Canes-Wrone, Brandice, Ponce de Leon, Christian and Thieme, Sebastian (2023) Institutional constraints on the executive, investment, and elections. Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 53 (n° 2). pp. 273-292.
Thieme, Sebastian (2021) A Direct Test of Legislative Gatekeeping. Legislative Studies Quarterly, vol. 46 (n° 4). pp. 855-888.
Thieme, Sebastian (2020) Moderation or Strategy? Political Giving by Corporations and Trade Groups. Journal of Politics, vol.82 (n°3). pp. 1171-1175.
Kates, Sean and Thieme, Sebastian (2024) Fundraising Events and Non-Ideological Donation Motivations. IAST Working Paper, n. 24-159, Toulouse
Thieme, Sebastian (2024) (When) are Lobbying Expenditures a Good Proxy for Lobbying Activity? IAST Working Paper, n. 24-160, Toulouse