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Number of items: 17.


Tirole, Jean and Plantin, Guillaume (2018) Marking to market versus taking to market. American Economic Review (AER), vol. 108 (n° 8). pp. 2246-2276.

Landier, Augustin and Plantin, Guillaume (2017) Taxing the Rich. Review of Economic Studies, 84 (3). pp. 1186-1209.

Makarov, Igor and Plantin, Guillaume (2015) Rewarding Trading Skills without Inducing Gambling. Journal of Finance, vol. 70 (n°3). pp. 952-962.

Makarov, Igor and Plantin, Guillaume (2015) Rewarding Trading Skills Without Inducing Gambling. Journal of Finance, 70 (3). pp. 925-962.

Plantin, Guillaume (2015) Shadow Banking and Bank Capital regulation. The Review of Financial Studies, 28 (n°1). pp. 146-175.

Makarov, Igor and Plantin, Guillaume (2013) Equilibrium Subprime Lending. Journal of Finance, vol.68 (n°3). pp. 849-879.

Plantin, Guillaume (2009) Learning by Holding and Liquidity. Review of Economic Studies, vol. 76 (n° 1). pp. 395-412.

Parlour, Christine and Plantin, Guillaume (2008) Loan Sales and Relationship Banking. Journal of Finance, 63 (3). pp. 1291-1314.

Plantin, Guillaume, Sapra, Haresh and Shin, Huyn (2008) Marking to Market: Panacea or Pandora's Box. Journal of Accounting Research, 46 (2). pp. 435-460.

Biais, Bruno, Mariotti, Thomas, Plantin, Guillaume and Rochet, Jean-Charles (2007) Dynamic Security Design: Convergence to Continuous Time and Asset Pricing Implications. Review of Economic Studies, 74 (2). pp. 345-390.

Plantin, Guillaume (2006) Does Reinsurance Need Reinsurers? Journal of Risk and Insurance, 73 (1). pp. 153-168.

Plantin, Guillaume (1999) Financement optimal de la solvabilité d'un assureur. Bulletin Français d'Actuariat, 3 (6). pp. 1-14.


Plantin, Guillaume and Shin, Huyn (2014) Destabilizing carry trades. TSE Working Paper, n. 14-512, Toulouse

Landier, Augustin and Plantin, Guillaume (2013) Taxing the Rich. TSE Working Paper, n. 13-514

Landier, Augustin and Plantin, Guillaume (2011) Inequality, tax avoidance and financial instability. TSE Working Paper, n. 11-282


Plantin, Guillaume and Rochet, Jean-Charles (2006) When Insurers Go Bust. Princeton University Press

Deelstra, Griselda and Plantin, Guillaume (2006) Théorie du Risque et Réassurance. Economica Paris

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