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Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2023) Invariance of equilibrium to the strategy method I: theory. Journal of the Economic Science Association.
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2022) Social preferences or sacred values ? Theory and evidence of deontological motivations. Science Advances, vol.8 (n°19).
Chen, Daniel L., Schonger, Martin and Wickens, Chris (2016) oTree - An open-source platform for laboratory, online, and field experiments. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, vol. 9 (n° 1). pp. 88-97.
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2023) A theory of experiments : invariance of equilibrium to the strategy method of elicitation and implications for social preferences. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-724, Toulouse
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2022) Social preferences or sacred values? Theroy and evidence of deontological motivations. IAST Working Paper, n. 16-59, Toulouse
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2016) Testing axiomatizations of ambiguity aversion. TSE Working Paper, n. 16-717
Chen, Daniel L. and Schonger, Martin (2016) Is Ambiguity Aversion a Preference? TSE Working Paper, n. 16-703, Toulouse