pindyck, R.
, Pizer, W., Portney, P.
, Sterner, Thomas
, Tol, R. and Weitzman, Martin L.
Determining Benefits and Costs for Future Generations.
Science, 341 (6144).
pp. 349-350.
Arrow, Kenneth J., Cropper, Maureen
, Gollier, Christian
, Groom, Ben, Heal, Geoffrey
, Newell, R., Nordhaus, William D.
, Pindyck, R.
, Pizer, W., Portney, P.
, Sterner, Thomas
, Tol, R. and Weitzman, Martin L.
Should governments use a declining discount rate in project analysis?
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, 8.
pp. 145-163.