Bégout, Pascal and Schindler, Ian
On a stationary schrödinger equation with periodic magnetic potential.
Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas, Vol. 115 (n° 72).
pp. 1-32.
Castiel, Eyal, Borst, Sem, Miclo, Laurent
, Simatos, Florian
and Whiting, Phil
Induced idleness leads to deterministicheavy traffic limits for queue-basedrandom-access algorithms.
Annals of Applied Probability, vol. 31 (n°2).
pp. 941-971.
Miclo, Laurent and Patie, Pierre
On interweaving relations.
Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 280 (n° 3).
Miclo, Laurent and Villeneuve, Stéphane
On the forward algorithm for stopping problems on continuous-time Markov chains.
Journal of Applied Probability, vol. 58 (n° 4).
pp. 1043-1063.