Bégout, Pascal
The dual space of a complex Banach space restricted to the field of real numbers.
Advances in mathematical sciences and applications, vol. 31 (n° 2).
pp. 241-252.
Bégout, Pascal and Diaz, Jesus Ildefonso
Finite time extinction for a class of damped Schrödinger equations with a singular saturated nonlinearity.
Journal of Differential Equations, 308.
pp. 252-285.
Miclo, Laurent and Patie, Pierre
On intertwining relations between Ehrenfest, Yule and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes.
Séminaire de Probabilités, 2301 (N ° 51).
pp. 117-141.
Mittelmann, Munyque
Logiques pour la représentation et la conception d'enchères.
École doctorale Mathématiques, Informatique et Télécommunications (Toulouse).